For now, everything is fine

A hypertext narrative by

Bahia Bellahcen

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1585

Choice count: 42

Section count: 21

Image count: 0

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 19 matches (Agreement, client, fact, financial assistance, Financial, fine, guilty, House, living, mission, month, option, paternity leave, price, promise, rent, silence, software, young)

Computer Science : 15 matches (abort, application, call, choice, client, floor, hardware, mapping, News, reader, rendezvous, sleep, software, store, design)

Tourism : 13 matches (Agreement, Breakfast, Client, Fast food restaurant, Food, Restaurant, abort, apartment, course, ex, hardware, option, software)

Target Structure:

HR (1 match)


For now, everything is fine


An 18 years old student was living a perfect life until he had to make few decisions that will change his life. He was studying interior design for two years and he was living in his parents' house. He had one more year left to finish school. He has a girlfriend whom he loves so much. But she kind of exploits him. She lives alone because she doesn't speak to her parents. She pays her own bills, but she doesn't have enough money by the end of the month. The young boy is a very kind gentleman, so he always gives her money when she needs it, but he doesn't have a job because his parents want him to focus on school, so they give him money to eat outside when he has classes. But he doesn't eat so that he can save money for his girlfriend. He has been struggling these few days with stress and headache his girlfriend gave him. So...

Choice 1 : Not listen to his parents and go find a job.

Choice 2 : Leave his girlfriend.

Not listen to his parents and go find a job.

He thought that it would be so much easier for him now that he can depend on himself, but it just made the situation more complicated. He had an agreement with his parents that he didn’t fully respect. Once he entered the house, he told his parents about his new job. They didn’t take it very well, so they yelled at him. He can see their angriness by their red faces. So, he explained himself, but they asked him to leave the house in less than one week.

Choice 1 : Look for a studio.

Choice 2 : Ask his girlfriend if he can live with her.

Leave his girlfriend.

He called his girlfriend and asked her if they could meet as soon as possible. He started stressing and feeling guilty for wanting to leave her when he could’ve just chosen to help her by working. When they finally met at a café near his parents’ house, he told her directly what was in his mind the hole week. He explained the fact that he can’t focus at school anymore and it was bad for his grades. He also told her how much he loves her and how much he wanted to become a good interior designer. And for that to happen, he had to put a lot his time working on software projects and another subjects. But she announced something he wasn’t expecting. She was pregnant for 2 weeks.

Choice 1 : Ask her to abort.

Choice 2 : Leave her anyways but promise her that he’ll be there when she needs him.

Look for a studio.

He had one week to find a good studio for rent next to his school. He had to go to a furniture store and a hardware store. He also had a lot of projects to finish. Do all of this in one week wasn’t going to happen because it was an impossible mission. Ask his uncle to stay in his house for few days till everything is sorted out. Sleep at the school’s gym.

Choice 1 : Ask his uncle to stay in his house for few days till everything is sorted out.

Choice 2 : Sleep at the school’s gym.

Ask his girlfriend if he can live with her.

He thought that living with his girlfriend was going to be the best option for him, but she was not helping him as much as he thought she would. He still can’t focus on school and to be honest he wasn’t happy with his new lifestyle. They have more opportunities to fight and that really pisses him off because instead of sleeping in their bed, he had to go sleep on the sofa. And that wasn’t all that was bothering him. At school, many of the projects must be done in pairs and the tasks must be shared. He had to do the part with the budgets. That consists on calculating the materials and finding the price of every furniture their client must buy. He also needs to do conceptual mapping and brainstorming and that generally takes minimum three hours. It took him two days to finish but he knew that if he had stayed at his parents’ home, he would have done his work in less time. Take a rendezvous with his Personal Academic Advisor. Choice 10 : Make an application for student financial assistance.

Choice 1 : Take a rendezvous with his Personal Academic Advisor.

Choice 2 : Make an application for student financial assistance.

Ask her to abort.

She couldn’t believe what he asked her because he knew that she would never do such thing. She yelled at him and made him tell his parents right away. He asked her if he can at least not tell his parents the news on the phone. She insisted on going with him to announce it too.

Choice 1 : Take her with him.

Choice 2 : Going solo.

Leave her anyways but promise her that he’ll be there when she needs him.

He got his diploma and started working in a firm he always liked. His ex-girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl.

Choice 1 : Get an apartment for his ex-girlfriend and him and the new born.

Choice 2 : Take paternity leave.

Ask his uncle to stay in his house for few days till everything is sorted out.

His uncle was out of town, so his request was easy to accept. He was alone in that big house and his girlfriend asked him if she can stay with him. One day, when he got back from school, and he found her laying in the floor dead. He started freaking out and didn’t know what to do.

Choice 1 : Call the police.

Choice 2 : Leave his uncle’s house and go to his parents’.

Sleep at the school’s gym.

He waited in the bathroom for everyone to leave the school. He took a shower in the changing rooms and putted his clothes and bags in a locker. Then he went to sleep. In the morning, he went to a fast food restaurant and ate breakfast.

Choice 1 : Do it all over again.

Choice 2 : Change the spot.

Take a rendezvous with his Personal Academic Advisor.

His PAA told him that if he wanted to cancel a course, he had to have a doctor’s note with an actual valid reason.

Choice 1 : Go to a clinic.

Choice 2 : Go see a psychologist.

Make an application for student financial assistance.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Take her with him.

When they sat with the parents, the mother wanted to toast to something she was holding for a month. Everyone looked at her and waited to hear what she had to say. The mother and the girl at the same time said: We’re pregnant. The father started laughing and thought that this was a joke they made up. They both said that they were not joking. Suddenly, there was a moment of silence and discomfort.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Going solo.

His parents were shocked. The mother told him that he is making a big mistake that he’ll regret in few years. She also wanted to ask him if he can convince his ex-girlfriend to abort because she was pregnant too.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Get an apartment for his ex-girlfriend and him and the new born.

They found a nice place where they installed the baby furniture.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Take paternity leave.

He asked his boss whom sent him to HR, and they told him that because he’s new, his career is at stake. They told him that he must choose only one option, either his career or his personal life.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Call the police.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Leave his uncle’s house and go to his parents’.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Do it all over again.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Change the spot.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Go to a clinic.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

Go see a psychologist.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : Write a choice here.

The End.