Good night

A hypertext narrative by

Frédéric Poulin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1152

Choice count: 27

Section count: 19

Image count: 19

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 12 matches (School, choice, class, don, exam, first, games, head, learn, school, student, university)

Psychology : 11 matches (bit, cant, class, game, hit, need, philosophy, remember, sense, sleep, touch)

Archaeology : 11 matches (bit, class, close, forest, HER, here, lead, Mary, study, thing, wood)

Target Structure:

more often than not (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)


Good night


Hi, I am a student like every other, I am not that tall but not that small either. I can’t say that I have straight A’s, but I manage in school. I am a student in philosophy at Laval University and I am the kind of person that have fun more often than not and this is exactly what got me in this situation. I am actually lost in the wood trying to remember what I was doing last night. Was I at my friend’s house partying the first summer party that everyone was talking about or was I at the club wandering with other friends having fun?

Choice 1 : My friend's house.

Choice 2 : The club.

My friend's house.

I clearly remember now, I was at my friend’s house close to a forest and now that I think about it, it really makes sense, but how did I end right here? I need to think about what happened after I entered the house. First were I going to go play beer pong or did I go to say hi to my friends?

Choice 1 : Play beer pong.

Choice 2 : Say hi to my friends.

The club.

I clearly remember now I went at the club that is really close to a river that lead right to a forest. When I think about it I can remember the light of the club I was, but what did I do after entering that club that made me forget everything? First did I go to buy a drink, or did I go to say hi to my friends?

Choice 1 : Buy a drink.

Choice 2 : Talk to my friend.

Say hi to my friends.

That’s right I went to say hi to my friend and after talking a bit with my boy Bill some one touch my shoulder and asked me something about if I wanted to play a game of beer pong with her, but I don’t remember was it Melly or Cassy?

Choice 1 : Melly.

Choice 2 : Cassy.

Play beer pong.

That’s right I went to play beer pong, but than I saw Melly, a girl that I like, and she asked me something about following her in the kitchen, but I need to remember, did I go with her or did I not?

Choice 1 : Melly.

Choice 2 : Didn't go.

Buy a drink.

That’s right, I went to buy a drink and right as I was going to ask for a beer I realized I was right next to Mary a girl I always wanted to talk to, but I was too shy to do it. I was overwhelmed by the coincidence, but what did I do next? Did I talk to her or did I simply got drunk?

Choice 1 : Talk to her.

Choice 2 : Get drunk.

Talk to my friend.

That’s right, I went to say hi to my friends, and they told me that Mary a girl that I always wanted to talk to was here, but they also told me that I had an exam tomorrow that I had forgotten. I was happy to learn this it was my chance to finally pull it off, but also sad about this bad news, did I go to talk to her right away or did I go back to study?

Choice 1 : Talk to her.

Choice 2 : Back to study.


I went with Melly, I remember she was asking me something about school because she is in my philosophy class than she talked about the tomorrow’s exam that I had completely forgot… Did I stay, or did I go back to study?

Choice 1 : Back to study.

Choice 2 : Stay.


It was Cassy a girl living close to my apartment she asked me if I liked her cloth tonight. I was a bit embarrassed at first, but I found her pretty cute, so I did not mind telling her yes. She than told me she was leaving I said goodbye than did I go outside to smoke with my friends or did I go to pee?

Choice 1 : Smoke.

Choice 2 : Pee.

Didn't go.

I didn’t go with her, I remember I asked her if it could wait and she said yes so, I played many games and I remember getting kind of drunk. What happened next? Did I go with my friends outside to smoke or did I go back to Melly to ask her what she wanted?

Choice 1 : Smoke.

Choice 2 : Melly.

Talk to her.

I went to talk to her but than I saw someone get close to her and hug her from behind. I realized that it must have been her boyfriend so I decided to buy my drink and get drunk.

Choice 1 : Get drunk.

Back to study.

I decided to go back and study I knew that I did not have a lot of time to study before my exam, so I decided to take the shortest way possible by passing by a shortcut in the forest that I mentioned earlier. I don’t clearly remember after that.

Choice 1 : Banged my head.

Get drunk.

After choosing not to talk to her because of her boyfriends that I saw earlier, I decided to drink a lot, dance and have fun with my friends since I was at the club. After a while I realized that I had to pee and since the washroom was locked I choose to go outside.

Choice 1 : Pee.


I decided to stay because I only have one life to live, I got drunk and realized that I had to pee, and the washroom was locked with girls and god knows that girl take time when they are doing their stuff, so I went outside.

Choice 1 : Pee.


I went to see my friends outside and smoked with them. I don’t remember what I did next, did I go back inside and got drunk or did I go to pee in the forest close to here?

Write a choice here.


I went to pee in the forest but I cant seem to remember what happened after that.

Choice 1 : Banged my head.

Banged my head.

Now that I think about it I think I remember that I fell on a root and hit my head. It would explain why I have a pretty good headache, and why I am here, standing alone in the forest. One thing is for sure, it is the last time I go partying before an exam. What am I going to do tonight?

Choice 1 : Do it again

Choice 2 : Sleep

Do it again.

The end.

Write a choice here.


The end.

Write a choice here.

The End.