
A hypertext narrative by

Madeleine Hondt

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1735

Choice count: 67

Section count: 32

Image count: 30

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 33 matches (admission, agent, blacklist, claim, clerk, electricity, force, goods, government, guarantee, House, immigration, Information, International, inventory, lists, living, maintenance, market, minimum wage, month, noise, office, private, public, register, rent, reputation, status, stock, subscription, term, test)

Tourism : 27 matches (Airport, Benefits, City, Concierge, Demand, Employee, Food, Form, Hotel, Luxury, Plane, US, agent, airport, benefit, cable, concierge, course, fees, hotel, international, inventory, multiple, register, through, ticket, waiting list)

Education : 25 matches (Jerome, School, admission requirements, admissions, campus, choice, course, failure, fees, fellow, first, market, private, public school, reader, register, school, skills, social, term, test, training, tuition fees, university, vocational)

Target Structure:

lack of (1 match)

wage (1 match)



Welcome to Quebec.

It all starts with my arrival in Canada, precisely in the city of Montreal, province of Quebec. The idea is to settle permanently in this city but also to have an acceptable standard of living.

Choice 1 : Work.

Choice 2 : Go back to school.

Choice 3 : Solicit social welfare.


I decide to go to work because I have to pay my rent, get dressed, put on my shoes and feed myself. I am not entitled to any government assistance for three months.

Choice 1 : Inventory clerk at WIS International.

Choice 2 : House cleaner at the Super hotel.

Choice 3 : Maintenance agent of a car dealership's offices.

Go back to school.

I decide to go back to school because it is the only way to have a decent pay and thus to guarantee me an acceptable standard of living.

Choice 1 : Go to University.

Choice 2 : Register at a public vocational training center.

Choice 3 : Join a private vocational training center.

Solicit social welfare.

I decide to seek social welfare because it is easy and fast money in addition to the other benefits associated with it.

Choice 1 : The waiting period of 3 months.

Choice 2 : The check for $550.

Choice 3 : I do not want to talk to anyone.

Inventory clerk at WIS International.

I go to one of their offices as advertised in the newspaper. There was work even for newcomers without Canadian experience. After a short written test, I am retained. It is a job paid at the minimum wage without any social benefit.

Choice 1 : I accept this precarious job.

Choice 2 : I continue to search.

I accept this precarious job.

I am on the selected team to take stock of large jeans warehouse. The jeans are stacked on top of each other as far as the eye can see and seem to form impassable walls. You have to scan them one by one.

Choice 1 : I climb on a stool, it wobbles and I fall.

Choice 2 : A wall of badly stacked jeans crushes me

I continue to search.

I decide not to accept this job. The pay is not interesting, I have no social benefit and I really do not want to spend my days counting goods.

Choice 1 : My concierge proposes to become a dancer

Choice 2 : My reserves are running out.


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Start again

House cleaner at the Super hotel.

An immigrant neighbor also suggests that I recommend her to her employer. She is a house cleaner in a hotel and now there is a need for staff. No training is necessary. Just show me how to use two or three things.

Choice 1 : I start work immediately.

Choice 2 : The employer asks me his conditions.

I start work immediately.

I change; I take my equipment and go to the first room. I have 10 to do in 4 hours.

Choice 1 : The room is not empty

Choice 2 : A man pushes me violently inside a room

The employer asks me his conditions.

The employer brings me to his office and tells me that he has the means to earn me much more than my pay. When I ask him what it is, he tells me that I am old enough to understand.

Choice 1 : I tell him I will think about it

Choice 2 : I am sending him on a walk

Maintenance agent of a car dealership's offices.

A fellow compatriot takes care of housekeeping at a car dealership. It is moonlighting and no need to go through an interview. He talks to me about it and I decide to follow him.

Choice 1 : I am hypnotized by big cars.

Choice 2 : We are surprised by a raid by the police.

I am hypnotized by big cars.

I had never seen so many big, beautiful cars on one site. I want all of them. I am amazed by so much beauty and luxury.

Choice 1 : I decide to drive one during the night

Choice 2 : I wonder if I could steal one

We are surprised by a raid by the police.

We have been launching for a long time already in our work. We are progressing well and even thinking that we will finish soon when a heavy noise interrupts us.

