Accounting and Management

A hypertext narrative by

Kelly-Ann Turcotte

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1336

Choice count: 32

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 26 matches (Budget, City, Control, Employee, Human, Marketing, Package, Program, Publicity, Resources, administration, adventure, apartment, compensation, course, door, insurance, international, leg, marketing, package, pension, program, split, vacation, watch)

Education : 19 matches (School, adult, choice, classes, college, compensation, course, don, first, graduate, high school, learned, management, school, students, trainee, training, university, vacation)

Business : 16 matches (accounting, administration, budget, business, company, employee, financial, insurance, management, marketing, money, pay, publicity, salary, staff, trainee)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

compensation package (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

fulfillment (2 matches)

HR (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (2 matches)

leg work (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

pension (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermine (1 match)


Accounting and Management

Perplexed person

It all started like this.

It was your final year of high school and you are wondering in which program at the college you should apply. You like to help people and take care of them. You also like mathematics and control things. Maybe that one day you are going to have your own company.

Choice 1 : Nursing

Choice 2 : Administration


You chose the nursing program.

You are really excited about this new adventure. This job may include a compensation package like the salary, health insurance, paid vacation and pension. It is now the time to chose if you are going to stay home or get an apartment. You are not sure if you want to stay close to your family or if you want to explore another city and live like an adult.

Choice 1 : Stay at home

Choice 2 : Get an apartment.

Business Management

You chose the administration program.

You are really happy about your choice. You already know that you wanted to work with numbers but you didn't know if you are going to choose the Accounting and Management program or the Business Management program.

Choice 1 : Accounting and Management

Choice 2 : Business Management

Your home.

You chose to stay home.

Great for you! You can stay close to your family and your friend. You don't have anything to pay and the road home-college is not that long. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

Your apartment.

You chose to get an apartment.

Wow! This is a big step in the adult life. You are now ready to explore a new city and meet new friends. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

Accounting and Management

You chose the Accounting and Management program.

You just found out that you like to take care of people but not enough to be a nurse. You just stopped your session and decided to go in Accounting and Management. What a great choice. You are now wondering if you should take math classes because some universities are asking for them.

Choice 1 : Take mathematics

Choice 2 : No mathematics

Business Management

You chose the Business Management program.

You just found out that you like to take care of people but not enough to be a nurse. You just stopped your session and decided to go in Business Management. What a great choice. You are now wondering if you should take math classes because some universities are asking for them.

Choice 1 : Take mathematics

Choice 2 : No mathematics


You chose to take mathematics.

* THREE YEARS LATER * Congratulations! You just graduate from college and your fulfillment is invaluable. Now you are wondering in which university you are going to pursue your studies. University Laval and Sherbrooke University are two school who needs the mathematics. Where should you apply?

Choice 1 : University Laval

Choice 2 : Sherbrooke University

No mathematics

You chose to not take mathematics.

* THREE YEARS LATER *Congratulations! You just graduate from college and your fulfillment is invaluable. Now you are wondering in which university you are going to pursue your studies. UQAR at Levis and Montreal University are two school who doesn't need the mathematics. Where should you apply?

Choice 1 : UQAR at Levis

Choice 2 : Montreal University

University Laval

You chose the University Laval.

You are really happy with your choice. You will be studying in the first francophone university in Quebec. It was your family's favorite university and you didn't hear them say undermine things about it. You are now wondering in which domain you should apply.

Choice 1 : Financial Analysis

Choice 2 : Accounting Sciences

Sherbrooke University

You chose the Sherbrooke University.

You are really happy with your choice. By studying at the Sherbrooke University, you have a lot of advantages like the internship are pay. By being an intern in the company of your stage, you are going to have a foot in the door. You are now wondering in which domain you should apply.

Choice 1 : Human Resources

Choice 2 : Accounting

UQAR at Levis.

You chose the UQAR at Levis.

You are really happy with your choice. You will study at a university whose open on the world. You will have the chance to go in other country and travel while you are going to be studying. You will also have the chance to mix with international students. You are now wondering in which domain you should apply.

Choice 1 : Finances

Choice 2 : Marketing

Montreal University

You chose the Montreal University.

You are really happy with your choice. The only drawback is the fact that you will need to get an apartment because it is far from your home. You are going to study at a big university and you will have the chance to explore the city. You are going to make new friends and like this place. By making new contacts, you could meet someone who is going to get you a job where you could travel while working. This concept is call leg work. You are now wondering in which domain you should apply.

Choice 1 : Industrial Relations

Choice 2 : Health and Security at work


You chose to study Financial Analysis.

You are happy with your choice. The job of the financial analysis has always been something you would have liked to do. You now have the chance to prepare the financial statements of a company and to manage the budget. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.


You chose to study Accounting Sciences.

You are really happy with your choice. You always aspired to have your own company. Your purpose was to be the boss. With this course, you now have the chance to make your dream true. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

Human Resources

You chose to study Human Resources.

You are really happy with your choice. You are going to be in the HR. If you like to schedule the staff members, to make interview, to hire new people and to manage the relation between the employees then you chose the right domain. You will be the one who will take on a trainee and watch him/her be on-the-job-training. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.


You chose to study Accounting.

You are really happy with your choice. You have appreciated the college course in Accounting and Management and you are aspiring to become a CPA. You have already learned the ropes for this job and it is a great and well-paid job. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.


You chose to study Marketing.

You are really happy with your choice. You always wanted to work in a company to make publicity. You have a lot of creativity and good ideas. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.


You chose to study Finances.

You are really happy with your choice. You are going to work in a company and manage her money. You are going to give some advice about the money and prepare the financial statements of the company. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

Industrial Relations

You chose to study Industrial Relations.

You are really happy with your choice. Industrial Relations don't have any link with the engine room. The industrial relations are split in three: human resources, work relation between employee-employer and formation. If you like these departments, then you chose the right domain. Good luck in your future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

Health and Security at work

You chose to study Health and Security at work.

You are really happy with your choice. You just chose to study Health and Security at work so the concept is important for you. The concept of health and security at work is something that is present in every company. If the security of the population at work is something that you found important, then you are in the right domain. Good luck in you future!

Choice 1 : Start over.

The End.