An Imaginary Life.

A hypertext narrative by

Trysha Hébert

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1987

Choice count: 33

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 27 matches (accused, answer, arrested, charge, children, clients, code, crime, criminal, custody, fact, family, guilty, hostage, judges, Law Society, law, lawyer, misconduct, murder, offer, office, premium, process, schedule, society, trial)

Education : 24 matches (CEGEP, P, School, choice, class, course, diploma, don, first, graduation, learned, management, options, points, reader, reception, school, social, student, student loans, students, task, teach, training)

Police-Technology : 17 matches (accused, arrests, crime, criminal, criminal code, gun, hostage, jail, law, lawyer, charge, charges, murder, guilty, police, suspect, trial)

Target Structure:

fulfillment (1 match)

maddening (2 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (2 matches)

premium wage (1 match)

time management (2 matches)

wage (2 matches)


An Imaginary Life.

My graduation.

Different things do that all people are different and live a different life. The life experience, the family, the friends and more can change the life of a person. For me, my name is Trysha Hébert and I am 18 years old. I just graduated of Cegep in mathematics profile of Social Sciences. I don't know which I really want to do. I have two options.

Choice 1 : Go to study in law.

Choice 2 : Go to work for the pharmacy like technician laboratory.

Go to study in law.

I studied in law for 4 years. I just graduated in this program. I need clients because I have some student loans. One day, a woman came to see me in my office. She explained to me that her husband fights her and the only solution she found was to kill him. So, she did it, and now she is accusing of murder. She wants to keep the custody of her two children. So, today, she asks for my help. Today, I have to answer to the woman if I decide to help her or not.

Choice 1 : Help her.

Choice 2 : Drop the offer because it's too risky for the first process.

Help her.

Today, I sent an e-mail to the woman, Kate, that I will defend her to the trial. When I decided to help her, I hired myself to keep for myself some proves elements. This is a risky maneuver and I have to do it secretly because it's not consistent to the criminal code. I want to do it because I found that it's legitimate that the kids stay with their mother. The task of a lawyer it's to do what he thinks it's the best for his clients. At the trial, the police wasn't be able to prove that Kate killed her husband, so the kids stayed with their mother. Now, I just have to continue my law career.

Choice 1 : I just continue my career and nobody never talks about.

Choice 2 : 5 years later, the police find a new prove that accused the mother and the police find out that I knew Kate killed her husband.

I just continue my career and nobody never talks about.

I just continue my career and nobody never talks about this trial. Each day, I think about this trial and I feel so guilty. I don't know if I were been able to continue to do this job all my life.

Choice 1 : Continue to do this job all my life

Choice 2 : Go to work for the pharmacy like technician laboratory.

5 years later, the police find a new prove that accused the mother and the police find out that I knew Kate killed her husband.

The police proved that I knew Kate kill her husband. They communicated it at the Law Society. This organism will decide if I keep my law job or not.

Choice 1 : The police judges that I defended legitimately the mother, so I keep my job for the rest of my life

Choice 2 : The police judges that I cover up the proves of a murder, and they took away my law diploma. The police said that I did a misconduct.

The police judges that I cover up the proves of a murder, and they took away my law diploma.

Now, I don't have any job, so I decided to go to give my CV at the pharmacy to become a technician laboratory.

Choice 1 : Go to work for the pharmacy like technician laboratory.

Drop the offer because it's too risky for the first process.

I decided to drop the offer because it's too risky to hide some proves at a trial. I know if I hide some proves, I am feeling guilty and the job I like will become a dead-end-job. I know I won't be able to practice this job all my life if I am not all honest. I don't know how it will be in the future, but I know it's not a good thing for me if I am not playing fair play.

Choice 1 : The future brings me a lot of clients, and I am the most popular lawyer of the city.

Choice 2 : Go to work for the pharmacy like technician laboratory.

Go to work for the pharmacy like technician laboratory.

The job of technician laboratory in pharmacy doesn't ask a school diploma absolutely. It's a job that can be learned by an on the job training. This job offers a flexible schedule, so a technician can work the day or the evening. This permit for some technician to do overtime and this permit at the boss to adjust the number of hours that the technicians want to do. To be a technician, you need to have facility with the concept of the time management because the pharmacy has a lot of clients. If the technician doesn't have facility with time management, her job can become maddening and stressful. When I went to give my CV, the pharmacy asked me if I want to work the day or the evening depending on the number of hours I want to do.

