My career.

A hypertext narrative by

Belopolskii Mikhail

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1599

Choice count: 60

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 23 matches (School, academy, choice, college, courses, diagnostic, diploma, don, educational, evaluate, fail, failure, knowledge, learn, management, polytechnic, reader, research, school, student, trainee, training, university)

Nursing : 17 matches (professional, biology, Doctor, hospital, HR, imaging, interventional radiology, medical, ophthalmologist, physician, position, radiography, radiologist, radiology, surgeon, tomography, chemistry)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (attempt, hello, immigration, living, master, misconduct, office, place of, profession, speciality, specialty, state)

Target Structure:

deter (1 match)

dread (1 match)

drudgery (1 match)

HR (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (6 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

OJT (3 matches)

perpetrator (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

vacant position (2 matches)

wage (1 match)

withholding (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


My career.

This is the image of my school

The beginning of my career.

Hello! Now, I am a student at Ahuntsic College and I have been studying the Diagnostic Imaging for 2 years. I begin to go for my fields of studying by the choice of my school. I learn in chemistry-biology lycée during me schooling. After graduating of this school, it is easier to enter a university or an academy.

Choice 1 : I enter the Polytechnic University.

Choice 2 : I enter the Medical Academy.

Choice 3 : I enter the Agricultural Academy.

This is a one of the universities in my tow.

I enter the Medical Academy.

I enter the Medical Academy, and I have many possibilities to become the specialist of the different fields of studying: neurologist, therapist, otorhinolaryngologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, etcetera. But, from the beginning, I should study in an internship where other interns and I learn ins-and-outs of our future profession.

Choice 1 : I go to a cardiology internship.

Choice 2 : I go to a radiology internship.

Choice 3 : I enter a therapy internship.

Choice 4 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

A Polytechnical University in my country.

I enter the Polytechnic University.

I could enter the Polytechnic University and become a trainee on the OJT courses after the ending of theory. It is easier to get a leg work when you are an engineer.

Choice 1 : I go to a building-engineer on-the job training after the finishing of theoretical courses.

Choice 2 : I enter an industrial engineer on-the job training after the finishing of theoretical courses.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

This is the image of the Agricultural Academy.

I enter the Agricultural Academy.

It is very interesting to study subjects related with nature! It gives a pleasure more often than not.

Choice 1 : I become a bee-keeper. I have a good job on my speciality. End.

Choice 2 : I complete a Master in Agronomy. I get a good job as an agronome. End.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."


I finish an internship in Cardiology and I choose my future speciality in Cardiology.

It is an invaluable meaning to make a right choice for our future professional life.

Choice 1 : I could take another OJT to be a specialist in arrhythmology.

Choice 2 : I continue an internship for being a cardiology surgeon.

ECG with a rhythm disturbance.

I passe exams to finish an arrhythmology OJT.

It is always necessary to finish the training successfully to find an excellent job.

Choice 1 : I am a specialist in the arrhythmology, but I can't find good work in my country.

Choice 2 : I am an arrhythmologist and I have the well-paid work in a hospital in my country. End.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

It is the radiogram of a thorax with a pacemaker which serves for restoration of the correct rhythm of heart.

I try to find a job as a specialist in Arrhythmology.

It is a lack of places for this speciality in my country.

Choice 1 : I fail the search of a good vacant position. I change my speciality in Cardiology.

Choice 2 : I go for Volunteering Abroad for taking a place as specialist in Arrhythmology.

In an immigration office.

I immigrate in another country.

For beginning to work in the speciality, I choose to immigrate to Canada or to USA.

Choice 1 : For beginning to work in the speciality, I choose to immigrate to Canada.

Choice 2 : For beginning to work in the specialty, I choose to immigrate to USA.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

Technologist in Diagnostic Imaging in the x-ray computed tomography.

In the USA.

The USA is a good country for living and working !

Choice 1 : I evaluate my diploma and I work as a doctor. End.

Choice 2 : I can't evaluate my diploma and I work as a technologist in Diagnostic Imaging after being graduated from College. End.

Choice 3 : To return to " I immigrate in another country."

