My destiny.

A hypertext narrative by

Marylou Scott

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1297

Choice count: 27

Section count: 18

Image count: 18

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 28 matches (Agency, Backpacking, Campsite, Destination, First class, Food, Hotel, Maid, Opportunity, Restaurant, adventure, apartment, appointment, bit, camp, campsite, course, destination, door, first class, host, hotel, pass, reception, registered, sea, travel agency, trip)

Psychology : 18 matches (bit, cell, class, depression, dream, drive, ear, family, instinct, interview, love, miss, need, nervous, nightmare, phone, suicide, trip)

Nursing : 13 matches (professional, cell, depression, ear, foot, host, HR, impression, instinct, nervous, position, suicide, sick)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

drudgery (1 match)

HR (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (4 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

the drive of work (1 match)

vacant position (2 matches)

wage (1 match)


My destiny.

College Montmorency

The beginning.

After three years of hard work in cegep, I have to decide what I want to do for years to come. I currently have a foot in the door because I am a maid at the Fairmont Château Montebello. I do not have much money but I have the great desire to travel. My job offers me to be transferred to another Fairmont in France and I don't know what I'm going to do.

Choice 1 : Keep my job and make money.

Choice 2 : Take all my money to go to Thailand.

Choice 3 : Go work in a Fairmont in France.

Chateau Montebello

Keep my job and make money.

I make a good decision. I made the choice to work full time for 1 year for the purpose of traveling afterwards.After 1 year, my employer offers me a vacant position at the reception of the hotel that I can't accept. I would like that but I do not speak English well-enough. I have family in British Columbia and I wonder if I should join them to learn English. Now that I have a bit of money, I can also take English lessons in Quebec.

Choice 1 : Join my family in western Canada.

Choice 2 : Take English lessons.

Choice 3 : Keep my current position.

Take all my money to go to Thailand.

I decided to go alone in Thailand with little money. When I arrive at the destination, I take a campsite and I'm looking for a job to survive. I really want to come in handy, so I search for a job. I find a farm that wants to hire me to work for them for 2 months. I think it's a good opportunity to have a wadge.

Choice 1 : Take the job at the farm.

Choice 2 : Return to Quebec.

Go work in a Fairmont in France.

It's been a year that I am a cleaning lady in a big hotel in France. I am completely in love with my apartment and the people here.I like the hotel where I work, but I feel that I need a new challenge. A travel agency who is a partner with my hotel approached me to an interview with the HR. During my interview, They loved my background check. They offer me a paid internship and now I have to decide what I want to do.

Choice 1 : Accept the internship.

Choice 2 : Keep my job as a maid.

Join my family in western Canada.

I'm at my grandmother's place in British Columbia. It's been a year that I'm here and I'm starting to speak English very well. The drawback is that I do not make money here, I only spend it. I have a big ear problem that prevents me from flying for at least 1 year I do not know anyone here and I miss my parents and my job in Quebec. I wonder if I should go back to Quebec with my grandmother's car or stay here for another year.

Choice 1 : Stay here for one other year.

Choice 2 : Return to Quebec with my grandmother's car.

Take English lessons.

I registered for the English course near my home. It's my first class this morning, and I am very nervous in my car. When I put aside my cell phone, a car skidding in front of me and I die. You have to start over to make better choices.

Choice 1 : restart

Keep my current position.

I decided to keep my job as a maid. I feel that my position is dead-end with no hope of progress. I'm so sick of cleaning that I have a big depression. I want to change my life because I really do not like what I do. I want change and adventure. My friend offers me a backpacking trip to Peru with her.

Choice 1 : Leave with my friend in Peru.

Choice 2 : Stay at my current position.

Take the job at the farm.

I do my first day as an intern. I picked rice all day long with Thais. I loved my day and I'm excited for the next day. When I came back from my second day, my camp was empty. I had everything stolen. I am no longer money, food, clothes and my belongings. My employer offers me to host me the time I pick up some money. I do not want to bother him, so I do not know if I should accept or return to Quebec.

Choice 1 : Accept my employer offer.

Return to Quebec.

I decided to go back to Quebec because I'm scared to start working in an unknown place alone. I have the impression that I have not made my trip in-depth, but I'm leaving. Sadly, my plan falls into the sea and I die. You have to try again to make better choices.

Choice 1 : Restart

Accept the internship.

I loved my internship. Now it's been 6 months that I put aside my position as a maid and that I work for a travel agency. More often than not, a guy at my job is watching me. Thereafter, he invites me to go to the restaurant. I'm interested but I wonder if I should go.

Choice 1 : no.

Choice 2 : Yes.

Keep my job as a maid.

I make a good decision. I'm not staying a long time a maid. Not long after, my hotel offers me a vacant position at the reception with a premium wage. I accept with pleasure, and I am very happy with my life choices.

Choice 1 : End

Stay here for one other year.

I decided to stay with my grandmother. One morning, my grandmother asks me to go looking for lunch at the restaurant.While I was walking on the street, I got sucked up in a big problem. Someone pulls me in his car and leaves very quickly. No one has ever seen me again. Try again to make better choices.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Return to Quebec with my grandmother's car.

After three days of driving, I'm back in Quebec. I make some drudgery work to speak in English and it's working. This will help me in all my personal and professional achievements. I will be able to work and travel everywhere without any problems. I am very proud of my choices.

Choice 1 : End

Leave with my friend in Peru.

This is the best trip of my life, and I am very well-surrounded. This trip makes me find the person I was before my depression.I have my little job and I feel extremely well. I fall in love with the country, so I decide to stay. I can not be happier with my choices.

Choice 1 : End

Stay at my current position.

I am no longer able to face the drive of work. Every day of work is a nightmare. I am tired of everything and my depression becomes bigger.I decide to commit suicide. Try again to make better choices.

Choice 1 : Restart

Accept my employer offer.

I followed my instinct and I accepted his offer. It's the best decision of my life. I have been here for 5 years.I have two children and I'm getting married next week with my employer.

Choice 1 : end


I let pass the love of my life. Try again to make better choices.

Choice 1 : Restart.


Our appointment was perfect. He is the perfect man for me.He is an active person, motivate in life and beautiful. We have already organized our next trip to Tanzania. We love each other and live a dream life.

Choice 1 : End

The End.