The Gem of the Desert.

A hypertext narrative by

Dartanian St-Gelais

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2774

Choice count: 32

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 51 matches (access, accident, act, action, archipelago, arrest, arrested, attempt, blood, case, community, corruption, court, crime, death, demise, discovery, executed, execution, fact, family, force, golden, guilty, House, human rights, International, judge, law, legitimacy, living, Local, minutes, misconduct, mortgage, notice, office, pension, power, premium, price, process, public, silence, society, sovereign, threat, transform, weapon, wreck, young)

Computer Science : 36 matches (artifact, body, bridge, call, card, cellular, check, choice, Class, depth, directive, exit, field, floor, integrity, Literal, local, memory, name, News, object, odds, open, Operator, pass, population, Process, restore, search, share, STAR, superior, symbol, task, threat, window)

Dance : 33 matches (Action, Back, Behind, break, Bridge, bridge, Check, Complete, Cut, Dig, dig, Edge, erotic, Explode, Face, Facing, Figure, Follow, Hold, International, Lead, Mirror, movement, Number, Out, Rise, Run, Shake, show, Through, Time, Walk, Wall)

Target Structure:

drudgery (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

invaluable (2 matches)

lack of (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (2 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (2 matches)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


The Gem of the Desert.

The site

The great discovery.

Archaeology, now a domain of yours. You studied thoroughly for years to pull off straight'A's in most of your class. With this maddening task accomplished, you made it through your dream when working abroad in Egypt, but never expected to be the one to find it. The invaluable Gem of the Desert, also known as "Razabara Ikberna", is what you dug this very morning as midday approached. This item was only a legend, but many investors put aside other projects for it. Why you ask? Simply because the gem is said to stop to process of cellular deterioration and thus; confers immortality. Shining as a star would, this piece of unknown material is orange and golden. You feel an incredible warmth coming from this artifact. You can hold it in your palm, it is not bigger than a human's eye. As you walk out of the digging site, gem in your hand, you have a sudden rush to keep the stone. It feels like your entire body is delighted by its presence. You can't comprehend it, but the gem's warmth feels better than everything you've had before. You are faced with a crucial choice.

Choice 1 : You swallow the gem to hide it.

Choice 2 : You hide the gem in your pocket.

Choice 3 : You give the stone to your employer.

Choice 4 : You try and break the gem.

The gem.

You swallowed the gem to hide it.

Unable to resist the urge despite your ingrained values, you swallowed the stone. You thought it was the best way to hide your act of thievery. The threat is however very real, for if you are caught, you're facing enormous legal charges. You safely left the site, convincing everyone you hadn't found anything. You were, in fact, even sent home since you looked so sick and sweaty. Swallowing the stone felt horrible, even with water. Your stomach is burning more than it ever did and you feel dizzy. Its like having a strong heatstroke from within your own body. Making it home, you have two options.

Choice 1 : You go to the bathroom to expel the gem.

Choice 2 : You lay down to rest.


You hide the gem in your pocket.

You decide to steal the site's asset and hide it inside of your pocket. At the exit of the site, you are search in-depth like every employee. Finding the gem on your pocket, the authorities stationed at the site arrest you. You try to defend yourself later in court, but your arguments are not convincing. You loose a hand like the law enforces in Egypt and also lose your job in the archaeology field. You have no news about the artifact and are discredited as the one who found it to instead be the one who failed to steal it. Unable to pay your mortgage without a good job and a good hand, you lose your house. You never find the drive of work again and are forced to set aside your dreams for a drudgery of a job. After five years, you throw yourself off a bridge to your death.

Choice 1 : The End.


You give the stone to your employer.

Blessed is the one who gave a billionaire immortality. You found the legendary stone with all your overtime work. It was a pain to let it go, your body burning to keep it, but you managed to fill the lack of willpower your body was expressing by your desire of professional fulfillment. Your silence is bought and you are rewarded with a check that looks more like a phone number than a normal amount of money. You can finally quit work to focus on your passions without worrying about your pension. More often than not, you worry about the legitimacy of the reward you were given for your silence. Why would your employer withhold the discovery to your colleagues? What did you get sucked into? A choice must be made.

Choice 1 : Take the money and go home.

Choice 2 : Try to take back the gem.

Choice 3 : Share your discovery to the public.


You go to the bathroom to expel the gem.

