An Astonishing Day at Work.

A hypertext narrative by

Qeila Mboni

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1082

Choice count: 15

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 13 matches (bit, burn, call, choice, close, field, index, News, operation, pass, reader, ringing, victim)

Nursing : 12 matches (operation, burn, Doctor, Index, heart, hospital, nurse, pain, skin, stress, surgery, sweat)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (answer, close, driving, House, minutes, misconduct, notice, pension, premium, truth, victim)

Target Structure:

come in handy (1 match)

dread (1 match)

internship (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

wage (1 match)


An Astonishing Day at Work.


Which door do you choose?

Hi, you just graduated from university with straight A's. The hospital where you did your internship has offered you a premium wage job as a nurse including a full pension. Although you were considering volunteering abroad you can't pass up on this opportunity. Now you have been working as a nurse in a hospital for a few weeks. You got this job right out of university, and it's really close to your house. This morning, you woke up late and you should have been at work 10 minutes ago. The doctor and the other nurses are probably waiting for you to arrive. You are now on your way to the operating room, and you are stressing because of how late you are. The stress of being late is causing you to doubt if the doctor and the nurses are waiting for you in the operating room #4 or #6. Which door should you choose?

Choice 1 : Door #4.

Choice 2 : Door #6.

operating room

Door #4.

Oh...shoot!! That's the wrong one. In the room, the doctor and the nurses are performing a surgery on a high burn skin victim. Sadly, you have never done that kind of surgery before and you have no experience in that field. The doctor just asks you to come closer to help him. You dread the feeling of making a mistake with the surgery, but you don't want to disappoint the doctor and the nurses. Should you go?

Choice 1 : You stay.

Choice 2 : You leave.

operating room

You stayed.

As you come closer, the doctor asks you to take over what he is doing while he goes to get new materials that would come in handy with the surgery. You are stressing, but you are trying to convince yourself that it is not that hard, and that you can do it. But on the other hand, you know that it's wrong and you have no idea what to do, and how to do it. Should you do it or should you tell him that you are not qualified?

Choice 1 : You do it.

Choice 2 : You tell the truth.

nurse crying

You did it.

While you are trying to do the same as the doctor was doing, the patient starts to scream, and to say that he is in excruciating pain. Suddenly, the doctor looks at you with anger and asks you to leave and wait for him on the other side of the door. Outside the room, the doctor just starts yelling at you and telling you that what you did was unacceptable and that he will make sure that you will have no longer the right to work as a nurse and that your career is over.

Choice 1 : Start over.

nurse stress

You told the truth.

You did it, you told him the truth. He is now looking at you in the eyes and asking you to leave and wait for him on the other side of the door. While you wait for him in the hallway, you start to sweat nervously, thinking of the worst. When he arrives, he told you that you did well, that telling the truth is always the right thing to do. However, you should be careful to not enter the wrong operating room again.

Choice 1 : Start over.


You left.

You realize that you are so late, you would like to leave, but you know that you can’t, and that you really need to go to work because you were supposed to do some overtime. However, you are very uncomfortable to enter the room 30 minutes late. Should you go home and forget about that day, or should you enter and do your best? What do you do?

Choice 1 : You enter in the room.

Choice 2 : You go home.

You entered in the room.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


You went home.

While driving back home, you feel really bad about your choice, though you still convince yourself that tomorrow will be a better day, and all of this will be behind you. Once you enter your apartment, you hear your phone ringing. You answer. Bad news! It's the hospital, they're calling to fire you. It is unacceptable to miss a surgery and not even tell anyone what is going on. After that call, you spend the end of the day crying because you loved your job so much.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Door #6.

Good choice, you are at the right place. However, the doctor is looking at you in an angry manner because you are very late, but he asks you to put some gloves on quickly and come help them. You put your gloves on in a hurry. While putting your gloves on, you notice a slight tear on the tip of your right index. You are already late and you don't want the doctor and the other nurses to get annoyed. Should you take the time to change your gloves or should you keep them?

Choice 1 : Keep them, nobody will see this tiny hole.

Choice 2 : Take the time to change them.

doctor yelling

You kept them.

No need to be stressed, nobody will see it, it's so tiny. While you are working on the heart of the patient, you realize your hole is getting bigger and you start to panic a bit, you are afraid someone will see it. And actually, someone does. The nurse in front of you notices it, and tells the doctor about it. Angrily, he asks you to leave the room and wait for him on the other side of the door. While you wait for him in the hallway, you start to sweat nervously, thinking of the worst. When he arrives, the doctor just starts yelling at you and he tells you that what your grave misconduct was unacceptable and that he will make sure that you will have no longer the right to work as a nurse and that your career ends here.

Choice 1 : Start over.


You changed it.

Good choice, it could have been very dangerous for the patient. You arrived late, but the operation went very well and the doctor just advised you not to be late again, it won't always be acceptable. You finished your day happily.

Choice 1 : Start over.

The End.