My Business Management's Hypertext Narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

Francis Barré

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 134

Choice count: 2

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Business : 7 matches (administration, business, entrepreneur, management, marketing, products, sell)

Education : 7 matches (choice, college, learn, management, reader, semester, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 5 matches (products, representation, section, short title, title)

Target Structure:


My Business Management's Hypertext Narrative.

Montmorency College

Start at the beginning.

I'm studying Business Management at Montmorency College to become an entrepreneur. You learn a lot of things in this program like carry out marketing activities, sell products and services by way of representation and many more. This semester is my last one and I have been accepted at two universities, UQAM and Laval University. I'm perplexed because I'm not sure which university I should choose.

Choice 1 : Go to UQAM.

Choice 2 : Go to University Laval

Go to UQAM.

It has been two years that I have been studying at UQAM in administration. The.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

The End.