Choice 1 : Work the day.

Choice 2 : Work the evening.

Work the day.

I decided to work the day at the pharmacy to be able to do a 40 hours per week. I need to do a minimum of 40 hours to support my needs and has a good wage. This will also permit me to do some overtime if I need it. I will start my on the job training tomorrow. I don't know if I will love this job, but I hope.

Choice 1 : I really like my new job.

Choice 2 : I really hate my job.

I really like my new job.

I really like my new job. I have worked for the pharmacy for 3 months. I learned the ropes with a lot of the technicians who work there. The boss gave me a premium wage, and I became chef technician. He said to me that my job is perfect, and I think I really find my new job for the rest of my life or for long time in my life.

Choice 1 : I do this job for the rest of my life.

I really hate my job.

I started the on the job training last 3 months and I really hate this job. I like the fact that we all know about the pills, and we can help people, but I really don't like the place where I work and the ambiance. For me, it's a maddening job. So, I decided to go to teach this course at the Tremplin of Thetford Mines. I really love this job and I think this job was create for me. I have the impression that I do a fulfillment in my job, all day, when I help the students.

Choice 1 : I have started to teach the class of Technician Laboratory.

Work the evening.

I decided to work the evening of a part of the day and the evening because it let me the time to do some of my favorite pastimes the day. I can play tennis, play volleyball, swim and more. I also prefer to sleep the morning, so it's perfect for me to work the evening. Today, we are Thursday and it's 8:50 p.m. I am in the laboratory and I see at the reception a suspect man. When I am going to answer him, he points a gun on me and ask me Morphine. This is a narcotic. I have two choices.

Choice 1 : Give him the Morphine.

Choice 2 : Don't give him the Morphine.

Give him the Morphine.

I am really scared!!! I decide to give him the Morphine because I don't want him to kill me. I know we have a lot of cameras, so the police will find him. So, I give him all the Morphine I have in the laboratory. He just go out with it and let us safe in the pharmacy.

Choice 1 : The police find him dead in his home because he did an overdose.

Don't give him the Morphine.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : He takes me like a hostage.

Choice 2 : He shoots a ball in my leg.

He takes me like a hostage.

The guy listens outside and he hears police siren. He overturns and takes me hostage. I don't know how I feel! I am very scared, but I know it will be O.K. because the cups are there. The man goes outside and says at the cups that he will let me go if the cups let him goes. The cups let him goes and the man let me go, but the cups waited for him at his home because they identify him on the cameras. So, the guy will go in jail.

Choice 1 : The police arrests the guy.

He shoots a ball in my leg.

I decide to say at the man that I won't give him the morphine. He overturns and shoots a ball in my leg. It's so painful. I need some help. I don't have the choice, I have to give him the morphine before he kills me. I explain to him where the morphine is, and he leaves with the morphine. I didn't know that a neighbor of the pharmacy saw the guy and called the police. So, the police arrests the guy and put him in jail. They also call an ambulance for me. I am O.K., the ball doesn't touch anything important in my body.

Choice 1 : The police arrests the guy.

The police arrests the guy.

Finally, the police arrests the guy, and he goes in jail. 3 months later, it is his process and the police asked me to testify at his process. I don't know if I want to see him again because he scared me a lot, but, in same time, I want him to go in jail.

Choice 1 : I decide to go to testify at the process.

Choice 2 : I decide that I won't go testify at the process.

I decide to go to testify at the process.

This morning, it is the process of the guy who did the hold up at the pharmacy where I work. I decide to come to testify at his process because I want to know that he will be put in jail. I will certify the man who the police arrests did this crime, and he will go in jail.

Choice 1 : The man will go in jail.

I decide that I won't go to testify at the process.

I want to go to testify, but I can't. I am really scared, and I am scared that if I go to testify against the guy, he will want to kill me after his time in jail.

Choice 1 : The police charges the guy even I go to testify.

Choice 2 : The police don't succeed to charge the guy without my testify.

The police charges the guy even if I am going to testify.

The man goes in jail and stay there for a lot of years.

Choice 1 : The man goes in jail.

The police don't succeed to charge the guy without my testify.

The man was released by the police for three months. Yesterday, he was arrested in another hold up, and the pharmacist of this pharmacy will testify against the guy, so the guy will past long years in jail.

Choice 1 : The guy will past long years in jail.

The End.