Your future after the cegep.

A hypertext narrative by

sebastien lauziere

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1182

Choice count: 33

Section count: 24

Image count: 23

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 18 matches (Arab, Basic, Contract, Hotel, Opportunity, Package, Program, bridge, camp, compensation, contract, hotel, league, national, option, package, program, responsible)

Education : 15 matches (CEGEP, Down, National, School, choice, college, compensation, don, fail, intervention, knowledge, market, project, school, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 14 matches (arrested, company, compensation, contract, drugs, family, harassment, intervention, market, misconduct, office, option, Parliament, Sexual)

Target Structure:

compensation package (1 match)

hinder (1 match)

HR (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Your future after the cegep.

College Montmorency

The beginning.

Congratulation!!!You are at your last years at the College of Montmorency in civil engineering, and you are really perplexed because you have to make a choice between tree option.

Choice 1 : Go to the university

Choice 2 : Go on the labor market.

Choice 3 : Continue playing football.

The university.

So, you choose to go to the university because you want to continue your study and have a better future. So, you will go to ETS.

Choice 1 : L'ETS.

Go on the labor market.

Alright so now you choose to go work at once after the cegep, but now you had the opportunity to go work for the RCMP, Royal Canadian Mountain Police or you can start your own company with your knowledge in civil engineering.

Choice 1 : Go in the RCMP.

Choice 2 : Start your own company

Continue playing football.

You choose to continue the football, so now it is the time to choose with country do you want to play for. You got two option National football leagues, NFL or Canadian football league, CFL.

Choice 1 : Playing in the NFL.

Choice 2 : Playing in the CFL.


So now, you are at the ETS and you have many questions for witch engineer program do you want to go do you want to go. You hesitated between two of them, the fist one is to continue in civil engineering and the second one is to be an electronic engineer.

Choice 1 : Civil engineer.

Choice 2 : Electronic engineer.

Civil engineer.

You chose to continue in Civil engineering, and now you will work for NCNC Lavalin.

Choice 1 : work for NCNC Lavalin.

work for NCNC Lavalin.

Now you work for NCNC Lavalin and, they propose you to stay at Montreal for working on some project there or to go in another country. You have to make a big decision.

Choice 1 : Stay in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Work for them in another country.

Stay in Montreal.

You want to stay in Montreal, so the manager gives you the opportunity to work on the project for the Champlain bridge.

Choice 1 : Work on the Champlin Bridge.

Work on the Champlin Bridge.

You accept to work on this project, so you work on it for 5 years. After the five years the project is finished. Two years after the end of the project the bridge fall down and it kills one hundred people. So, you get fire for no respect of the office politics and you get arrested for kill one hundred people because you don't respect the plan.

Choice 1 : bad choice!!Try again.

Work for them in another country.

You choose to go in another country, so you went to talk to your manager and, we propose you to work to Dubai on the Burj Al Arab hotel project. But you want to the HR to know the salary and where you will live.

Choice 1 : Go to DubaÏ for the hotel project.

Go to DubaÏ for the hotel project.

You make an excellent choice ! After five years you finished the hotel and you get hired by a big company in Dubaï. You will be a very rich engineer with one of the greatest reputations in the world.

Choice 1 : The end.Try again.

Electronic engineer.

You decide to continue your study an electronic engineer and you got only one company, it is Hydro-Québec.

Choice 1 : Hydro-Québec.


You choose to work for hydro-Quebec, but now they ask you if you want rest to the Quebec or you want to go to China for teaching them how to do a hydro electric dam.

Choice 1 : Stay at the Quebec.

Choice 2 : Go to China.

Stay at the Quebec.

You start working in the company for 10 years and, you get arrested by the police because, you did lots of sexual harassment at a co-worker. So, you will live the rest of your life in the jail.

Choice 1 : Bad person. Try again.

Go to China.

You decide to go to China. So, you start working there and you will work there for the rest of your life until your retirement. But you will work for long time because you have to put aside enough money.

Choice 1 : The end .Try again.

Go in the RCMP.

You choose to drop the study in engineering and you go in the RCMP. But before you had to be accepted.

Choice 1 : yes, you are accepted

Choice 2 : You are not accepted.


Congratulation, you are accepted, so now you are going to work at Ottawa.

Choice 1 : Ottawa.


You arrive at Ottawa and, you start working there. A few months later, the parliament been attack by a terrorist and he starts shooting everywhere. You have been touch by a bullet and you will never be able again to walk, so you will have a compensation package for your old days. But, you are the responsible of your own situation by your misconduct during the intervention and you hinder all the operation.

Choice 1 : End . Try again.

You are not accepted.

You are not accepted. So, now you don't want to go back to school and you want to make money really fast. You start to sell drugs and to be a pimp in Montreal. But a few years later, you regret everything and you kill yourself.

Choice 1 : The end. Try again.

Your own company.

You start your own company in Civil Engineering. But a few mouths later your company did not go well, even with the overtime. Now you had two choose, the fist is to drop everything and the second one is to continue to work hard.

Choice 1 : Drop everything.

Choice 2 : Continue to work hard.

Drop everything.

You decide to drop everything because you are a loser and lazy person. So, you are going to fail your life.

Choice 1 : The end. Try again

Play in the NFL.

Congratulation, you get drafted in the NFL and you will play for the Giant of New York. Now you are going to have a big wage, add a contract of three years with them and you will get another contract, so you will only play football in your life. So, you will retirement at thirty-five years old and you will build a beautiful family.

Choice 1 : The end. Try again.

Play in the CFL.

You are invited to a camp in the CFL, but you get hurt, so no one takes you. So, you will have a basic job after that and finish your day like a normal person.

Choice 1 : The end. Try again.

Continue to work hard.

You make a good decision. After lots of hard work, your company going well and you will be one of the greatest businessmen in the Civil engineering project.

Choice 1 : The end . Try again.

The End.