Social Science Education

A hypertext narrative by

Blaik Melanie

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 84

Choice count: 4

Section count: 2

Image count: 2

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Sociology : 10 matches (society, education, School, economics, geography, methodology, philosophy, psychology, school, social science)

Education : 7 matches (Education, School, choice, education in, methodology, school, social)

International-Studies : 5 matches (geography, methodology, politics, society, social)

Target Structure:


Social Science Education


What is Social Science Education?

Social Science is about education in the society and various other studies: politics, geography, law, economics, relations, philosophy,... and so on. Considering all of this, what do you believe it can also involve?

Choice 1 : Methodology

Choice 2 : Psychology


''So'' you believe that methodology is a subcategory of Social Science. How, in your daily life, do you make use of methodology?

Choice 1 : At school

Choice 2 : At home

The End.