Word count: 1139
Choice count: 32
Section count: 20
Image count: 16
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Nursing : 18 matches (accident, adrenaline, birth, burn, cervix, CPR, delivery, depression, Doctor, drug, HR, nurse, reaction, respiratory, shock, stress, nursing, patients)
Prehospital Emergency Care : 14 matches (accident, respiratory, emergency, patient, adrenaline, cardiac arrest, cpr, delivery, depression, drug, shock, doctor, nurse, patients)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (accident, arrest, charge, Child, delivery, examination, judgment, minutes, office, pressing, shock, wait and)
Target Structure:
abolish (1 match)
come in handy (2 matches)
drudgery (1 match)
fulfillment (1 match)
HR (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
Congratulation, you just finish the university. You are now a nurse. You're so happy. You apply to get a job in different hospitals. After a few days and some background checks, you finally got news from the HR. You are accepted as a nurse in different departments. You now have to choose where you want to work for the rest of your life.
Choice 1 : Mother-Child Center.
Choice 2 : Emergency Center.
You have chosen to work at Mother-Child Center. You are so happy. Your first day arrives and you are a little stress. You are doing your notes when you are called. A mom have contractions every five minutes. It is the first time that you are in charge of a delivery. You are not sure of what you need to do because you're on the job training.
Choice 1 : You called the Doctor.
Choice 2 : You wait to see what happen.
Choice 3 : You tell the patient to start pushing.
The Doctor arrived and see that the mother is really far from giving birth. He is mad because you call him too early. He needs to go back to his office and say that if you called again so soon he will be very angry.
Choice 1 : Try again
You do a vaginal examination and you discover that the cervix is dilated to 10 cm and cleared to 100%. You know that the delivery is coming soon. You are so anxious. You are going to see your first delivery of all time, but again you don't know what to do.
Choice 1 : You tell the patient to start pushing.
Choice 2 : You called the Doctor.
Good job! You're doing well as far. The head is now pressing on the cervix and you know that the patient need to push. You tell the other nurses to call the doctor. While waiting for him to arrive you need to do something. You tell the patient to push and you help her give birth.
Choice 1 : The Doctor hadn't arrive on time so you give birth to a beautiful little baby.
Choice 2 : You don't want to give birth on your first day so you push the head inside.
Congratulation! This was a really beautiful first day of work. You can be proud of your fulfillment. You have learned the ropes really fast.This is a day you will remember for the rest of your life. Maybe, you will be a good nurse.
Choice 1 : Start again
This wasn't your smartest idea.Abolish this idea for the rest of your life. You got fired after this event. After all the energy the mother put, you push the head inside her. You have demonstrated a lack of judgment. Who really do that in life?
Choice 1 : Try again
It's your first day at the emergency center. You are really stressed about this day. You know that sometimes it is really hard to work there, but you like challenge.After a few moments, three patients arrive at the same time. Hopefully you are three nurses, so you got the choice. You take the patient you want.
Choice 1 : Cardiac arrest.
Choice 2 : Respiratory depression.
Choice 3 : Allergic reaction.
The patient is having a cardiac arrest. You start doing the CPR. You are doing your best. There is another nurse to help you because everyone knows how hard it is to do CPR.
Choice 1 : You save the patient.
Choice 2 : The patient dies.
Congratulation! You just save a life. You can be proud of yourself. You are an excellent nurse. It is not everyone who is able to save life.
Choice 1 : Start again
Unfortunately, the patient dies. You have done everything that you can, but it is hard to assume that someone dies in your arms. You are shock but it is normal. It is the first person you see dying but it is not the last. It is a part of being a nurse.
Choice 1 : Take 2 minutes for yourself.
Choice 2 : The others need your help, come in handy.
You chose the right decision. You need to calm down and to take time for yourself, if you don't take time for yourself sometimes you will make a burn out soon, and we don't want this. You are a good nurse, and we don't want to lose you.
Choice 1 : Start again
You didn't take enough time for yourself.You have put aside your needs. Unfortunately, the rest of the day didn't go as you want, if you never take time for yourself you will make a burn out or worst because of the drudgery.
Choice 1 : Try again
The patient arrives and tell you that he isn't able to breath effectively. You realise that he is doing a respiratory depression.
Choice 1 : Encourage the patient to breath.
Choice 2 : Give him some Narcan.
You encourage the patient to breath but in vain the patient isn't able, so he dies. You feel bad.
Choice 1 : Try again
You decided to give him some Narcan. This drug is the right thing to do. You save his life. Congratulation.
Choice 1 : Start again
The patient comes to see you and he is all red and puffy. He has some difficulty to breath and tell you that he eats some peanuts three minutes ago. You discover that he is doing an allergic reaction.
Choice 1 : You wait and hope that the reaction stops.
Choice 2 : You give him adrenaline.
The patient starts having more and more difficulty to breath. He is dying right in front of you.
Choice 1 : You give him adrenaline
Choice 2 : You freak out and don't know what to do.
Hopefully, you gave him adrenaline at the right moment. You save his life. Congratulation.
Choice 1 : Start again
The patient dies right in front of you. You didn't react at the good moment. You quit your job because of this accident.
Choice 1 : Try again
The End.