A bottle of laxatives and few minutes on the "throne" lead you to finally expel this artifact of your body. The poor antiquity is covered in your fecal matter, but your desire to hold it again takes over your disgust as you dig into the toilet to pull it out. You wash the shining gem and consider the irony of this object from the annals of history just came out of your anal cavity. The burning cease within your stomach after a few minutes, yet you notice the stone shrunk while inside of you. Your body feels exhausted and shaking, but the feeling is almost euphoric at the same time, as if you were very high on something. Your heartbeat rises and you breathe faster. You begin to cough blood, panicking at the prospect of your demise. What will you do?

Choice 1 : You swallow the gem again.

Choice 2 : You call an ambulance.

Sleeping room.

You lay down to rest.

Collapsing on your bed, you don't even take the time to undress. The burning is terrible and you end up passing out. Several hours later, you wake up, realizing the gem has entirely taken over your body. You feel a warm sensation within you, one that is almost euphoric. As you stand up, you notice that your hands once damaged by hard digging work are now perfectly healed. You reach your bathroom only to see your eyes look as golden and orange as the gem you swallowed. Suddenly, you feel this urge of power within you and want to take action with it. A choice imposes itself as you feel invincible. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Take over the world.

Choice 2 : Live peacefully.

Eternal life.

You swallow the gem again.

How could you resist it? It is so warm, painful, but warm. You are more attracted to it than you have ever been for any crush. It was inside of you already, it came out grossly, but you washed it, right? You swallow it again, thinking this discomfort must be the artifact missing inside of you. It is almost erotic how good you feel as the gem reaches your stomach again. You roar in pain, panicking in this blissful moment as you see your eyes and mouth glow like the stone. You pass out, collapsing and flailing like a fish out of water upon the bathroom floor. Several hours later, you wake up in the dark, yet you see. As you stand, your eyes shines gold and orange in the mirror. Your stomach feels warm, yet comfortable. You've never felt so good before. You notice that your bruised hands from all the digging work have healed. There is nothing to prove it, yet you feel invincible, eternal, immortal, inevitable. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Take over the world.

Choice 2 : Live peacefully.

Bloody bathroom.

You call an ambulance.

You reach for your phone with blood in your eyes. Dropping the glowing artifact, you scream in pain as you feel your organs fail one after the other. Managing to call 911, you spit and cough when speaking to the operator. You collapse onto the bathroom floor and perish. When the authorities arrive, they find your gruesome body. You are a complete mess, looking thrice your age with a small gemstone shining like a torch right next to you. One of the paramedics grab the object while another is looking at your corpse. He pockets the stone, sweating profusely as he is struck by the same desire for it that you did.

Choice 1 : The End.

God emperor.

Take over the world.

You go outside and a car hits you. Although the car explodes to pieces, you are not even scratched. You rapidly discover that you are invincible. Nothing can stop you now as you learn your new powers within days. You fly, transform and do whatever your mind can imagine. With the swiftness of the greedy and vile being that you are, you begin to wreck humanity's governments and heritage. Everywhere is a wasteland after you pass and nothing is capable of stopping you. Religions across the world speak of the apocalypse, but you don't destroy everything. After 90% of the world's population is annihilated, you enslave the remnants and force them to serve you. Building a giant castle of pain and misery, humanity is on its knees as you reign with terror upon them for the coming millennia. Your tyranny ends as another gem similar to yours is secretly discovered and swallowed. The second immortal defeats you after 4587 years of terror. You are remembered as a terrible symbol of destruction and evil and nobody holds you dear to their memory.

Choice 1 : The End.


Live peacefully.

Despite your new unknown powers, you decide to live a peaceful and meaningful life. You settle abroad in the Bahamas where you help the local community. Soon enough, you are a legend across the archipelago where you heal diseases and even restore severed limbs. You become known as a deity and many tales and legends are written about you. After decades, you are a religious figure reminding of the Christ. The world starts a massive movement following you. In the near future, religions collapse left and right as 95% of the world's population convert to follow their living divinity. You make the world a better place through peaceful protests and earn the love of humanity. As an invincible being, you are unstoppable, yet not violent. You end corruption and office politics across governments and organizations and are worshiped for the rest of history.

Choice 1 : The End.


Take the money and go home.

What could go wrong with money? You accept your payment and go home. Several days pass and you are now a billionaire. You reflect on the pass events and ponder about how you got where you are. You discover shortly after your ascension the purpose of the artifact. Indeed, this relic of the past is swallowed by your employer, giving him unstoppable powers. Content with your premium wage, you regret your decision, but at the same time are proud of your honesty. Your employer declares himself "God Emperor" of humanity. Violating all human rights and international laws, he is hated, but powerful. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Support the God Emperor.

