It's all about choices

A hypertext narrative by

Alexandre Rhéaume

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1461

Choice count: 33

Section count: 22

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Business : 25 matches (CEO, accounting, administration, bankrupt, bankruptcy, business, clients, company, investment, leads, management, manager, market, marketing, money, offer, opportunity, pay, project manager, representative, salary, sales, seller, stock, team)

Education : 20 matches (School, choice, college, diploma, don, field, field of study, games, head, management, market, principal, project, school, skills, social, teacher, training, university, vision)

Tourism : 17 matches (Automobile, Concordia, Event, Marketing, Opportunity, Restaurant, administration, charge, embark, event, field, hold, marketing, master, principal, trip, waiter)

Target Structure:

dead-end job (1 match)

internship (1 match)

overtime (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


It's all about choices

After College.

After finishing your studies in administration, with straight A's, at Montmorency College, you have to determine whether you are pursuing University studies or you are going to the job market. If you go to university to have a master, you have to choose between Concordia or HEC. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You want a master at Concordia University.

Choice 2 : You want a master at HEC University.

Choice 3 : You want to go to the job market.

You want a master at Concordia University.

Congratulations! You decided to continue your studies and now it pays off. You succeed your master in Business at Concordia University. One of your internship during university was for Apple as a project manager, and they wanted you back after you graduated. You also have the opportunity to go work for your uncle as a seller for his BMW retailers. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : Return to Apple as a project manager.

Choice 2 : You want to go work for your uncle as a seller for BMW.

You want a master at HEC University.

Congratulations! You complete your master at HEC University. You also made some friends, and one of them asks you to go work with him for his father's company. His father owns a KFC and want you to be the assistant of the manager. You also talk with a teacher who liked you, and told you he can easily refer you for a job related to your branch, which is in California. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You want to go work at KFC as an assistant to the manager.

Choice 2 : You want to take the opportunity in California, which is also a risk.

You want to go to the job market.

You decided to go on the job market after obtaining your Graduated Diploma. You make some interview for different company, and two of them call you back. You have the choice between a job that isn't related to your field of study, which is a waiter for a renowned restaurant, or you can go work as a sales representative for an electronics company. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You want to be a waiter for a renowned restaurant.

Choice 2 : You want to be a sales representative for an electronics company.

Return to Apple as a project manager.

You choose to return to Apple as a project manager because you had a good time there during your training. The CEO of Apple likes your work and wants you to be in charge of a more important job, which is being his principal assistant. To reach this fonction, you have to do a lot of overtime and travel a lot. If you refuse this proposition, he told you that you would never have this chance again. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You want to reach this job.

Choice 2 : You don't want to reach this job.

You want to go work for your uncle as a seller for BMW.

You decide to go work for your uncle as a seller at his BMW retailers. He gives you the minimum wage, which is not as much as he said he would pay you, and you don't have as much hours as you thought. Now, you have to choose between telling your uncle that you won't stay no longer working for him or still working there. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You don't tell your uncle anything and stay.

Choice 2 : You tell your uncle that you quit.

You want to go work at KFC as an assistant to the manager.

After university, you decided to follow your friend and go work at KFC as an assistant to the manager. One day, you're the head of the floor and a hold up happens. The abductor asks you to give him the code to open the crate. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You give him the code.

Choice 2 : You don't give him the code.

You want to take the opportunity in California, which is also a risk.

You go to California and your teacher refers you to his friend who starts a new video games company. You don't know anything about video games but it's a good opportunity to improve your skills in management, accounting and marketing. On the other hand, if you choose to be a part of the team in this company, you also have to invest $20 000. What would you do?

Choice 1 : You invest $20 000 to be part of the team.

Choice 2 : You decide not to embark on this project.

You want to be a waiter for a renowned restaurant.

You choose to work as a waiter for a renowned restaurant. You made a lot of contact with clients and one of them want you to be part of his company as an important manager. Also, you did a great job in restauration and you are now a manager. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You want to be a manager in your restaurant.

Choice 2 : You want to be a manager somewhere else.

You want to be a sales representative for an electronics company.

You decided to be a sales representative for an electronics company. You did a lot of deals with clients and experiment a lot the business world. You have some new ideas concerning electrics and hesitated between starting your own company or giving your ideas to your manager so you can have the chance to get promoted. What would you choose?

Choice 1 : You want to start your own company.

Choice 2 : You want to give your ideas to the manager.

You want to reach this job.

You do a lot of overtime and travel a lot but can't enjoy your trip because you are always working. You did two depression and have a lot of difficulty with your social life, because you are always on your computer trying to figure out how people could possibly have a better social life with Apple. Things aren't going so well.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You don't want to reach this job.

You decline the offer but still continue working there. After a few years, you regret and want this opportunity back, but it is too late. You are stock as a project manager for Apple or you can search for something else but you tell yourself that you don't want to go back to school or find an other job and start from the beginning so you stay there until your retirement.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You don't tell your uncle anything and stay.

You don't tell your uncle and continue working for him with a bad salary and bad conditions.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You tell your uncle that you quit.

An argument erupts between you and your uncle, which leads to the bankruptcy of his automobile dealership.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You give him the code.

The thief leaves with the money under your eyes, so you're fired after this event.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You don't give him the code.

The thief pulls a pistol out of his coat and shoots you. He steals the money anyway and runs away.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You invest $20 000 to be part of the team.

You lose all of your investment, because your associates have made bad decisions.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You decide not to embark on this project.

It was a great opportunity and you miss it. You will never have an opportunity like this again.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You want to be a manager in your restaurant.

You have a lot of complaints because you are not good enough in restauration. Your time management in a restaurant is not on point.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You want to be a manager somewhere else.

The company his not well structured when you arrive so you try to fix it but you don't succeed. The company goes bankrupt.

Choice 1 : Try again.

You want to start your own company.

You start your own company and people feel like you have some great ideas and a good vision. Your marketing skills are very good so your business doesn't take time to grow.

Choice 1 : End.

You want to give your ideas to the manager.

You give your ideas to the manager but he stole them from you and doesn't promote you. You have no recognition and keep your dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Try again.

The End.