Let's See Where This Will Go.

A hypertext narrative by

Sébastien Delisle

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1728

Choice count: 20

Section count: 13

Image count: 13

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 25 matches (bit, cable, check, choice, click, coding, Comment, Computer science, computer, covering, digital, distribution, field, Instructions, intranet, keyboard, mainframe, name, network, online, open, Push, searching, server, sign)

Psychology : 20 matches (action, anxiety, bit, digital, eye, field, learning, love, miss, need, nervous, pain, problem solving, reason, remember, set, sign, skill, smile, sweet)

Tourism : 17 matches (Employee, Map, Opportunity, US, bit, cable, digital, door, field, forward, infrastructure, malls, network, online, reception, stop, train)

Target Structure:

vacant position (1 match)


Let's See Where This Will Go.

guy door

The Beginning Of The End.

A new day, a new opportunity. That's what dad always told himself before going to work. I never really understood that train of thought since I was just a high school student. For me, work is just a way to earn a paycheck. I wasn't really interested in any field of study but in the end I choose computer science since the pay was good and I'm good at problem solving. Today is my first day in this company I don't really know much about. I know they are mostly doing cloud based services but i'm not exactly sure what kind and I never heard of them before. To be honest, it's a mystery how I got the job. They must really need my skill set because, as far I can remember, I didn't seem enthusiastic at all about that position while they were interviewing me. Anyway, dad was proud of me and that's all that matter to me. It was a new opportunity after all. Now that I think about it, I have been in front of the front door for a while now. Oh god, I don't want to be labelled as the weird new guy. Alright, it's show time. Put on your best smile and do your best. I enter the building and...

Choice 1 : Go meet with my coworkers

Choice 2 : Walk around the building


The IT Crowd.

While the building was quite new and fashionable, it was relatively small. Finding my way around wasn't really a problem. I found a sign written "Networking and Cloud distribution" on it. It must be the room since I applied for for a networking position. I knock on the door. A man in is 30's opened the door, looked at me from top to bottom and said "You are not the pizza guy right?" "Hum no well in fact...

Choice 1 : i'm the new guy who applied on the vacant position"

Choice 2 : YES! I am the pizza guy.

Digital Map

Walking Around The Building.

Gotta inspects the building first. It’s important to know with what kind of infrastructure I will be working with. Yes, that is totally my reason. It’s not like the thought of meeting new people scare me or anything. I stop in front of a digital map, the kind you could find in malls. Where should I go I wonder….

Choice 1 : The server room seems like a good place to start

Choice 2 : The reception desk could tell me where I should go

server room

The Server And The Clients.

The server room at the company is quite impressive. They are already equipped with 10 gigabit switches, the mainframe is an IBM Z9, the same one NASA is using, the cable management was very well labelled and ordered in a eye pleasing way. You could tell they put a lot of effort to keep the place clean. There's, after all, nothing worse than trying to fix a network problem when all of your cables are unlabeled and stuck in a corner. — huh...can I help you? Startled, I turn around. There is a guy there looking at me like I don't belong here. Well, I can't really blame him. My next action should be...

Choice 1 : Say that you are sorry and that you are lost

Choice 2 : Ask where is the washroom


The Reception Desk.

– Hello there miss! I don't know if you heard about me, I'm the new employee for the network position. Could you tell me where should I go? – Ah yes! I did heard about you. They are waiting for you in the network and cloud division room. You go up those stairs, turn on your left and it's the third room. – Thank you very much, have a great day. – Same to you sir. I followed her instructions and, sure enough, i was in front of the room. I knock on the door...

Choice 1 : Wait for them to open the door

Choice 2 : I'm too nervous, I'm leaving.


The Beginning Of An Opportunity.

— You are the new guy? You know the reception is right next to the front door right? You could have asked where to go there. — Sorry, I got the urge to explore a bit before meeting with everyone. — No worries, you heard about our great infrastructure and wanted to check for yourself right? — R-right. exactly. This place really is well equipped and pristine. — Well it would be a pain in the ass if it was all upside down. The name is Koichi, I'm the one fixing the problems with the intranet. Come with me, I"ll show you where your desk is. — Thank you very much, I would appreciate that.