Choice 2 : Rise against tyranny!

Take back what is yours.

Try to take back the gem.

This invaluable and precious artifact is yours! You firmly believe it! You want it! But how will you get it? You travel to the lockers of your archaeological site, managing to pull it off without being caught. Your higher access card allows you to get where the gem should be located. Bringing a crowbar, you believe this item will keep you safe and could knock out a guard. There is a safe between you and your treasure and you don't have the key. A guard nearby is asleep and has a key. What will you do?

Choice 1 : You steal the key from the guard.

Choice 2 : You pry the safe open.


Share your discovery to the public.

You manage to share with the media what happened before it is too late. Your employer doesn't have the time to figure out what to do with the artifact before it is taken away to a museum. You receive a premium wage of a few million dollars. Nothing like the promised billions, but you have your honor and integrity saved. You are on edge, forced to always look behind you in case the richer man wants your death. Society is saved and the gem is detained, but how much time will pass before something bad happen to it? Several years later, the gem is stolen and your anxiety reaches higher levels than you could ever believe. You die young of an "unknown accident" after "falling off from your window". Your death is drowned in bribes from your enemy and the assassin is never found guilty.

Choice 1 : The End.


Support the God Emperor.

Despite the tyranny, you show your support to the new God Emperor. He remembers you, the one who gave him all of this power. Liking you, the new divinity names you "Duke Of America" and place all North and South America under your directive. For decades, you rule beneath the tyrannic being, most of the time not approving of his destructive decisions. 60% of humanity is killed by your sovereign's jihad and a religion with him as the one and only God is imposed across the globe. You are exalted for your good job as a ruler. Not that you are not a tyrant yourself, but at least you are less bloody than your God Emperor. Society celebrates your grandeur and your greatness and you live a long and rather peaceful life in comfort and wealth.

Choice 1 : The End.


Rise against tyranny!

Who do you think you are? You try to oppose yourself to a literal deity and his reaction is as simple as that; He obliterates you. With a single snaps of his fingers, you explode into a nuclear reaction, becoming nothing. Your act of heroism is forgotten as history is written by the victorious. You perish in vain.

Choice 1 : The End.


You steal the key from the guard.

As you approach the guard, he wakes up. The man is thrice your size and despite your crowbar, you are in a great disadvantage as he carries a scimitar. Your attempt at thievery turns into a bloody fight for the key. You hit the man several times with your weapon, spreading blood across the entire room. Once beaten enough, the guard collapses. You won the fight, but to the price of your own life. The Egyptian guard's blade cut your stomach open. You rapidly bleed to death, falling to your demise as you contemplate the safe with the object of your desires.

Choice 1 : The End.


You pry the safe open.

You attempt to open the safe, but an alarm sets off and several guards wielding scimitars surrounds you within a few minutes of run. You tried to flee through corridors, yet you were not fast enough. Faced with too many opponents, you instinctively drop your weapon and are arrested shortly after. Under a corrupted judge and the anger of your employer finding out you tried to rob him, you are executed in Egypt. You will never see this precious artifact again. Your name is undermined by all of your colleagues who find out you tried to steal from the site. Nothing hinders your execution and only a few days after your arrest, you face your doom.

Choice 1 : The End.


You try and break the gem.

Overwhelmed by the artifact's powers, you panic and throw it against a wall. The gem breaks into thousands of shards that immediately melts into the stone. You pant and shake for several minutes, unknowing of the service you just gave to humanity. For several days, you feel alienated and guilty, believing you destroyed the famous Gem of the Desert your employer paid so much to obtain. What will you do?

Choice 1 : You confess what you did.

Choice 2 : You live with your secret.


You confess what you did.

You decide to confess your misconduct and tell your superior that you broke a gemstone to pieces. Against all odds, you are not believed. As you show them the area where you threw it, the remains of the artifact are not there. Your superior who likes you, believe you only did it as a flirting act for their attention. They joke about it and tell you to return to work. You continue your career as an archaeologist and doubt after this incident that what happened was even real in the first place. Who knows, perhaps you were simply under the influence of dehydration?

Choice 1 : The End.


You live with your secret.

Devoured by guilt, you are shamed of what you did. Many years later, you are back in Canada and have a family. You have a great career in the field that you want, but you still have the dreadful guilt of your misconduct. Your life is filled with regrets as never come out as the perpetrator of your crime.

Choice 1 : The End.

The End.