Word count: 997
Choice count: 24
Section count: 15
Image count: 15
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Tourism : 20 matches (Alcohol, Area, Benefits, Contract, Event, PROFiT, Party, Program, Sport, agent, bit, coach, coffee shop, contract, event, interests, leg, pension, program, stop)
Education : 15 matches (School, adult, choice, coach, college, diploma, don, head, learned, motivation, project, school, social, student, university)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 13 matches (agent, close, company, contract, family, freedom, House, interest, living, minimum wage, parties, pension, street)
Target Structure:
pension (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
straight A's (1 match)
wage (1 match)
I am studying Social Sciences at Montmorency College to become an entrepreneur. It is my final year of college, and it makes me very anxious. I don't know yet which university I want to go to.
Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.
Choice 2 : Go to the University of ESG in Montreal.
I am very happy with my choice even if living far away from my friends and family is hard. I miss them so much. Sometimes, I just want to drive back to Montreal and never come back to Sherbrooke. The good news is that I had a chance to talk with the head coach of the soccer team, and he really wants me in his team. The soccer program there is very serious and it comes with many advantages as a student.
Choice 1 : I decide to be part of the soccer team.
Choice 2 : I decide to concentrate on my studies.
I love Montreal! This University is so nice and it is close to my house. During my breaks, I love to go shopping around or to go study at Starbucks coffee shop that is at the corner of the street. Also, all of my friends go to the same school.
Choice 1 : I get my diploma after my 3 years of study.
Choice 2 : I drop my program and start my own business.
It has been a year that I'm part of the soccer team. I have met so much nice people and everyone wants to be my friend. My studies are good, but not as much as all the parties we throw every weekend! Last weekend, a tragic event has happened.
Choice 1 : I got injured.
Choice 2 : I drop out my studies to concentrate on my passion.
Even if soccer is my passion since I'm a little girl, I prefer concentrate of my studies to get straight A's. I want to follow my dream of being a business girl.
Choice 1 : I want my diploma before starting anything else.
After 3 years of hardworking, I finally got it. I'm so proud of what I have accomplished. Now that I am an adult and that I can do what I like, I can't wait to start my own business and be my own boss. I swear that I'll be a hard worker. I want to have the best retirement possible and a great pension.
Choice 1 : I am happy.
I want to be an entrepreneur since I am a little girl. I want to be ahead of my own business. It is a big dream for me because I want freedom to work and I can also have an unlimited earning potential. I think that the business world is a bit intimidating because it is full of men, but I'm not going to let this stop me.
Choice 1 : Business of clothes.
Choice 2 : Business of alcohol drink.
I broke my leg. I can't do anything right now because I am stuck in my hospital bed. That's so bad. I can't go to school, I can't play soccer and I can't even work in a small shop that would pay me at the minimum wage to do some multiples simple tasks.
Choice 1 : I cry.
Choice 2 : I wait to be better as soon as possible.
I always knew that soccer was my passion. I practice this sport since I was 4 years old. It has learned me many things that will help me for life. I love that sport.
Choice 1 : I become a professional soccer player.
WOW! I love that industry so much! Since I've become an entrepreneur, I had the chance to met amazing people and famous designer. I didn't know I would have so much interest in this before I tried. Also, I love being my own manager. This area of business is difficult. Now, I don't do profit at all.
Choice 1 : I give up.
Choice 2 : I wait.
Since I'm a party girl, I wanted something in my interests. So, my agent got me a contract with another entrepreneur who already had its own company.
Choice 1 : I accept.
Choice 2 : I do not accept.
Finally, this is too hard. I don't think I'll be able to have benefits. I don't have enough experience and motivation for this. I guess it is time to find other plans for my future.
Choice 1 : Business is not for me.
Waiting is part of the processus of starting a business. After all this, my best idea was to wait. With time, my business has upgraded a lot and it is for the best. I make a lot of profit and I'm very proud.
Choice 1 : I get rich.
I make a lot of money with this project, but i'm happy that much because I still work for somebody else. I always wanted to have my own business. I don't want to be a "part" of a company or a project. What do I do now?
Choice 1 : I quit.
Choice 2 : I stay there.
I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and own my company. I don't want to represent someone else than me. I want to represent all my own ideas, all my hard work and all the benefits.
Choice 1 : I work.
The End.