A Psychologist's Journey

A hypertext narrative by

Marie Lafrance

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1131

Choice count: 28

Section count: 29

Image count: 29

Error count: 19

Field Related Analysis:

Psychology : 14 matches (attitude, focus, love, memory, mental illness, moron, nightmare, opinion, patient, psychologist, schizophrenia, suicide, therapy, thinking)

Sociology : 11 matches (School, relationship, illness, care, mental illness, power, progress, schizophrenia, school, suicide, wants)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 10 matches (arrest, arrested, judgment, month, office, opinion, power, security, suicide, transfer)

Target Structure:


A Psychologist's Journey

The beginning of your career.

It's your first month as a psychologist. You receive a call from your boss. He wants to transfer to you a patient suffering of schizophrenia.

Choice 1 : You decide to help him, but you think he is just a crazy person.

Choice 2 : You decide to help and you are very motivated to change his life.


Your opinion is showing in your attitude and your patient tells you he doesn't like the judgment you have on him.

Choice 1 : You tell him he is just crazy and that he deserves to feel bad.

Choice 2 : You change your attitude and try to be more positive.

Good influence.

The patient is happy. He feels like someone is really there for him and he gets really attached to you.

Choice 1 : You are happy he gets attached to you. You feel like you have power over him.

Choice 2 : You tell him not to get attached to you, otherwise you'll get attached too.


The patient hits you.

Choice 1 : You apologize and reconize you fault.

Choice 2 : You call the security.

The End.

You Help your patient a lot and he can now enjoy his life a lot more.

Write a choice here.

Bad influence.

He starts asking you what to do for every situations in his life. He relies only on you. He gives you so much importance that he even tells you that if he was to lose you, he would kill himself.

Choice 1 : You find that really cute and give him a hug.

Choice 2 : You immediately tell him that it is not right to put that pressure on you. You talk about that situation to your boss.

It's getting sensual.

When you say that, your patient tries to kiss you.

Choice 1 : You kiss him back.

Choice 2 : You push him away and say that this is not appropriate.

Bad attitude.

This is non professional. Because you give affection to your patient, he tries to kiss you.

Choice 1 : You push him away. This is not what you expected.

Choice 2 : You kiss him back.


Your boss tells you that you will not be his psychologist anymore. After a few days you hear about the suicide of this patient.

Choice 1 : You continu your life without thinking about it.

Choice 2 : You freak out and feel so bad. You decide to quit your job.

Good ending.

The patient accepts your appologize. He understands the way you treated him. He also thinks he is just a crazy person.

Choice 1 : You reassure him and tell him he is not crazy, that he is just someone suffering from a mental illness.

Choice 2 : You tell him he is right to think like this. He is just a crazy person. You wanted to apologize just to keep him and continue to make money.

The End.

The patient gets arrested and you can go on with your career. You keep a bad memory from this experience, but at least you never see this patient again.

Write a choice here.

The End.

Your patient is happy to see that someone understands him. You two continu therapy and he is making great progress.

Write a choice here.

Getting worse.

Your patient is furious. He finally hits you again.

Choice 1 : You call the security to come get him.

Choice 2 : You don't say nothing, but you tell him you can't be his psychologist anymore.

Freaking out.

What you just did is not professional at all. You ask yourself what to do and start to freak out.

Choice 1 : You decide to keep it a secret, but to refer the patient to another psychologist. You don't want to get in trouble.

Choice 2 : You tell your boss about it.

Love story.

He gets mad and leave the office.

Choice 1 : You try to follow him.

Choice 2 : You don't care.

The End.

You keep it a secret for the rest of your life, always feeling bad about it. You never hear from him again and continu your career.

Write a choice here.

The End.

Your boss fires you and you can not be a psychologist anymore. You don't have a career and you are poor.

Write a choice here.

The End.

When security arrives, they arrest the patient and bring him to a psychiatric hospital. You never see him again and you keep bad memories from your first patient.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You are not his psychologist anymore and you keep a bad memory from this experience. You don't want to practice this job anymore and you go back to school.

Write a choice here.


He gets mad and hits you in the face.

Choice 1 : You call security.

Choice 2 : You don't say anything, but you tell him to leave your office.


You are both in love together. You know he is your soulmate.

Choice 1 : You leave your job for him.

Choice 2 : You decide to hide this love from your boss. You keep it a secret so you can keep your job.

The End.

The patient goes into a psychiatric hospital. You never hear from him again and you can go on with your life.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You tell your boss what happened and he calls the police. You never hear from the patient again and continue your life as usual.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You never think back about this patient. You didn't even liked him. He is just a crazy person. You can now focus on your career.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You are now poor and full of regrets. You failed your life and the one of the patient.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You find him and explain that you cannot be his psychologist anymore. You want to continu your career without talking to him ever again.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You are happy that he left your office. You didn't want to see him ever again. He is just a moron.

Write a choice here.

The End.

You are happy in love, but you are now poor and homeless. You sometimes regret your decision. Having a ill boyfriend is not always funny.

Write a choice here.

The End.

Your life goes on. Nobody never finds out about your secret relationship with your patient. Sometimes you feel sad that you have to keep it a secret, but at the end of the day, love is worth it.

Write a choice here.

The End.