Special Care Counselling.

A hypertext narrative by

sheldrick roc

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1140

Choice count: 36

Section count: 24

Image count: 23

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 28 matches (Down, School, academic, behavior, choice, coach, college, compensation, degree, don, educational, elementary school, first, high school, knowledge, learning, level, management, market, marks, master's degree, principal, range, remedial, school, students, teachers, university)

Tourism : 22 matches (Area, Control, Deal, Opportunity, Package, Program, adaptation, administration, beneficiary, camp, coach, compensation, consultant, educational, master, option, package, pension, principal, program, stop, train)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 20 matches (absence, beneficiary, clients, close, club, company, compensation, crime, harassment, market, master, misconduct, offer, option, pension, premium, Principal, Sexual, Special, suicide)

Target Structure:

compensation package (1 match)

HR (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


Special Care Counselling.

college montmorency

Good question? Work or continue study?

I finally finished my program of Special care Counselling at Montmorency College.This program help me to know how to train students to intervene appropriately with a range of clients having difficulties adapting, fitting in socially even misconduct behavior. This is accomplished in close collaboration with various professionals, such as remedial teachers, learning specialists, psychologists, directors of educational institutions, and occupational therapists. It has been very nice to be honest but I don't 'know what to do.

Choice 1 : Labor market.

Choice 2 : University.


Labor market.

Here I am in the labor market. They are many places were I can work like a special care counselling. But there are so many and I don't know wish it the better?

Choice 1 : School.

Choice 2 : Hospital.

Choice 3 : Youth Center.



I came to the university to have more knowledge and tools to be an excellent specialized educator. However, I do not know what to do yet.

Choice 1 : I do a baccalaureate and then a master's degree

Choice 2 : University = Money, so I will work



I am currently doing a baccalaureate but I have two levels where I can study. I love both of them but it hard to choose.

Choice 1 : Psychology.

Choice 2 : Adaptation

Youth center

Youth Center.

Finally, I am now a technician. But, during my first year I got stab in the back by some people but I will still stay and work.

Choice 1 :



They put me in a school where I can be a technician.The principal was looking for a coach for the school basketball team AAA, and I am coach for about 3 years now ...so I don't know what to do! He said that I could have a premium wage as well.

Choice 1 : Technician.

Choice 2 : Basketball.



I took the job of technician. It now a new life that begin! I didn't know the school that I work was a workplace crime. Six people have died in this school because of fighting, suicide, sexual harassment and other problems. I am here to try to stop those problems.

Choice 1 :



While I coach in high school Basketball School AAA, some recruiters from the University of Montreal and the United States would like me to be coach due to my perfect season and heard my name and are interested that I become coach at their university. Where should I go?

Choice 1 : USA.

Choice 2 : Stay in Montreal



I am now the coach of Duke University.One of the best basketball universities of the world. The administration gave a good wage, where my pension will be good when I go to retirement. GO DUKE GO!!

Choice 1 :

Coach in Montreal.

I am now the coach of the University of Montreal Basketball Club. Hope I get my name around of the metropolitan area. It has always been a dream to finally become a great coach.

Choice 1 :

School Adaptation

School Adaptation.

I choose to study in school adaptation but I can study like in Elementary School with youth kids or in High school with Youth Adults.

Choice 1 : Primary level.

Choice 2 : High school.

Primary level

Primary level.

I am now doing a baccalaureate in school adaptation on the primary level! Working with kids was always my passion. I work in a day camp during the summer for the town of Laval, with that experience it will be easy.

Choice 1 :

High school

High school.

I am now doing a baccalaureate in school adaptation in the high school level! I will experience many ways to work with youth adults and help then more in their academic path.

Choice 1 :



I arrived as a specialized educator at the hospital. After 7 months in this work, they offer me to become a beneficiary attendant due to my straight A's as a consultant. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Stay in my job.

Choice 2 : Take the job.


Stay in my job.

I decide to stay like a Special care counselling in the hospital.

Choice 1 :


Take the job.

I decide to take the job of beneficiary attendant. I always help people, so now I will help them more physically than psychologically! Let see how things goes. The first day that I have started, one of my patience tries to kill me, since then, I have started a depression that will follow me for a long time.

Choice 1 :

Tau Laval

Tau Laval.

I decide to take the job. I meet the HR and I got a compensation package because it been a few years I have been there and that because they saw I was doing overtime. They like me because I am giving importance to the company.

Choice 1 :

Tau Laval

Work at My grocery store.

I just going to work and get maybe more money to go to university because it expensive. It has been a while I work at Tau, an organic grocery, and the giving the chance to be the manager of the fruits and vegetables. Should I accept it !?

Choice 1 : I will just save money for the university

Choice 2 : Take the job


Save money.

Because the university is so expensive, I will work hard to stack a good amount of money, so I can deal with those bills.

Choice 1 :



I just finished my degree in psychology. With high marks, I have the opportunity to start a career psychologist or to remain as a specialized educator.

Choice 1 : Continue my life in Special Care Counslling.

Choice 2 : Go for it

Special care counslling

Continue my life in Special Care counselling.

I choose to stay in this job and live my life and enjoying what always wanted.

Choice 1 :


Start the life of a psychologist.

I decided to take the option of becoming a psychologist because it pays more and it gets a lot closer to my passion for helping the world. Then, I realize that listening to all the problems of other got me crazy and the time management was just too much for me. I started doing some panic attacks and some deep nightmares. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go see a psychologist

Choice 2 : Continue Working due inconvenience


Go see a psychologist.

I went to see a psychiatrist to help me control my emotions and calm down. So, I had to leave of absence at my work and put aside everything and calm myself.

Choice 1 :


Continue Working due inconvenience.

I will just continue working as a psychologist and put aside all the problems because it part of the job and I will handle it !

Choice 1 :

The End.