Who am I

A hypertext narrative by

Bob Bobette

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2001

Choice count: 39

Section count: 23

Image count: 0

Error count: 26

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 32 matches (AIDS, algorithm, analysis, ARM, biology, body, cancer, chest, crisis, drug, hair, heart, heart attack, HIV, incubator, medicine, membrane, mental illness, matrix, MR, neck, occult, penis, pill, play, skin, syringe, tactile, thigh, virus, wrist, sick)

Psychology : 28 matches (action, algorithm, analysis, biology, blood, class, dream, drug, game, hit, HIV, hunger, love, matrix, membrane, memory, mental illness, miss, MUD, need, patient, penis, postulate, remember, skin, sum, tactile, virus)

Computer Science : 23 matches (Algorithm, body, chaos, choice, Class, clear, close, system, covering, depth, drawback, huge, machine, mark, mask, matrix, memory, open, ringing, smart, Soft, virus, YouTube)

Target Structure:

drawback (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Who am I

Your first choice.

You wake up in a dark room. Someone opens the door. A shine of light pierce through your eyes. He places his hand, in front of him, palm open. In the right hand, there is a red pill. In the blue hand, a blue pill. Then, the man said: “which one?”.

Choice 1 : Red Pill.

Choice 2 : Blue Pill.

Choice 3 : Don’t take anything.

Red Pill.

You took the red pill. Suddenly, you start to feel strange. You remember every memory you ever had, you feel so aware of everything around you. You feel great. The man sticks a syringe in your neck. You faint. You wake up in your bed, at your home. You feel so smart, you remember all of your memories. Everything feels great. You remember that you are late for school. Today, Is the last day to choose your university program. You arrive at school and fill the documents. You will study ….

Choice 1 : Medicine.

Choice 2 : Biology.

Choice 3 : Politics and economies.

Blue Pill.

You took the blue pill. Suddenly, you start to feel good. Your tactile sensations are altered. Your muscles are soft and hot, and you feel relaxed. You feel so aware of everything around you. You feel great. This drug is making you so happy. Suddenly, the man sticks a syringe in you neck. You faint. You wake up in your bed, at your home. You don’t feel so good because that feeling is gone. You miss it. You think you become addict to it… You want more of that stuff! Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Don’t take anything.

The guy knocks you out. I wake up in your bed. Your head hurt. Your memories are distorted and blurry. I am ….

Choice 1 : Student.

Choice 2 : Mathematician.

Choice 3 : The President of United-States.


You postulate to medicine. During your school semester, you've got excellent grades. Since that red pill, everything feels easy. You got clearly accept. You have straight A’s everywhere. At your midterm, you had to choose your specialization for research. You will specialize in ….

Choice 1 : AIDS research.

Choice 2 : Cancer research.

Choice 3 : Occult sciences.


You work day and night to accomplish your dream. Everyday is hard, stressful, exhausting. But you love what you are doing. After 5 years, you did it! You finally became a biologist. So, you start sending resumé to every company. Sadly no one need you because you’re a biologist. Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning .

Politics and economies.

You succeed a lot. After few years you build a multinational. You are so rich that you decide to enter politics. To cover your age, you die your hair blond and your skin orange. You promise to everyone to you will “make America great again”. Somehow, you win the election with racist and sexist believes. Most people in the country hate you. The whole world hates you. What’s your next action Mr. President?

Choice 1 : Build a wall.

Choice 2 : Nuke the Middle-East to stop the war.


You are a college student force to do English class. You chose the wrong program by mistake. Tomorrow, you must send a huge maddening résumé for your teacher. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Work on it.

Choice 2 : Go to a bar with your friends.

Choice 3 : Decide to take a big nap.


You become quite famous for your algorithm equations. They can find a pattern in any quantitative number series. It can do an in-depth analysis of entropic system. There is no drawback to it. You made so much money and you are happy for ever because you chose a Mathematics discipline. You are not Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

The President of United-States.

You succeed a lot. After few years you build a multinational. After many, you are so rich that you decide to enter politics. To cover your age, you die your hair blond and your skin orange. You promise to everyone to you will “make America great again”. Somehow, you win the election with racist and sexist believes. Most people in the country hate you. The whole world hates you. What’s your next action Mr. President?

Choice 1 : Build a wall.

Choice 2 : Nuke.

AIDS research.

Your research didn’t give you praise or anything. You’re force to joined Université de Laval for your post-doctorate. You’re working on a cure to HIV. You got a decent wage and a huge lab. One day, you are working on anti-virus specimen in an incubator. After a bad maneuver, the plastic membrane breaks loose. You contract AIDS. You die slowly and painfully of your only mistake. Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Cancer research.