Choice 1 : Time to see my new desk.


Well, That Was Dumb.

— Oh! If you are searching for the toilet is just next door. — Oh right! I-I'm sorry about that. — No need to worry about it. I entered the washroom, sit on the toilet for five minutes with my hands covering my face. Why am I so bad at dealing with people? There's no way I can work here after all. I'm way to socially awkward for that. Guess I'll check for some freelance work when I arrive home. BAD END.

Choice 1 : Try from the start all over again


Meeting With The Network.

– Ah yes! we were waiting for you. I must say, you are a bit late. – Well i got a little lost and i didn't know exactly where to go at first. – I see. It's not a problem. My name is Dave by the way. I will be the one who will oversee your integration in our company. – It's a pleasure to meet you Dave. I'll look forward to work with you guys. – The same goes for us, we have great expectations coming from you. – I'll do my best. – That's what i wanted to hear. Your in luck newbie, you even have your own desk right from the start. Let me show it to you.

Choice 1 : Sweet Desk.

pizza run

Pizza With A Side Of Salt.

–...Well, where's the pizza? – You see, the thing is...i had the pizza but...I....hmmmm... What is wrong with me?! Why did I just lied about that? I had no reasons to do so. I have to find a way to get out of this situation now. – I lost it while I was driving. – Said what now? This was the worst answer I could have come up with! Not that there's a god one in this situation but still! – AH, I'M SORRY!! I just turned my heels and ran for it. There's no way I can work here after the embarrassment I just experienced. I would be the pizza guy forever! Guess it's back to square one. That opportunity wasn't meant for me.

Choice 1 : Try again from the start

small computer desk

Sweet Desk.

He showed me to my desk. It was on the small side with barely enough space for 2 monitors and a keyboard. I feel like i can't put a lot on it before it starts to feel cramped. – Well, do you like it? I hope you can fell at home here. My home isn't that small...how can I respond to that professionally?

Choice 1 : "You don't have anything bigger?"

Choice 2 : "This should be fine for now, but it's quite small don't you think?"

Choice 3 : "I'm not gonna lie, this is a bit small. At least I have a desk."


A Little Bit Ingrat Isn't it?

– You don't like it? Unfortunately, it's the only one free. It's more of a take or leave situation we have on our hands here. – Then I'm going with the "leave". – Are you serious right now? – Yup. those conditions are not acceptable. – Ok, you know where the door is. Good bye. He stopped acting all friendly and pointed at the door. I gladly took it and left. I can't believe a poor place like this wanted to hire me. I'm worth way more than that. Dad is probably going to be disappointed but i'm sure he will understand.

Choice 1 : Try again and try to be a little more gentle this time.


The End Of The Beginning.

– Yeah, I know it's not the ideal setup, but we just finished moving our stuff to this room, the other one would have been a little bit to cramped with you in there. We bought this desk at first so it could fit, but we realized that it's just way too small. – Are you saying you moved everything because of me? – Not exactly. We talked about moving for a little while but we were too busy. You coming here was the final push we needed I guess. Do not worry young one, your big boy desk will be coming soon. He said that last line with a good laugh. He doesn't look like a bad guy but he looks more like the kind that love to tell bad jokes. I can get behind that. After that, I introduced myself to everyone. They were all much older than me. I kind of understand the "young one" comment he made before. Learning the ropes was pretty easy. I made plenty of network, SQL and coding while in school. They are using a lot of new softwares that I was not used. I guess it's one of the perks of being a relatively new company. There is no need to support legacy softwares. My desk did come a couple of weeks later. That was the moment I truly felt welcome in here. I guess this isn't so bad after all. GOOD END.

Choice 1 : Click here to start again



I chickened out. Waiting in front of that door gave me anxiety. I guess that's what you get when you work on contracts online alone in your room. I need to work on my interaction with people...but not today. I guess I'll do that tomorrow. BAD END.

Choice 1 : Be more confident and try again

The End.