Word count: 1429
Choice count: 18
Section count: 20
Image count: 20
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Education : 23 matches (PhD, bachelor's degree, choice, class, college, degree, first, knowledge, learn, learned, master's degree, memory, mentor, motivation, options, project, research, students, task, teacher, trainee, university, vacation)
Biology : 21 matches (animal, biochemistry, cancer, Chain, class, clone, control, DNA, drug, extinction, family, focusing, food, generation, genetics, heroin, memory, microscope, milk, motivation, reaction)
Nursing : 19 matches (accident, professional, cells, bacterium, biochemistry, cancer, clone, cocaine, DNA, drug, extinction, genetics, heroin, HR, mentor, microscope, milk, reaction, treat)
Target Structure:
HR (2 matches)
income (1 match)
internship (1 match)
OJT (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
pension (1 match)
perpetrator (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
sexual harassment (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
wage (1 match)
I just finished my bachelor's degree in biochemistry at the University of Montreal, and I was wondering where I should I go.
Choice 1 : Master's degree.
Choice 2 : Work in a lab.
I have done my master's degree, but it wasn't an easy task. It took me three full years instead of two to finish my memory. I had to start over because my first mentor died, so I had to find a new one and then I researched about how to treat cancer. The work that I had to do was overwhelming but at the end I found an interesting bacterium that only eats cancerous cells. Now I had the choice of becoming a biochemistry teacher at Ahuntsic College or continue for a PHD degree.
Choice 1 : PHD degree.
Choice 2 : Teacher in biochemistry.
I had found a job in food quality control at the lab named Pure Food. I applied there because it was where I did my internship, so I was not considered a trainee since I already learned the ropes, however, I still had to do a month of OJT because HR needed to write put these hours in my file. The work was tough and redundant, but it was good income since I did overtime. I had even saved 30% of my wage in pension for my future retirement. I had to leave when I fell victim of sexual harassment the day I was looking at the microscope and got touched when I was focusing. When I went to HR to explain that the perpetrator was my boss, they denied everything so that was when I had to quit. I was left with three options, start my very own lab, to return to the university to do my master's degree or to find try my luck to find a job working as a lab technician at Ahuntsic College.
Choice 1 : Start my very own lab
Choice 2 : Master's degree.
Choice 3 : Working as a lab technician at Ahuntsic College.
When I started doing my PHD, I was prepared and had a lot of time to do my theses, so I could have my own name put in science for all of history. That was my motivation. Unfortunately, I had less time after the day that I met the love of my life. I had something to go on dates with her, impress her and that required a lot of time. I couldn't predict it but by accident, we made a baby, so I even had less time. I was sure of one thing, I couldn't finish my PHD degree if I wanted to be a good father. I had the option to be a good father and find a job at a lab where I knew I would love to work there for the rest of my life. My other option was to leave my family and finish my PHD.
Choice 1 : Be a good father and find a job at a lab.
Choice 2 : Leave my family and finish my PHD.
I was accepted as a teacher at Ahuntsic College as a biochemistry teacher. I had the choice to either be a strict teacher or the cool teacher.
Write a choice here.
I had the choice to start a lab to advance the scientific research or a lab used to help the police find criminals.
Write a choice here.
I became a lab technician at the Ahuntsic College. I loved working there, I gave instructions to the future lab technicians. What I loved the most was the relation that I had with the students since I have done exactly the same study as them I could relate with them. I even made some new friends.
Write a choice here.
After months of searching, I finally found a job that I loved in a lab. It was a lab that was about genetics. What I did there was clone cells to be able to replicate new organs that could replace the ones that were dysfunctional. The thing that I loved the most was the big project to clone a whole mammoth to revive the animal from extinction. I knew that with a project like that, I would never want to leave this job and that was my motivation. I also had a good salary, so I could spend that money to go on vacation with my family.
Choice 1 : The end.
I told my family that I would leave to the grocery store to get some milk, but I never came back. I wanted to return to the university to finish my PHD but the motivation wasn't there anymore. Thanks to my biochemistry knowledge, I knew how create pure heroin or even pure cocaine. I had the choice to start making money by selling one of these drugs.
Choice 1 : Sell cocaine.
Choice 2 : Sell heroin.
I was able to make a shady lab with one of my former colleagues. We had some great time and even made a lot of money. Our drug dealers looked clean so the police didn't get suspicious. We were now at the age of 40, and we were millionaires. I could quit being selling drugs now and live a life without worrying with money all my life or continue making drugs because I loved it.
Choice 1 : Continue selling cocaine.
Choice 2 : Stop and live the rest of my life.
As my lab was undergoing construction, the police found out what was happening I had no choice but to accept the arrest.
Choice 1 : Accept the arrest.
As I continued selling cocaine, the drug dealers were not as professional as before. Before I knew it the police were suspicious and found my lab. They came to arrest me and my friend, I had the option to accept being arrested or fight against them.
Choice 1 : Accept the arrest.
Choice 2 : Fight the police.
I had a lot of money that I decided to buy a manor. I had enough money for all my life. I never worked another day of my life.
Choice 1 : The end.
The police arrested me. I was sentenced for life. I spent the rest of my days in prison and never got to see the light ever again. The end.
Write a choice here.
I had prepared just in case for the police, I had chemical bombs. But just when I was reaching for one of them, one of the policemen saw it and shot me first. Because of the gunfire, it made a chain reaction and caused the whole lab to explode. We all died. The end.
Write a choice here.
I lived happily ever after.
Write a choice here.
I had the budget to start my research lab to learn more about the DNA. I spent all my career trying to find a way to genetically modify human DNA to make us immortals. During my whole career, I was not able to finish my research. I passed my knowledge to the future generation and retired. The end.
Write a choice here.
I started a crime lab using leftover DNA to track drug dealers. I even found the founder of the cocaine lab that we were searching for the past 15 years. I was considered a hero among the police. The end.
Write a choice here.
I loved giving the information to the students, however, I wanted them to follow my way of studying, so I was sometimes annoyed because I had to stop my class to make them behave well. In the end, I loved being a teacher.
Write a choice here.
I was cool with my students as long as they were respecting everyone. I had the best relationship a teacher can have with his students, I could not be happier with my career choice. I never had the feeling of working, it was always fun and different each day. The end.
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