A hypertext narrative by

Benjamin Lachance

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2062

Choice count: 36

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 34 matches (absence, adrenaline, professional, artery, blood test, body, clinic, cold, test, Doctor, foot, reflex, grade, Health, HIV, hospital, image, imaging, intention, intravenous, knee, medical, mean, nurse, ossification, play, position, radiologist, SAD, sugar, surgery, nursing, vein, sick)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 28 matches (absence, blood test, blood, case, clerk, client, close, complaint, consideration, debt, escape, fact, family, gaming, harassment, House, Information, intention, month, office, premium, protest, public, road, Sexual, state, test, truth)

Psychology : 28 matches (absence, attitude, bit, blood, class, client, family, field, game, gesture, grass, harassment, hit, HIV, image, information, learning, love, mean, miss, need, patient, reflex, remember, risk, sexual harassment, thinking, thirst)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

come in handy (2 matches)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

leave of absence (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (2 matches)




Now what?

You just finished high school, those five years are now behind you. What are you doing now?

Choice 1 : You're tired of studying maybe you want to get a job for now?

Choice 2 : You didn't study 5 years for nothing why stopping there?

Choice 3 : You decide to play video game


What job do you want?

With only an eleventh grade diploma you don't have a lot of choices with a premium wage. You don't have a car and there is no public transport near your house. There is only a few jobs available for you.

Choice 1 : Working in a grocery store as a packer.

Choice 2 : Working as a clerk in a grocery store.

Choice 3 : Mow the grass of your neighbor


Working in a grocery store as a packer.

Working as a packer has its benefit, you're working inside, its always cold, you can escape from the sun. Sometimes, you get tips, that mean more money for yourself that you can put aside. The job isn't that hard and is repetitive... Now you realise that the job is a dead-end and you can't do this until your retirement.

Choice 1 : Get in a program that you like

Choice 2 : Stay at your parents house only playing video games


Gaming isn't life.

For the last 6 month you've only played video game, your mom is disappointed by you attitude toward life. Every one in your family start laughing at you and your poor life decisions. Maybe, you should have done something different with your life?

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


Working as a clerk in a grocery store.

Working as a clerk has its benefit, you're working inside, you can escape from the sun. Its always cold because of the AC. The job you are doing is repetitive, always putting food on the shelf over and over again. Maybe this isn't the job for you.

Choice 1 : Stay at your parents house only playing video games

Choice 2 : Get in a program that you like


Mowing the lawn.

This seemed a good idea at first but now that you are doing it, the more you realise it is a bad idea. You don't have a lawn tractor, only a lawn mowers. It's the one that your grandfather had before dying. It's all rusty and difficult to push around. You now realise how much bigger your neighbour ground is. Luckily you don't have a lot of neighbour that mean less work. That also mean less profit. Plus your wage wasn't that much.

Choice 1 : Stay at your parents house only playing video games

Choice 2 : Get in a program that you like


The choice.

This is one of the most difficult decisions of your life so far. There is a ton of programs available. You have always been interested with technology. Last year, you built your own computer, all by yourself. And you don't think it is your last one. Your father works in that field, maybe he'll help you with your study? The health domain always seemed interesting for you. Helping people in need and taking care of them. Your mom always talks about the sick person making her day. How her little gesture make them so happy. Maybe, you want to do something more spicy, high risk, but extremely high gain. Or exit your comfort zone and try something completely new.

Choice 1 : Programming techniques.

Choice 2 : Diagnostic imaging

Choice 3 : Enter Nursing School program.

Choice 4 : Work as an escort


Working as an escort.

Studying is way too hard, why getting yourself in debt and hard work when you can just sell you body for a lot of money. You've heard that other girl for your high school that did the same, and they get crazy money. Maybe, it was a good Idea at first, but you thirst of lust blinded you. You always had client after client and you didn't care enough. One morning you fell weak, maybe you should see a doctor? But it's your biggest client this morning you can't miss that.

Choice 1 : The money before anything

Choice 2 : The doctor visit.


The doctor visit.

You get to the doctor office, he examines you you but he's not sure. You'll need to take some blood test to complete the exam. 1 week later the results are in. You are HIV positive. What to do now. You can never recover from this illness. This is all because you were too focused on making money and not caring about yourself. Thinking about it, it could have been all avoided if you used protection. But now it's too late to change the past........

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


The client is always right!

You arrive at your meeting, a bit pale but you will still give your 100%. Your client sees how awful you look. She fell bad for keeping you away for the doctor. You should probably listen to the advice.

Choice 1 : The doctor visit.


Nursing school.