Technologist in Diagnostic Imaging ( Conventional Radiology ).

In Canada.

Canada is a good country for living and working !

Choice 1 : I evaluate my diploma, and I try to find a place for my residentura to obtain a permission to work as a doctor.

Choice 2 : I can't evaluate my diploma and I work as a technologist in Diagnostic Imaging after being graduated from College. End.

Choice 3 : To return to " I immigrate in another country."

Radiologists study radiographs.

I become a radiologist.

DRAMATIC SITUATION. This profession is very interesting, and it demands from the specialists the knowledge and the experiment. I would like to share with you one brainstorm dramatic situation that I had during my work as a radiologist. When I worked as the radiologist, we had much of the drudgery. Also, there were many drawbacks because of inconsistency of actions of therapeutic office and radiological department. Once, the patient tried us deter from radiography as he very badly felt because of a serious illness. The situation was maddening. Though the technician finished the patient of take withholding of his refuse and said that the research was worthwhile, the patient did not agree and undermined our work. So, my technologist refused to make the radiogram for him saying that her wage was not big enough. It was dread. Our time management was bad because of his misconduct, and our physician attempted the result. I began to persuade the perpetrator to agree. I finished it, having told that it takes little time and can help him to recover despite weight of a state. Eventually, I was thoroughly exhausted.

Choice 1 : I become a conventional radiologist. I work in a hospital in my country. End.

Choice 2 : I become a specialist in the Interventional Radiology. I work in a hospital in my country. End.

Choice 3 : I become a specialist in the x-ray computed tomography. I work in a hospital in my country. End.

Choice 4 : I can't find job or I can find only a dead-end-job in my country.

A funny nameboard about an unemployed.

I can't find a job as a therapeutist.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I become a radiologist.

Choice 2 : I finish an internship in the cardiology and I choose my future cardiological specialty.

An image of the doctors who study in residentura.

I try to take a place in residentura.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I enter radiological residentura. So, I have a good job of a radiologist after graduating from residentura. End.

Choice 2 : I can't obtain a place of the residentura in Canada and I go to the USA for my career in Radiology.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

One beelding-engineer explains something to a worker in my country.

I try to obtain a good work as a building-engineer in my country.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I take a fantastic work as a building-engineer in my country. End.

Choice 2 : I can't take a work as a building-engineer in my country.

Choice 3 : To return to " At the beginning."

One building-engineer explains something to a worker in ahother country.

I try to get a work as a building-engineer in another country.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I am a candidate for a vacant position on a work as a building-engineer in another country.

Choice 2 : There are no good vacant positions in another country. I return in my country for changing my technical specialty.

Choice 3 : To return to " At the beginning."

An interview for searching a work in an HR.

The interview for getting the position of a building-engineer.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I pass this interview successfully in an HR and I work abroad. End.

Choice 2 : I fail this interview.

An failed interview for searching a work in an HR.

After failure of my interview for a building-engineer.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I return to my country to start a new educational programme. End.

Choice 2 : I try to make a request to live and work abroad.

An immigration poster.

The result of my request for an immigration.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : My candidature is approved and I stay live and work in foreign country. End.

Choice 2 : I enter the Polytechnic University for changing my technical specialty in my country.

Choice 3 : To return to " At the beginning."

This is an industrial-engineer at work.

I try to get a job like an industrial-engineer.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I get a well-paid job as an industrial-engineer in my country. End.

Choice 2 : I attempt to get an entry permit for working as an industrial-engineer in Canada.

Choice 3 : To return to " At the beginning."

cardiology surgeon

I try to find the work as a cardiology surgeon.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I found a good work of the cardiology surgeon. End.

Choice 2 : I don't get a good job as a cardiology surgeon and I want to search it abroad.

Choice 3 : To return to " The beginning of my career."

An immigration poster about a work immigration in Canada.

I attempt to get an entry permit for working as an industrial-engineer in Canada.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I get a permit for working as an industrial engineer in another country. End.

Choice 2 : I don't have a permit for working as an industrial engineer in another country. I return in my country.

Choice 3 : To return to " At the beginning."

The End.