Word count: 780
Choice count: 23
Section count: 16
Image count: 16
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Education : 15 matches (CEGEP, School, choice, classes, don, field, field of study, market, options, school, semester, social, student, training, university)
Tourism : 13 matches (Bus, Metro, Plane, Program, apartment, bus, field, pass, program, residence, stop, ticket, transportation)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 10 matches (answer, cost, driving, House, living, market, month, noise, residence, vacations)
Target Structure:
drudgery (1 match)
intern (1 match)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
vacant position (1 match)
Hi, my name is Jasmine. I'm actually studying Social Sciences at Montmorency. I don’t like this program because I don't like the intern job. I prefer to move in my future job. I want to have a vacant position for being able to have vacations. I decide to change my field of study next semester. I will apply for physiotherapy technique. But now, I have a big problem. I don't know witch school will be the best for me.
Choice 1 : Montmorency.
Choice 2 : Marie-Victorin.
Choice 3 : Sherbrooke.
I need to know if I want to do my program in 3 years or in 4 years. If I chose to do it in 3 years I won’t be able to work in the same time because I will spend all my time at school and I won’t have money. If I choose to do it in 4 years I will be able to work in the same time but it will spend one year longer at cegep.
Choice 1 : Finish the cegep in 3 years.
Choice 2 : Finish the cegep in 4 years and work in the same time.
I live in Laval. My school is in Montreal. I need to find how to get there. I have two methods of transportation. Firstly, buying a car and secondly buying metro pass. Buy a car, is more expensive but it will take me less time to go to school. The bus and the metro are cheaper but it will be longer.
Choice 1 : Buy a car.
Choice 2 : Buy a metro pass.
To go at Sherbrooke University, I need to decide where I'm gonna live. I have two options. Live in a apartment or in a student residence.
Choice 1 : Apartment.
Choice 2 : Student residence.
What should I do after the technique? Go to university for more specialization or go directly to the job market?
Choice 1 : Go to university.
Choice 2 : Go directly to the job market.
I have time to work during my school because I have fewer classes. I am able to save money because I work. With this money should I go in vacations or save it in other to buy a house.
Choice 1 : Save money to travel.
Choice 2 : Save money to buy an apartment.
I choose to go to the university in other to be more specialize. I went on-the-job-training during my cegep and I realize that I don't want be only a technician. I send my application for the University of Montreal. One month later, I received my answer. I was very existed but I was refused.
Choice 1 :
I buy a car on Kijiji. It's a used car. After 2 weeks of use, I heard a noise when I was driving. The car stop suddenly. The car was broke. I need to fix it. The garage man told me that it will cost $ 1000. It was not in my plan to pay this so I was in trouble. Should I borrow money to fix it and hope I won't happen anymore or should I sell the car? If I sell the car I will need to buy a metro pass. Within the two options I lost a lot of money.
Choice 1 : Fix the car.
Choice 2 : Sell the car.
Oh! non! In the apartment, I have two housemates. One is so weird that I'm always afraid of him. I'm not feeling good in my own house. In addition, he's a mess so I'm obligate to do all the drudgery. It's a nightmare! I don't know what to do. I make a wrong choice by coming living here.
Choice 1 :
It's really easy to use my metro pass. I'm never caught in the traffic. It's make my life easier.
Choice 1 :
Sell the car and buy a metro pass.
Write a choice here.
The End.