My future as a student

A hypertext narrative by

Assil Chergui

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 738

Choice count: 21

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 10 matches (blood, clients, company, fact, force, insurance, living, market, parent, stock)

Education : 10 matches (School, choice, don, field, grades, learn, market, school, student, teach)

Business : 9 matches (clients, company, economy, insurance, market, money, opportunity, stock, trader)

Target Structure:

overtime (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My future as a student


Start here.

I'm going to finish my DEC this year and I have to make a choice between the schools I want to go to or if I want to drop out of school.

Choice 1 : I am going to choose Mc Gill because my parents want me to do something related to medicine.

Choice 2 : I am going to choose HEC because it's a school that teach the things I love the most wish is everything related to economy.

Choice 3 : I am going to drop out of school because I realized it was not for me, I don't get good grades, I can't concentrate to study and on top of that I hate it just to think about it. The fact that I get to wake up early in the morning and do something I don't like makes me depressed.


Medicine is a great career.

I finally chose to go to Mc Gill to make my parents proud and happy. I am going to force myself to study as hard as I can to have the opportunity to at least choose the job I want.

Choice 1 : I think I am going to choose the surgeon career because when I was younger I was watching Grey's anatomy with my sister.

Choice 2 : I am going to choose the dentist career because this what seems the most fun job.


Do I really enjoy being a surgeon?

I don't know if I am able to see people with broken arms or with blood on them without feeling weird.

Choice 1 : Stay and endure.

Choice 2 : Leave and find something else.

dentistry emblem

I always dreamed to be a dentist.

I am going to choose this career but I don't know if I should spealize in something for example anesthetist.

Choice 1 : Just stay a dentist.

Choice 2 : Yes specialize in something.


I can finally do what I love.

I will be going to the HEC and follow a career that I enjoy because that way I can be happy and work in something I want.

Choice 1 : Choose to be an economist because I enjoy the economy.

Choice 2 : Choose to become an insurance expert because this is what my dad do for a living.

big company building

What should I choose?

I don't know if I should work for a big company as an economist or work for individuals who have money and want me to tell them how the market will vary overtime.

Choice 1 : Work for a big company.

Choice 2 : Work for individuals and for your own clients.

insurance company

The job of my dad.

Even if my parents wanted me to do something in medicine I know my dad would be proud if I choose the same job as him and follow his steps.

Choice 1 : Follow the steps of your dad.

Choice 2 : Listen to your parents and do a job that is related to medicine.


A sad choice.

I chose to drop out and realized I couldn't keep do something I hate and be sad for the rest of my life, I know my parent won't be proud but at least I will be happy and will be able to really enjoy my life how I want to.

Choice 1 : Dropping out doesn't mean I can't earn money I will succeed and find something to do as a job for example be a stock trader or create my own company.

Choice 2 : I dropped out and just want to enjoy my life. I will work at Mc Donalds or another company like this.



I decided to be serious and proove everybody even if I don't go to school I can still have a good wage.

Choice 1 : Be a stock trader and try to be one of the greatest in this field.

Choice 2 : Start your own company and try to create something nobody ever did so you can be the only one doing this and have a successful buisness.

Mc Donald's

Enjoy your life.

I will enjoy my life as much as I can, as soon as I have enough money I'll travel the world and learn different cultures.

Choice 1 : Work at Mc Donald's.

Choice 2 : Work at Wal-Mart.


The end.

The ending of the story.

Write a choice here.

The End.