Good or bad choices?

A hypertext narrative by

Gabriela Cruz

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1143

Choice count: 28

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 18 matches (Education, School, advanced, choice, class, classes, don, exam, failed, failing, grades, management, reader, school, semester, social, teacher, university)

Tourism : 14 matches (Beach, Concert, Party, Program, Road trip, beach, bit, media, one class, pass, program, stop, trip, watch)

Psychology : 11 matches (bit, class, family, harassment, interview, knowing that, need, risk, sexual harassment, stress, trip)

Target Structure:

abolish (1 match)

internship (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

put aside (5 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

time management (1 match)

withholding (1 match)


Good or bad choices?

don't know what to do

What do I do.

It's the end of the semester, you got a lot of exams coming you always got straight A's so you got accepted in HEC University to study Special Education. Your friends' wants to have a party for the end of the semester but you don't know what to do?????

Choice 1 : You decided to go to the party knowing that you could risk your semester.

Choice 2 : You choose to stay home studying.


You choose to stay home studying.

You made a good choice because it is important for you to pass your classes. Instead of partying you want to finish your semester with good grades ans then in the summer you will go to parties. But you don't want to study all night long so you think if you should invite your cousins at your home to watch Television or all you do is study.

Choice 1 : invite your cousins

Choice 2 : Keep studying all night long.


You decided to go to the party knowing that you could risk your semester.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : What do I do.


Invite your cousins.

Failed.You have responsibilities so you should study for your finals' exams to have a good summer.

Choice 1 : What do I do.

keep studying

Keep studying all night long.

You decided to study. You did all of your exams and you passed all of your classes which your friends that went to the party didn't pass they class.Then, you started searching for a job for the summer and 2 companies called you which it was McDonald's and a pet store for a job interview.

Choice 1 : You choose McDonald's.

Choice 2 : You choose the pet store.


You choose McDonald's.

You are intelligent because working at McDonald's is better than any job because you work while having stress, you work with clients so basically you get a good OJT for the future is a good job for summer.But you don't know if you should work full time or part-time.

Choice 1 : Full time.

Choice 2 : Part-time.

pet store

You choose the pet store.

Failed. You should choose something that will help you in the future. If, you want to be a veterinarian you should choose the pet store but if you don't want to it's better McDonald's.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.


Full time.

Failed. You should take a break too not just work all summer or else you won't have fun.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.



This is a good choice because you will be able to work, have time with your family and friends and you could also do some overtime to get a bit more money. But there is something you are not sure about 1 person at McDonald's you feel weird when that person is right next to you. This guy makes inappropriate remarks about you all the time and do physical advances. You don't know if you should say it to your boss or not.

Choice 1 : Tell your boss what's happening.

Choice 2 : Don't say anything.


Tell your boss what's happening.

It is the best thing you should do because is sexual harassment what the guy is doing to you. Your boss tells you that he will do something about it so you don't have to worry about he will abolish everything that's happening.Then, summer is done and you will start at university the program you always wanted to do which is Special education.You will have to do good time management because you will be busy.But you don't know if you should put aside all your social media or not.

Choice 1 : Put aside your social media.

Choice 2 : Don't put aside.


Don't say anything.

Failed. This is the last thing you should do because you could risk yourself from something bad happening later.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.


Put aside your social media.

This is the right choice because you will be able to concentrate more in class. You will also be part of an internship so you really need time for school and nothing else. So, you also need to choose if you should stay at McDonald's or leave.

Choice 1 : Stay at McDonald's.

Choice 2 : Leave McDonald's.


Don't put aside.

Failed.You are withholding to do it because you can't live without it and it's not good because you need concentration in class and in home. That's why you need to volunteer when the teacher will ask question in class to pass your class.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.


Stay at McDonald's.

Failed. Working at McDonald's won't give you a certificate for the future which is the wrong choice.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.


Leave McDonald's.

Good answer. The McDonald's will understand your choice thoroughly. Because the most important thing in your life are your studies not McDonald's.A long time past by and you are failing just one class and you don't know if you should do it in the summer or not.

Choice 1 : Do the class missing in the summer.

Choice 2 : Don't do it.


Do the class missing in the summer.

You took the right choice. You will be advanced in your program so will finish at the right time.But, you see that your friends are going to pool parties, to the beach, to concert so you don't know if you should continue your summer class.

Choice 1 : Finish your class.

Choice 2 : Stop going to the class.


Don't do it.

Failed. If, you don't want to do it it's your choice. But school is more important than everything so you should it to advance in your program.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.


Finish your class.

That's right. Later in future you'll be happy that it wasn't a lost of time and you will finally work on something you always wanted to work which is special education. But there's one last thing there's a road trip the same day you have your final summer exam.

Choice 1 : Do your exam.

Choice 2 : Don't go to the exam.


Stop going to the class.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


Do your exam.

Good choice. You finished your summer class and you passed. Now you just have to keep working, and always try to do the best choices because everything you do has consequences so do the best you can. The End.

Write a choice here.


Don't go to the exam.

Failed.This is not the right choice.Try to make good decisions.

Write a choice here.

The End.