
A hypertext narrative by

Mona El-Sherif

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 912

Choice count: 23

Section count: 16

Image count: 15

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 18 matches (City, Delay, Employee, Environment, Party, Program, Tourism, US, course, entertainment, field, interests, p.m, pass, program, report, through, tourism)

Education : 17 matches (P, choice, college, course, courses, don, fail, field, field of study, first, guidance, guidance counselor, intervention, learn, placement, report, students)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 13 matches (access, community, incompetent, intervention, notice, order, schedule, seizure, street, surprise, surveillance, truth, warning)

Target Structure:

internship (9 matches)

though (1 match)



The begging

Let's start!

I completed 1 year and a half of a Youth and Adults Correctional Intervention program, at Ahuntsic College. However, I doubt if I really want to work in this environment. In addition, I met a guidance counselor who made me realize that the field of tourism interests me.

Choice 1 : Continue my current field of study.

Choice 2 : Change college to try the tourism technique at Montmorency.

Ahuntsic College

Continue my current field of study.

It is a reasonable choice since it allows me to lose the least amount of time. However, my first internship is fast approaching and I have to choose the environment in which I would like to go.

Choice 1 : An internship in a juvenile environment.

Choice 2 : An internship in prison.

Ahuntsic College

Change college to try the tourism technique at Montmorency.

I followed my heart and here I am. Now the students of my technique have invited me to the initiation party. However, it's my boyfriend's birthday, but if I refuse I'll be out of the band and I will not have friends.

Choice 1 : Spend the evening with my boyfriend.

Choice 2 : I make up to him that I feel really bad and I go to the party.

Hidding in the toilet

An internship in a juvenile environment.

This is the big day! I went to a youth center and that day a 13-year-old boy had a seizure because his exit was canceled for the reason that he didn't respect his curfew the last time. At that moment, I panicked and I went to hide in the toilet the whole time.

Choice 1 : Leave the place.

Choice 2 : Talk to my supervisor and apologize for my reaction.


An internship in prison.

During my internship, my role was to wait to receive the order and press a button to open doors. I spent 8 hours doing the same thing. My only entertainment was watching the surveillance cameras. What I even less appreciated is that beside me, there was an employee who listened to Netflix while I was trying not to fall asleep.

Choice 1 : I don’t denounce him.

Choice 2 : Report it to my internship supervisor.

Walking couples

Spend the evening with my boyfriend.

We went to eat and when we were walking in the city, he asked me what was bothering me. I didn't explain to him my situation because I wanted him to pass a great evening. In the meantime, we met our friends who invited us to paintball with them. However, I work early tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Go home and get some sleep.

Choice 2 : Join our friends.


I make up to him that I feel really bad and I go to the party.

I go to the address and to my surprise, the party is given in my neighborhood. I am relieved to tell myself that there is no chance that my boyfriend will learn the truth. During the party, I notice that I have missed calls and a message warning me that he was coming to check on me. He arrived in the meantime I started my challenge which was dancing and singing in the middle of the street.

Choice 1 : I apologize and I go home with him.

Choice 2 : Disregard my boyfriend and continue to make others laugh.


Leave the place.

I get a big zero for my internship and I fail the course. In addition, I won't be able to access the following courses since this course is only give in the autumn so, I accumulate a year of delay.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Time passing

Talk to my supervisor and apologize for my reaction.

My placement supervisor understood my reaction, but he clearly told me that if I'm not able to go through a situation like this, I did not belong in this job. We can say I literally lost 2 years of my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Wrong idea

I don’t denounce him.

You felt into the trap just like me. The employee had to play the role of an incompetent person so that I could react to the situation. Unfortunately, I did not see anything coming and I found myself ridiculed.

Choice 1 : Start again


Report it to my internship supervisor.

I am recognized for my honesty and commitment in the community and I am offered a supervisory position that seems very interesting.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Negative facial expression

Go home and get some sleep.

He didn't insist but I knew he was disappointed. The next day, when I woke up, I realized that I looked at the wrong schedule. I wasn't supposed to work today!!!

Choice 1 : Start again.


Join our friends.

It's a wonderful evening even though I am still hurt for the ball I received, it was worth it and my boyfriend was very happy.

Choice 1 : Start again.


I apologize and I go home with him.

He escorted me back, but he was still angry at me that's why he didn't stay. I ended up spending the evening alone at home and it was so boring that I went to bed at 9 p.m.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Broken heart

Disregard my boyfriend and continue to make others laugh.

We separate and I can not recover from my pain of love. I learn that my boyfriend has partnered with my worst enemy.

Choice 1 : Start again.



Choice 1 :

The End.