
A hypertext narrative by

Oda Umurungi

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 964

Choice count: 19

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 19 matches (Education, School, choice, college, course, diploma, don, field, first, graduate, knowledge, learn, learning, report, school, skills, social, teacher, training)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (children, company, family, interpretation, lawyer, month, section, Sexual, short title, society, title)

Sociology : 11 matches (society, education, conflict, culture, School, interpretation, language, school, sexual, Third, training)

Target Structure:

intern (4 matches)

internship (3 matches)

learn the ropes (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)



Give this section a short title.

It is your final year in college and you have doubt of what to choose. You have 3 choices in mind. First choice is being a translator, second choice is being a lawyer and third one is being a teacher.

Choice 1 : being translator you have to have strong knowledge in multiple languages, cultures and also good interpretation skills and interpersonal skills to go hand in hand with others skills but whith this job you will have some advantages and desadvantages

Choice 2 : advantages: first you do not need to worry about money when work for a company. campagnies pay pretty much to all people that helps them in communication whit other people from other language and cultures. translators who work for compagnies recieve promotions faster than other post

Choice 3 : you decide the took translator as career. you decide to took in internship to see if is worth it . you are an intern in a compagnie. you are learn the ropes of the job. you do tree month of internship and you like the job so you dice to continue as a translator.

Choice 4 : you decide to work for your own you see there are many advantages of working for yourself. first you do not need to work for anyone to find succes in this field. you have the chance of working wherever you want. you can spend a day at the beach or in a cafe it is all up to you

Choice 5 : you find also there are some disadvantages of being translator.

Choice 6 : first you find out to be a translator you need to have a precise detail about languages. you find out you have to make sure which word would translate to which word depending on the context and you learn that work of translator is irregular.

Write a choice here.


it is your final year in college and your in intern of being a lawyer to see if you are going to like it. being a intern going to help you to get a foot in door and be on the job training.

Choice 1 : now you are working as an intern and you like the choice you make. you work really hard to learn the ropes.

Choice 2 : now you graduate as lawyer and you have your first job as a lawyer. You love what you doing, your job. your work hard. you find there are some advantages of being a lawyer, first you get to help society to fix up thier problems by solving thiere cases. you get to be paid good money. you travel a lot. people are going to look at as respected person and you get to work with inteligent people who deos the same thing as you

Choice 3 : you are now working as lawyer for one years and you never took leave of absences. All you do is working very hard by takinng overtimes you love what you do but you have a co-worker who you have some conflict with you don't know what to do, so you have two choices

Choice 4 : first choice you decide to have a talk with him but he sexual harrasment you then you decide to report him

Choice 5 : Now you decide not to do anything about it and you continue to work with him even if you don't feel confortable working with him. you tell yourself you just have to ignore him and work hard to get you retirement at age of 65.

Choice 6 : Now you have your diploma and you finish your internship. You didn't like to work as lawyer you see there are a lot of disadvantage of being lawyer. First you have to work long hours and being able to see your family is really hard. Having a social life is also difficult. there are too much strees in this field so you decide to find something else to do. You choose to go back to school .


You finish your last year in college and you have your diploma in teaching.

Choice 1 : You see there are a lot of benefict of being a teacher. being a teacher is sharing your passion and your expertise with other and

Choice 2 : you are now working as teacher for two years and you see how teaching give you oportunity to inspire others, to make real differnce and do things differentery

Choice 3 : Now it is been ten year that you work as teacher you decide your not that happy that you used to be you find is a dead end job you do not feel fulfilment like when you start working as teacher.

Choice 4 : Now it is twelve year that your work as teacher and you still not happy in your work. Someone sugest you to took a year and think about what you want

Choice 5 : you deciide to take a year like your friend advices you. You decide to travel. You decide to travel in different country.You know you have some saving that you can use first you decide to go in spain and knownlegde your spanish you know taht you had spanish course and you want to go there also to learn about their culture.

Choice 6 : Now your in spain your learning about thier cultures and you decide to do some volunteering and you enjoy it.

Choice 7 : Now you are in India and you do some volunteering there too. You help by teaching in villages to children who it is diffucult to acces education and you remember why you choose to be a teacher

The End.