Iness J.

A hypertext narrative by

Iness Jied

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 485

Choice count: 26

Section count: 12

Image count: 8

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 14 matches (Education, School, choice, classes, college, don, field, general, grades, high school, performance, school, students, university)

Psychology : 9 matches (burnout, depression, family, field, need, patient, performance, psychology, psychologist)

Nursing : 6 matches (depression, pregnancy, psychologist, psychology, sick, patients)

Target Structure:

retirement (2 matches)


Iness J.


What do I choose.

I'm almost finished with college, but the problem is that I don't know where to send my application to University. So, witch one between these four should I choose.

Choice 1 : University of Laval

Choice 2 : University of Montreal

Choice 3 : UQAM

Choice 4 : University of Sherbrooke



I've got admitted by two University, but obviously I don't know witch one I should go to.

Choice 1 : University of Laval

Choice 2 : University of Montreal



So, you're almost done with university. Have you chosen to work as a psychologist in a school or as psychologist for adults?

Choice 1 : Psychologist in a school

Choice 2 : Psychologist in general


Should I go give my resume to only one place or more than that.

Choice 1 : One place

Choice 2 : More than one

I Have a job.

I got a job at a High School to help students with problems like depression etc. but should I accept it or wait?

Choice 1 : Yeah accept it you need it

Choice 2 : No wait for another offer


Two job?

I've got now two job offer, should I accept them both? Or only one of them?

Choice 1 : You should take both jobs

Choice 2 : Just one is enough



I just discovered that I was pregnant. Should I live now or should I wait until I can't do it anymore?

Choice 1 : Yes you should go

Choice 2 : Stay a little longer

Sick day.

My child is really sick should I stay with him at home or should I go to my fascinating meeting with a patient and live my son with my husband?

Choice 1 : Stay with him

Choice 2 : Go see your patient



I am mentally going through a burnout should I stay here and go to see my patients or should I take some time off and travel with my family.

Choice 1 : Stay you need to work

Choice 2 : Go travel


I am now 65 years old, I am not sure If I should take my retirement or if I should stay a little longer.

Choice 1 : Retire

Choice 2 : Stay a little longer



You got rejected to this University, because your performance rating is not what they want, they want better, so what would you do?

Choice 1 : Go in another program for now to increase your performance rating

Choice 2 : Try to apply to another University



You were previously rejected to go in psychology because of your grades, but instead you chose to send your application in another program but related to that field. So, what did you chose?

Choice 1 : Education

Choice 2 : Basic classes, because I will try to increase my performance rating

The End.