Your research is doing great. You got one of the best doctors in your country. Shortly after, you won a Nobel Prize. You are a millionaire, live in a big house with a Jacuzzi. You have a beautiful wife and two beautiful children. Your life is full of purposes. Everything is going according to the plan: you are rich, and love and happy forever You are not Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Occult sciences.

You study patient with mental illness. They think that they are possessed by the devil. One day, a really weird patient spit on you and shout really loud “I GAVE YOU THE CURSE! NOW YOU WILL KNOW WHAT HELL IS LIKE!”. Shortly after, he did an epilepsies crisis follow by an heart attack and died. Since that days, you notice weird things. You heard people laughing when you are alone at home. You wake up in strange place. You feel sick. You’re losing hairs. One day, you wake up in your bath. There Is blood everywhere. You have your wrist cut with reverse cross mark and scars that form a pentagram on your chest. You start to panic. The days past and its getting worst. You have blackout where you can’t control yourself. The next day, you wake up crucified in your garden…. You died of hunger Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Build a wall.

You build a wall to protect your country from Mexico. Mexicans got outrage. They dynamite the wall 2 years after it got finish. Americans took it as a personal attack. They take it as a terrorist act. It starts a war… and, later, a world war. You put your country into chaos.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Nuke the Middle-East to stop the war.

Your decision made the war worst. ONU declared your action as war crime. Countries are turning one by one against you. Oriental country declared a war against you and Russia follow them. You are starting the World War III. Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Work on it.

You decide to stay up and work on it. It’s a depressing work. You start to feel on the edge of doing it. To clear your mind, you decide to take a hot bath for an hour or so. While shaving, you cut your arm with the razor blade. It feels good. To end the suffering, you cut your arm repeatedly. You died in your bathtub losing all your blood. Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Go to a bar with your friends.

You walk into a bar with your friends. You see three very beautiful women: a blond, a red hair and a brown hair one. The blond is at the bar alone. The red hair and the brown hair one are playing pool. You find one of them very attractive. You try to impress ...

Choice 1 : Brown.

Choice 2 : Blond.

Choice 3 : Red hair.

Decide to take a big nap.

You decide to take a big nap. You have no idea that this was going to happen. All you wanted to have some rest. But you’ve got too much of it. The next day, students were talking about the huge fire in the residence of your college. It killed 152 students. If only you haven’t slept, you would have survived. Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.


Your decision made the war worst. ONU declared your action as war crime. Countries are turning one by one against you. Oriental country declared a war against you and Russia follow them. You are starting the World War III. One night someone come in your room and kill you. Game Over? Your head starts to hurt. You wake up in a huge room full of machine. Your entire body is branches to a lot of machines. You unplug one of the cables from your neck. Suddenly, an alarm starts ringing. A lot of scientists quickly gather around me. They are saying: “He got out of the matrix! He got out of the matrix!”, “Dispose of him!”, “Put him asleep!”. So, they do, they place a mask on your face. You faint. You wake up in an alley. It stinks, and your body hurt. You remember now who you really are outside of the matrix. You are….

Choice 1 : Medicine.

Choice 2 : Go to a bar with your friends.

Choice 3 : Homeless person.


The girl plays your game. You feel like she like you instantly. You can see in her eyes that she got a feeling for you. The crush is mutual. After spending an awesome night at the bar with her, you decide to invite her to your apartment. She accepts. She enters your room. The light is fuzzy, and your heart is racing. You are laying on your bed in, and the girl follows you. You start to snug and kissing. Your hands are all over the place. You slide them slowly on her thigh heading to her crotch. It’s hot. And there is something…. Something huge…. She got a penis. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cyIxkFLjWI&t=0m33s Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.


The girl plays your game. You feel like she like you instantly. You can see in her eyes that she got a feeling for you. The crush is mutual. After spending an awesome night at the bar with her, she decides to invite you to her apartment. You accept. You enter her room. The light is fuzzy, and your heart is racing. You are laying on her bed in, and the girl follows you. You start to snug and kissing. She said: “I have something for you but you have to close your eyes”. You do so. She blinds your eyes with a red cloth. She handcuffs your hands to the bed. She unfolds your eyes. She got a big axe full of dry blood. Before you have time to react, she hits you in the ribs. You are dead, but she keeps hitting you repeatedly saying that she hates man. I got hit 33 times in total. You are Game Over a lot.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Red hair.

What start as a happy encounter, end up being the love of your life. You fall in love passionately with her. You have many children and success in your life. Happy End =).

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

Homeless person.

You remember that you were a homeless person. You’ve been roaming in the street for years. One day, you find a lottery ticket on the ground. It’s all wet and dirty. There is mud covering most of it. You wipe it on your pants (to clean it), and decide to play it. You can’t believe it. You won 11.5 million of dollars. You are freaking rich. You can now put aside everything and enjoy your life. You are not Game Over.

Choice 1 : Start to the beginning.

The End.