Accounting's life

A hypertext narrative by

Linda Irid

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1278

Choice count: 13

Section count: 13

Image count: 8

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 50 matches (Alert, API, blog, cache, case-sensitive, check, choice, clipboard, Code, combination, console, copy, data, display, drop-down menu, dynamic, Else if, email, Error, Facebook, field, Function, grammar, HTML, input, Invalid, JSON, keyboard, link, list, location, login, manager, menu, message, modal, password, reset, Section, select, session, Source code, spam, static, statistics, status, structure, supervisor, True, vocabulary)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 23 matches (account, act, action, case, code, company, condition, contact, director, error, illegal, minimum wage, notice, offer, order, register, section, status, subscription, title, user, warning, working hours)

Psychology : 17 matches (action, data, display, dynamic, FAST, feedback, field, grammar, image, junk, love, order, register, response, selection, statistics, trip)

Target Structure:

wage (1 match)


Accounting's life


You just graduate.

After many years of study, you have just obtained your diploma in administration. You have been accepted to HEC in accounting, but you hesitate to take a year off to rest before the hard academic years that awaits you.

Choice 1 : Go to HEC

Choice 2 : Take a year off.


Go to HEC.

You decided to go to university and continue your studies Accounting. After long academic years, two companies offer you a job. The first, RBH, offers you a very good salary, but they require very long working hours. The second company, Richard&Marie, offers you a lower salary, but much more flexible schedules.

Choice 1 : You decided to go work for RBH.

Choice 2 : You decided to go work for Richard&Marie.


Take a year off.

You decided to take a year off, but your parents don’t agree with your decision. They don’t want you to use your savings to go on a trip, and if you wanted to go, you’d have to pay for it yourself. You have no money to pay the trip. You have two options. First, you try to convince your parents by explaining how a sabbatical in a foreign country will help you decide what you want to do later. Second, you look for a job to pay for your trip.

Choice 1 : You decide to try to convince your parents to let you go on a trip

Choice 2 : You decide to work to pay your trip.

sexual harassment

You decided to go work for RBH.

You have decided to go work at RBH. The long hours of work are exhausting. In addition, one of your co-workers constantly makes offensive and inappropriate remarks to you, making you uncomfortable in your workplace. You don’t know if you should tell your supervisor or keep it to yourself.

Choice 1 : tell your boss

Choice 2 : keep it to yourself


You decided to go work for Richard&Marie.

You decided to go work at Richard&Marie. You love working there, but during your break you overheard a conversation between two of your co-workers. You learned that they were modifying the results of certain reports in order to steal money. Your two co-workers noticed that you had heard their conversation, and they are begging you not to tell the manager. You don’t know what to do. You have two options. The first is to go and tell your director because you think any illegal acts should be sanctioned. The second is to say nothing and act like you’ve never heard anything.

Choice 1 : You decide to tell everything to your manager

Choice 2 : You decide to not tell anyone

discussion with parents

You decide to try to convince your parents to let you go on a trip.

You decided to try to convince your parents to let you go on a trip. After long hours of discussion, your parents agreed to fund your trip on one condition. You must take only one session off and not a year.

Choice 1 : you accept your parents' proposal and leave for six months instead of one year

Choice 2 : you don't accept the proposal of your parents and work to finance your trip

student's job

You decide to work to pay your trip.

You found a job in a coffee that pays you a minimum wage. Unfortunately, you will never be able to raise enough money to finance your trip.

Choice 1 : Try again
