Being alone or not.

A hypertext narrative by

Gabriel Dubé

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 412

Choice count: 17

Section count: 12

Image count: 5

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 5 matches (choice, don, failed, goal, goals)

Marketing : 5 matches (choice, family, goal, lead, reach)

Business : 4 matches (lead, money, partner, pay)

Target Structure:


Being alone or not.


You choose to be alone or with someone?

Life could be very different rather you choose to live it by yourself or with a person you love.

Choice 1 : By yourself.

Choice 2 : With someone you love.

By yourself.

If you decide to stay alone and not be with someone, it will be easier to make choices because you can do what you want to do for example, you can decide to woke up and go on a trip around the world.

Choice 1 : Concentrate on your carreer.

Choice 2 : Not working at all.


Not working at all.

You cannot have a good life if you dont work because you have to pay for everthing and if you dont work you dont have money.

Choice 1 : Homeless.


You are now homeless in the street!

Choice 1 : Start again!


Concentrate on your carreer.

If you decide to concentrate on your career it's because your willing to work alot of hours at work. You will have promotions that will lead you to a higher stage in the compagny.

Choice 1 : Reach your goal.

Choice 2 : Parachute.


Reach your goal.

You achieve your goals at work, Good job (;

Choice 1 : Make a new try



It was really cool wow haha!!

Choice 1 : Failed!! start again

With someone you love.

To have someone you love in your life will bring you personnal goals like having a family or buying a house.

Choice 1 : Not having children.

Choice 2 : Having a kid...

Not having children.

You can choose to not have children because you dont want any or because you or your partner just can't.

Choice 1 : You don't want kid.

Choice 2 : You can't have kids.

You don't want kid.

you will live with your wife but you won't enjoy the pleasure of having a big family.

Choice 1 : New try ?

Having a kid...

Having kids is the greatest challenge of a lifetime because it's a big responsability but it can bring you a lot of hapiness, you can even become a better person. Plus, you are more responsible.

Choice 1 : Start again?

You can't have kids.

Sometimes people can't have kids because they have fertility problems so to reach your goal of having a family you can adopt.

Choice 1 : Adopting a kid and live a great life

The End.