Social Science Education.

A hypertext narrative by

Blaik Melanie

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 923

Choice count: 46

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 17 matches (Education, School, choice, class, don, education in, goals, homework, method, methodology, project, school, social, speaking, students, teacher, writing)

Sociology : 16 matches (class, society, education, culture, School, economics, geography, homework, images, international, methodology, philosophy, psychology, school, social science, state)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (action, family, International, law, order, parties, process, schedule, society, state, waste, young)

Target Structure:

come in handy (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

worthwhile (3 matches)


Social Science Education.

Social Science categories

What is Social Science Education?

Social Science is about education in the society and various other studies: politics, geography, law, economics, relations, philosophy, and so on. Considering all of this, what do you believe it can also involve?

Choice 1 : Psychology.

Choice 2 : Methodology.



''So'' you believe that methodology is a subcategory of Social Science. How, in your daily life, do you make use of methodology?

Choice 1 : At home.

Choice 2 : At School.

At school

At School.

Let say your teacher gives you a school essay to write, what method would you used to get it done?

Choice 1 : Write a Plan.

Choice 2 : Try to study more

At home

At home.

Let's say at home your mom asks you to organize your school homework for the following week. How would you plan it?

Choice 1 : Calendar.

Choice 2 : To do-list.



Psychology refers to people's mental attitude. Let's say last week you were to a party gathering international people discussing their cultures and traditions. How would you define the psychological state present in the room?

Choice 1 : Boredom.

Choice 2 : Flow.



What do you believe caused the total disinterest and boredom among some people?

Choice 1 : Culture-clash.

Choice 2 : Worthwhile



Awesome! What do you think better helped the flow of conversation at the party?

Choice 1 : Music.

Choice 2 : Food.



Now that you know you will plan your homework using a calendar, how will you categorize the work to be done?

Choice 1 : A ready-made template.

Choice 2 : Flow.

To-do list

To do-list.

It's a good idea to use a to-do list to plan your work. In the past, what have you used a to-do list for?

Choice 1 : Shopping list.

Choice 2 : Plan a party.

A ready-made template

A ready-made template.

A template is a good tool for writing a school essay. What do you think are the other uses of a ready-made template?

Choice 1 : Taking notes on a tablet

Choice 2 : School presentation.

Write a plan

Write a Plan.

Do you think writing a plan is a good way to help the person the get a better idea about the work?

Choice 1 : Yes it's a great idea!

Choice 2 : No, we don't need it



Being at a party where you don't know anyone can have some drawbacks. Now, coming from different cultures can make it even more difficult. Is it hard for you to start speaking to a stranger from another culture and country?

Choice 1 : Worthwhile.

Choice 2 : Psychology.



Usually young people go to parties even if they are tired. For them it creates a feeling of fulfillment, specially at the weekend. Have you ever attended a party while being tired?

Choice 1 : Yes sometimes

Choice 2 : Never fell it



Usually a party with music can come in handy. It makes people happy or not. Have you ever been at a party where there was no music?

Choice 1 : I think this will be bored

Choice 2 : No, this will be more fun



At parties, people love to have food. They can be of various colors and shapes. What type of food do you prefer at a party?

Choice 1 : Chocolate and soda drink

Choice 2 : Chips and sweets

Shopping list

Shopping list.

At the beginning of each school year, students have to buy a lot of materials. A shopping list can make the process easier. What have you bought as school materials?

Choice 1 : Buying notebooks

Choice 2 : Buying a tablet

Plan a party

Plan a party.

It can be scary to plan a party. There is a lot to be done: Finding volunteers, choosing music and food. Have you ever helped in planning a party?

Choice 1 : Getting help from friends and family

Choice 2 : Buying decoration for the event

School presentation

School presentation.

At school, students have a lot of presentation to do. They can be written presentation or PowerPoint presentation. What elements do you like to add in your presentations?

Choice 1 : Images at home.

Choice 2 : Videos at School.



Before attempting a project it is good to have goals in order to complete it properly. Making a plan helps us to save time and make the process easier. Do you agree or disagree?

Choice 1 : Agree to do bubbles plan

Choice 2 : Disagree to do a plan it doesn't help



Having a plan can be a good idea or not. Sometimes people spend too much time in making the plan rather than making the action. It can become very overwhelming and waste our time. Do you agree or disagree?

Choice 1 : Agree

Choice 2 : Disagree it's the tiredness

Social Science education

Social Science Education?

Do you believe that Social Science can be involved?

Choice 1 : Yes, the psychology can explain

Choice 2 : No, it's the methodology

Planning for an event

Planning for an event.

Preparing and deciding the work for the preparation to an event or a moment who is coming what would you do?

Choice 1 : Writing on a notebook

Choice 2 : Taking notes on a tablet

Preparing and doing a list of the week

Preparing and doing a list of the week.

Let's say you have a long schedule for the week and you want to organize your class time and your homework what would you do?

Choice 1 : Buy a notebook

Choice 2 : Write all of your things on a calendar

The End.