The Narrative of My Futur.

A hypertext narrative by

Lynda Bennabi

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1346

Choice count: 21

Section count: 22

Image count: 21

Error count: 12

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 25 matches (School, adult, behavior, choice, college, courses, diploma, field, field of study, first, head, high school, learn, learning, market, pilot, primary school, private, research, scholarship, school, social, teacher, university, vacation)

Nursing : 21 matches (adult, analysis, body, brain, death, fly, heart, hospital, morphine, multiple, nurse, practice, psychologist, psychology, reaction, section, social, spine, syringe, vital signs, patients)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 16 matches (access, brain, Child, children, clients, complaint, construction, death, fact, family, market, month, office, possibility, private, section)

Target Structure:

internship (6 matches)

overtime (1 match)


The Narrative of My Futur.

By Inside_my_head.jpg: Andrew Mason from London, UKderivative work: -- Jtneill - Talk - Inside_my_head.jpg, CC BY 2.0,

Choosing my career.

Lina was born in Algeria. She is raised and comes from a middle family. Her father always told her that she is going to be a pilot. As growing up, Lina moved ton Canada, but she kept in her head the words of her death father: ‘‘became a pilot, like this you can fly all over the world’’. Become the time to choose, I hesitated between two fields that I really like.

Choice 1 : Become a psychologist.

By René Descartes(?) - Scanned from Dagfinn Døhl Dybvig & Magne Dybvig (2003). Det tenkende mennesket. Oslo: Tapir akademisk forlag. ISBN 8251918642. Page 173. Which had it from Descartes: The World and Other Writings. Cambridge U.P. 1998., Public Domain,

Become a psychologist.

During all of my years of study at High School, I spent my time thinking about which field am I going to. During a long time, I thought about it at and after hesitating and a lot of questioning, I finally decided where to go. I chose to go to Montmorency College in Social Science in Psychology, exactly.

Choice 1 : Doubt After Two Years.

Choice 2 : Change Program

Doubt After Two Years.

After two years of studying in psychology, after learning brain function, all the section of this part of the body, how the human body works, the nerves, the spine… Also, the psychology of the child to the psychology of the adult, learning the language body… I realized that I did not feel good and not really appreciate this field. What should I do? Change or just take a break and decide after.

Choice 1 : Take a Break

Program Changed.

I finally took the decision to change the program. I am happier now, that I have changed my choice and thaught about another carrer .

Write a choice here.

Just Me and Myself.

I decided to take a break. So, I decided to go on vacation. I want to my native country. This was a really good time. That allows me to take a little time for myself and to refocus on myself.

Choice 1 : Do an Internship

My Internship.

After I have been taking a little break, I am not more decided. So, I decided to not already change my field. Instead, I decided to do an internship. I thought it could be a good idea because this way I could practice and get a lot of experience. This will allow me to learn the work in the field. I have been accepted into two different places.

Choice 1 : Do the Internship at a Primary School

Choice 2 : Do the Internship at a Private Office

By user:Tarek - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Being a Teacher.

I was accepted to do my internship at a primary school with children between five and seven years old. I really loved this experience. I decided to change and to be a teacher with children between five and twelve years old. My years of studying Psychology at college are not wasted time, because, in all cases, those courses were necessary to be a teacher.

Write a choice here.

By Cary Bass - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Private Office.

Finally, I decided to do my internship at a private office. It was closer to my current field of study, psychology. I have assisted at some meetings and have been present for some clients. My work at this office was doing the paperwork. It wasn’t really what represented the most my job, it is true. But the thing that interested me the most is the fact that I have had the possibility to be in touch with some patients and to learn how to work with them and interact. The only little problem was my boss.

Choice 1 : A Flirty Boss

My Boss Flirted With Me.

Directly, my boss started to flirt with me. At the beginning, it was not that awkward, because he only was complimenting me. But more time passes more he was insistent. After a wile, he started touching me. I do not know what to do? Should I Flirt with him or put him back at his place and show that I was not interested?

Choice 1 : Go on a Date

Choice 2 : Stop my Boss

Get on a Date.

After a wile and an intense thinking about it, since I like my boss and really appreciate him, I decided to go on a date with him. It was nice the few hours passed with him outside. So, we decided to see each other a second time.

Write a choice here.

By Silsor - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Put Barriers.

After my boss flirted with me for the first time, this behavior has been repeated multiple times after. After a while, I decided to talk to him and show him that I was not interested. After I had talked with him, he apologized, and everything was good.

Choice 1 : Changing Creer

Another Change.

After my internship, I realized that I was not made for this job. Staying in the office listening to people talking and exposing to me their problems is not the most interesting work to me. I am not able to be there for those people and give them the good advice or to analyze a person. So, I decided to change.

Choice 1 : Humanity Trip

Choice 2 : Become a Nurse


Humanity Trip.

After my decision to change my career, I have had the chance to make a humanitarian trip to Africa with UNICEF. I have been there for a month. The target of this trip was construction of schools for the children to have access to a scholarship.

Write a choice here.

Become a Nurse?

After all those adventures and all this change of field, this time I have taken my time and seriously thought about it. After some research about different careers and after some appointments at the APÉI, I think I finally found where I go.

Choice 1 : I Am Going to Be a Nurse

My Years of Study.

I have made three years of study. Those years were not easy. There was a lot of Natural Sciences. I have studied the body, the function of this one, the genetic, the vital signs, the heart generally, the body mechanics… but, thank God I have succeeded in all my courses and got my college diploma. Now, should I continue to the university or go on labor market directly.

Choice 1 : Continue to University

Choice 2 : Go to the Job Market

By Yoho2001 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Montreal University.

Finally, I decided to continue to university, it is more profitable for me. It is easier to get a better job and to have a better life.

Write a choice here.

A.Savin (Wikimedia Commons · WikiPhotoSpace) [FAL or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Work at the Hospital.

I decided to not continue to university and already get a job. I love working at this hospital. The team is welcoming and cool. I love working with them. They are helpful and present one for each other.

Choice 1 : Made a Mistake

CC BY-SA 1.0,

The Wrong String.

While I was doing overtime this day, I had had a patient who I was supposed to make him a sting of a soothing. My co-worker came at the same moment and started to talk to me while she was preparing a sting too. I have had to hurry, So I then took the wrong syringe intentionally.

Choice 1 : Bad Reaction

The Bad Reaction.

The patient reacted badly to the product on the sting. I did not know what happened. After some analysis, we discovered that he had receive morphine instead of the soothing. He was allergic to it.

Choice 1 : The Patient Dead

Choice 2 : The Patient Survives.

the pateint's death.

After a lot of efforts made from the doctors, the patients passed away. I lost my job because of this mistake.

Write a choice here.

The Patient Survives.

The patient survives after a lot of efforts made from all the doctors. Thank you, God. Now, I do not know what will happened to me. Will he complaint because of this big mistake I have made?

Choice 1 : Complain?

The Kind Patient.

The patient finally decided to not complain. He was kind and sweet, but this did not help me to not lose my job.

Write a choice here.

The End.