Adele's complicated life

A hypertext narrative by

adele bernier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1744

Choice count: 24

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 18 matches (addiction, adult, alcohol, ARM, empathy, foot, forced, hair, heart, HR, medicine, pain, planning, SAD, shoulder, social, stress, Y)

Education : 18 matches (School, adult, choice, class, classes, college, course, don, first, high school, intervention, learned, school, social, student, teacher, trainee, university)

Psychology : 17 matches (addiction, alcohol, bit, class, client, empathy, focus, game, love, model, need, pain, remember, set, stress, thinking, trip)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

HR (4 matches)

internship (5 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

pension (1 match)

retirement (5 matches)

set aside (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Adele's complicated life

Ahuntsic College

Before I start College.

I need to choose where I am going after high school right now. Even if I am only 16 years old I need to decide right now. Do I even want to go to college? I am not even sure about what I like. I know that everyone tells me that I have a lot of empathy. Some girls told me I should be a hairdresser because I am good with hairs. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Take an hairdresser course.

Choice 2 : Go to ahunstic College in Y-a

Choice 3 : Go to ahuntsic College in Social Science.


Now that I am a hairdresser.

I am 45 years old. I now need to stop working because I start too early and now I have extremely bad back pain. My shoulder hurt me so bad I can not lift my arm higher to cut my client's hair. I am so sad that I did not go in college. I wish I had gone and had a good pension.

Write a choice here.


Youth and Adult Correctional Intervention.

This college is amazing! I am very happy with my choice. The classes are all very interesting. I now need to choose an internship. I am not sure which one I prefer between going in prison or in a community organization. Which one should I choose?

Choice 1 : Going in prison.

Choice 2 : Going at "L'exode", a community organization.


Social Science.

I don't know if I made the right choice but at least I am studying in something. I really like the people who are coming here. In particularly a boy that I talk sometime in my French class. He is one of the boys that is always at the agora of the school. He asked me if I want it to go out with him on this Friday. I am so exited, should I go on a date with him?

Choice 1 : Yes I am going!

Choice 2 : No, I need to focus on my study.


Internship in prison.

I am at Bordeau. I really like my internship! My colleagues are very helpful and nice with me. My trainee is easier because of them. I have been here for 6 months now and somehow I think that I may have I problem. I think that I am falling in love with one of the prisoners. He is getting out of here in one week and I have to decide if I want to see him outside of the prison of not.

Choice 1 : Yes I should definitely see him outside!

Choice 2 : No I should not, this is totally immoral.

community organization

Internsip at L'exode.

This is one of the best experiences in my entire life! This place is so truthful. I have learned the ropes. When I am there I see that I can make a difference in the life of a homeless person. They finally hired me after my internship, I now been here for many years. I think I need a new challenge in my life. I think I need to set aside this place and change for something different. I think I want to become a teacher, or maybe working in another kind of community organization? What should I do?

Choice 1 : Becoming a teacher.

Choice 2 : Going to work for a community organization in Laval.


Best date ever.

His name is Michael. He brought me out to diner, and then we stay up all night talking! He is very kind to me. His friends are really nice with me. They are a bit bad boys but I know that they are wonderful people. Some of my friends think that he is too much a bad boy for me but I don't think so. Should I listen to my heart and go with him or should I listen to my friend and stay single?

Choice 1 : I should go for it maybe he is the love of my life!

Choice 2 : My friend are probably right, he is probably not good for me.


No love life for me in college.

After this one boy, no one else ask me out at this college. I have almost finished my years in college and I need to find in what program I want to go to in university. I don't really know what I like. Social Science did not really help me find what I like and what I don't. At first, I was thinking about going in medicine but I really don't have straights A's everywhere. I am thinking about becoming an HR, or maybe I could go volunteering in somewhere like South Africa?

Choice 1 : Studying HR souds I good idea!

Choice 2 : Go volunteering and take a break from school!


My love life with a former prisoner.

I am now living with him. Our relationship is going pretty well for now. As I choose him I was forced to quit my job. I can not ever again work in a place like a prison because of that. I think that is thoroughly crazy. I need to find another job. I still feel sad about loosing this job. I feel like I have disappointed all my colleague. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

Write a choice here.


No love for prisoner anymore.

By falling in love with a prisoner I understand that maybe this job was not a job for me. By falling in love I put a foot in the door as quickly as it happen. Even if the wage was huge, I can not stay there. I misconduct myself badly enough, so I must change the game. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I should do an internship at l'Exode.


I am now a teacher!

I remember when I was in college I liked all my teacher. They were always there to help, they always have good stories to tell and more. They were role model for me the entire time I was there. Now I can be like them to student because I am now a teacher at Ahuntsic College. I am giving the class of substance addiction and I really like it. In one year I will be retired. I need to plan my retirement now.

Choice 1 : I should go live in Florida for the rest of my life!

Choice 2 : Maybe I should stay here and own a community organization?

community organization.

New community organization.

My new job is really awsome! I am working with people who need help with their addiction with drugs or alcohol.I think I made the right choice. I will not be rich at the end but I a happy. For my retirement I don't know what should I do.

Choice 1 : I should not plan anything, everything will be fine.

Choice 2 : Maybe I could find a nice place for old person like me to live in!


Is he really the love of my life?

I don't think that I am happy in my relationship anymore. After all these years I think my friend were right. He is doing a lot of illegal things like fraud, and I don't feel secure anymore. I regret quitting school as such a young age. My future will have been so much better. I am now stuck with him because he is the only thing that I have.

Write a choice here.


My friends were all right.

My friends were so right! Micheal is now in prison for every illegal thing he had done! I am so shook! I did not think it was that bad! Because of them I finished all of my years in school and now I am almost finish with my university. I am so happy I finish school instead of going out with him. I now need to find a job. I also want to have a little fun instead of going to work right now. Should I go on a volunteering trip or go work in a community organization?

Choice 1 : Let's do a volunteering trip!

Choice 2 : I should find a community organization.



Finally it is really not a place for me. I spend so much time and money in my study that I now need to wait to start back. I am now working in a restaurant, I don't know how many years I will have to stay here to just be able to have a nice retirement.

Write a choice here.


My volunteering trip.

I went to South Africa to help to build a school with a big team. I stayed there one month. This was an amazing experience. I am now back home and I need to find what I want to do now. I hesitate between going in university or just going back in college.

Choice 1 : Go to university in HR.

Choice 2 : Go back in college in Youth and Adult Correctionnal Intervention.


Not planning anything was not the best idea so far!

I am now stuck in an old crap place for old people. I have the minimum service and it is terrible. I don't have much money because I did not plan my retirement. I should have done it even if a though it was not necessary. I am stuck here for the rest of my life.

Write a choice here.


This is a really nice place for me!

I have everything here. There is a lot of service and all the nurses are really doing well their job. I am happy that I have plan everything because now I am living no stress. This is probably the nicest place to finish my life.

Write a choice here.


Linving in Florida!

Living in Florida was a really great idea for a certain time. Now that I got older, I came back here to get treatments because it was too much expensive there. I am happy to be back, my new place is really nice too!

Write a choice here.

community organization.

Own a community organization.

Owning a community organisation is a lot of work. I had to sell it to someone who can be always there. I am getting to old for this. My real place is in a retirement home with good services for me.

Write a choice here.

The End.