You choose the same field of study. Like your mom. At the beginning, you like that. You love the fact that you are there to help the patient and assist them. You like the medical field and everything about it. The fact that your mother can help you with your studying is like having a foot in the door at this point. You've passed all the test easily, it's your fifth day as an intern, it's different from you thought but why stopping there. One day as you were helping a patient in his bed, an old man behind you, grab your ass. As a reflex, you slap his hand out of the way and protest. You've hit him really hard, and he seemed hurt. You turn around and say that this is unacceptable, and he should be shamed, and you continue your job. Later, at lunch you want to complain against him. But no one wants to take your complaint because it's not really that bad. You then realised that sexual harassment is only taken in consideration if it' ''serious''. Maybe being a nurse is being too close to a patient for you, after all you are not your mother, this job does not fulfill you like you thought But what to do now, You remember in high school when someone talked about a program at Ahuntsic College. It was called Diagnostic Imaging. Your nurse years may come in handy after all.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end

diagnostic imaging

Diagnostic imaging.

This is it, its perfect, you've just finished your 2 day internship. You loved those 2 day. Even though you were only there to look, you've already learned some ins-and-outs of the job. One tech ask you if you want to put an intravenous catheter on a patient to help her because she has a lot of work to do.

Choice 1 : Do it for the first time

Choice 2 : Tell her the truth that you've never done that before


Programming techniques.

You started doing some programming last year with your English teacher for some project. That was interesting building your own program. It was only the basic of it. Since then, you've always been interested in learning more. Then why not going it that program. This goes great you've learned the basic, and you have a ton a work to do. you work in your room all week end... You've realised this is going to be your life forever. Working alone in the dark. Maybe that's why your mom left your dad because he was always working in his office and never take time for his family. You don't want to be like that, maybe you should change your field of study. You remember in high school when someone talked about a program at Ahuntsic College. It was called Diagnostic Imaging. Your nurse years may come in handy after all.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


You never done that before.

You haven't had that class before. The only thing you know, you've watched it from doctor House. You don't put glove and you insert it at the wrong place. Instead of inserting in in a vein, you put it in an artery. The blood start going everywhere. You start screaming and the patient too. The tech arrive and see you both covered in blood screaming. She takes care of the patient while the radiologist take you in his office. You are in very deep trouble, You shouldn't have lie.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


You didn't lie to her.

She's happy you said the truth something bad could have happened. Instead, she asks you to receive the patient and change them. Your internship went great you return to school with fresh information and ready to finish this semester with only straight A's. And it was like you predicted, only good grade because of your good work. You've finally graduated, after 3 years what do you do now.

Choice 1 : Apply in a hospital

Choice 2 : Apply in a small clinic.


Working in a hospital.

You apply to the hospital that is the closest to you and you're hired. There was a vacant position that you filled perfectly. Working in a hospital is a little more of a leg work, that a clinic because you have traumatized people that are in an emergency state. But the rush of adrenaline and the complexity of certain case is what you love. You wouldn't change anything for the moment, you are really happy of the choices who brought you where you are today.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


Work in a small clinic.

There wasn't a lot of clinics near your home but going on the road doesn't matter to you. The pros of working in a clinic is you can take a leave of absence more easily. When you have a family this will be a good advantage. One day an old lady come to get an X-Ray of her knee, after a knee surgery to see if the ossification is going well. Like usual, you welcome her and her to put the usual jacket. When you position her to get the best image possible, she starts making jokes and being nice.

Choice 1 : Continue being nice with her.

Choice 2 : You're just here to do your job.


Continue being nice with her.

You start being nice with her and talking and everything. After a bit the exam is over. She has to go, but before she invites you to drink a coffee because she enjoyed talking with you.

Choice 1 : Decline her invitation

Choice 2 : Accept her invitation.


You're just here to do your job.

You didn't enter her game and you stayed serious because you wanted to look professional. The rest of the day go by and it's finally over. You love working in a clinic, it's simple and your colleagues are amazing, there's no office politics, only office party that you enjoy every 4 month.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


You refused her invitation.

She seems sad that you refuse but she understands.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end


Why not give it a try.

You went to Tim Hortons and you talk and you talk for hours. You have a lot in common finally, you're happy to have accepted her invitation. She asks to see you the next week and talk again. The weeks go by and you meet more and more. One thing led to another and you started dating, it didn't matter to you because you never felt this kind of love before. It wasn't in your intention, but turn out she's rich. She even offers you to quit your job and pay everything for you. She's now your sugar mama and you don't need to work. With her, you go around the world and visit all the country that you always dreamed of.

Choice 1 : Start again to get a different end

The End.