Choice 1 : On his knees and hands behind his back shouts one of the policemen

Choice 2 : A man gets out of one of the cars and opens fire

Go to University.

Yes, I could, because my degrees allow me. Moreover, it is exciting to go to University. It is good for self-realization.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Quebec in Outaouais (St-Jerome Campus).

Go to the University of Montreal.

I am not decided yet but it is all like. I seriously think to enroll at the University of Montreal. I know some compatriots who go there. I do not risk feeling out of place.

Choice 1 : The conditions of admission are insurmountable

Choice 2 : Outside me, I raise my voice

Go to the University of Quebec in Outaouais (St-Jerome Campus).

Through announcements here and there, I hear about this university. I take information over the phone and it seems like I have a chance to integrate it.

Choice 1 : I may have a chance

Choice 2 : How to brave the distance?

Register at a public vocational training center.

Of course, I can just enroll in a public school. I do a fast professional training, and I am immediately in the job market.

Choice 1 : Tuition fees are affordable.

Choice 2 : The waiting list for admission is endless.

Tuition fees are affordable.

I retain "Skills 2000" as the training center in which I will try to make a place for myself. Tuition fees are within my reach and there is a panoply of training not long but especially in demand.

Choice 1 : I have to wait for the study of my file.

Choice 2 : Admissions are complete.

The waiting list for admission is endless.

My application is accepted, but I am on an additive list. There are people before me who are also waiting to be called.

Choice 1 : Do I have time to wait?

Choice 2 : Are there other ways?

Join a private vocational training center.

There are private vocational schools and the waiting lists are much shorter and the admission requirements are more flexible.

Choice 1 : How to pay tuition.

Choice 2 : The bad reputation of some schools.

How to pay tuition.

As any medal has its flip side, tuition fees in private schools are indeed the flip side of the coin here.

Choice 1 : I do not take the time to think

Choice 2 : I give up

The bad reputation of some schools.

There is a blacklist of schools that cannot be served. The reasons are multiple but the main one is the lack of rigor in the training. Of course, this is not without consequences.

Choice 1 : I may not find a job

Choice 2 : Who risks nothing has nothing

The waiting period of 3 months.

The immigration employee at the airport informed me upon arrival that I will not be able to apply for any government assistance until 3 months later. It does not sound like that, but in reality, it is quite another matter.

Choice 1 : How to survive while waiting for this manna from heaven?

Choice 2 : I decide to return to my country.

How to survive while waiting for this manna from heaven?

There are 3 months of rent to pay during this waiting period. The owner will not wait with me. Then, I have to eat well too and satisfy my other needs. It is a time of big vulnerability.

Choice 1 : I go to food banks.

Choice 2 : I let myself go

I decide to return to my country.

I did not fall from the sky. I come from somewhere and it has not like someone closed doors after me.

Choice 1 : I do not have a plane ticket back

Choice 2 : I will have to assume my failure

The check for $550.

After analyzing my file, the amount I can claim is neither more nor less than $550. So, start the equations with several unknowns.

Choice 1 : Can I live on $550 a month?

Choice 2 : I am ashamed of myself.

Can I live on $550 a month?

I have a rent of $500 for three and a half. By calculating well, I still have $50 left to pay for my electricity, my phone, my cable and all the rest. It would take a miracle for me to come out of it.

Choice 1 : I am going to work in the dark

Choice 2 : The eyes of others

I am ashamed of myself.

I find it extremely difficult to assume my welfare status. I do not want others to know it. I do not want to be called a profiteer.

Choice 1 : I do not want people to know about me.

Choice 2 : I will invent a blanket.

I do not want to talk to anyone.

In reality, the best way to stay discreet is that I do not talk to anyone. So, no questions and no lies either.

Choice 1 : I take a Netflix subscription.

Choice 2 : I change province.

I take a Netflix subscription.

It seems to me that I have the right to enjoy life as well. So, I'm taking a Netflix subscription. A few bags of chips and the trick is played. No need to force me.

Choice 1 : Long live the good life

Choice 2 : Short term

I change province.

Canada has many other provinces. It is true that in my immigration papers it is written that I was selected by Quebec but nothing prevents me from moving elsewhere. As they say, it changes the nonsense.

Choice 1 : In Ontario

Choice 2 : In the New Brunswick

The End.