A NEW CHAPTER??????????????????

A hypertext narrative by

Kassandra Fotepin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 787

Choice count: 21

Section count: 4

Image count: 4

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 12 matches (School, choice, college, degree, diploma, don, first, private, project, school, stages, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 10 matches (company, contract for, contract, criminal record, criminal, fine, order, private company, private, record)

Film : 8 matches (actress, audition, experience, Hollywood, project, shot, take, time)

Target Structure:


A NEW CHAPTER??????????????????


Which University ???

You just graduated from college and tree university just gave you a scholarships and you need to choose the right one because all of them can give you good opportunities to be and engineer but you may also have some kind of trouble in each of them !

Choice 1 : University of Ottawa

Choice 2 : Ets ( engineer school in Montreal)

Choice 3 : Polytechnique montréal


University of Ottawa.

Great that's a great university you choose but you have two choices First you moving to Ottawa but you don't know anyone there and it's going to be difficult for you to live in a city you don't know by yourself or you can also move to Toronto with your brother who's owns a Bell Canada company work for him but that's really far from your school and it might be difficult get over there everyday on time.

Choice 1 : You decided to get a risk and move to Ottawa by yourself

Choice 2 : You decided to move with brother and work for him

Choice 3 : When you moving by yourself to Ottawa you start your own company but got robbed by your co-workers they stole your company away from you you can have it back but it will took yiu 15 years

Choice 4 : You fall in love with a Billionaire who's pay you everything you get married with him but you have to put away your dreams to be a housewife

Choice 5 : When you moving with your brothers one day he told you he can't keep you anymore but he found you a casher job at Wallmart and is not enough to pay your bills

Choice 6 : One day you met a Owner of a really succefful high-tech company he proposed you to sign a contract for him after seeing you compentences and be the C.O.O of his company but you have to do a six months stages first and you can't get paid if you don't get paid you are going to be homeless because you need to pay the bills

chasing dreams

Ets ( engineer university of Montreal).

Okay ETS it's alose a great school but you also got choices to make. After a school project you get noticed by a sponsor who can find you a great job. But you always want to be an actress since you was little and may find your shot.

Choice 1 : Okay you decide to go with the sponsor

Choice 2 : You give up school to chase your dream

Choice 3 : This sponsor can really help you he knows his job but he also had a criminal record for bribing people are you still want to give him a chance?

Choice 4 : Or you may just finished with school you only got one years left to get your degrees

Choice 5 : you want to be an actress fine but you only got one audition to be an Hollywood start but if you miss you lose anychance to be an actress ever in you life

Choice 6 : By the way you already got your Own company and you doing pretty well be if you leave to auditon in L.A you migth also lose everything

Office Women

Polytechnique of Montreal.

Yeah great job to but there is also two order choices, you have to stages to do to get your diploma or you decided to quit school and work for a private company.

Choice 1 : The Stages

Choice 2 : Working for a private company

Choice 3 : Doing stages is really important to get some experiences don't worry you get paid for those one but in this company you get a really good working experience byt you boss and co-workers you HATE ALL OF THEM and this is a two year stage and you know that it might make the difference to get a job if you got your formation there and yeah they pay you very well

Choice 4 : This small company you really love it working there but to get a good job after that he migth be a little bit more difficult also you bills needs to be pay and they dont give you enough money

Choice 5 : Or you may also work for a private company who gaves you a great job but you signed to worked with them until you died just them and nobody else and they don't pay you thaht much and don't want to try your ideas

Choice 6 : You decided to finished with you degree and statrs your company but it wiil take you 10 years to find a great sponsor

The End.