A Teacher's Life.

A hypertext narrative by

Bénédicte Lapierre

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1135

Choice count: 34

Section count: 23

Image count: 21

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 24 matches (Education, England, School, bachelor's degree, behavior, choice, class, degree, don, fellow, high school, learning, modular, options, primary school, principal, school, second language, specific, student, students, teach, teacher, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 18 matches (accident, children, cost, district, drugs, England, family, harassment, judgment, Local, minor, month, offer, possibility, Principal, relief, Sexual, shock)

Psychology : 16 matches (attention, behavior, class, culture, drug, family, game, happiness, harassment, language, learning, love, miss, need, sexual harassment, shock)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

dead-end job (2 matches)

drawback (1 match)

flirtation (2 matches)

fulfillment (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

lack of (3 matches)

overtime (1 match)

sexual harassment (2 matches)

vacant position (3 matches)

wage (4 matches)


A Teacher's Life.

Decision Day.

You have just graduated from Sherbrooke University and today is the day you need to choose where you are going to next year. You just finished your 4 years Bachelor's degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. You need to choose between a job at a school or the possibility to continue your studies to get a mastery.

Choice 1 : A job at a school.

Choice 2 : Stay and get a mastery

No Vacant Position.

Unfortunately, for a lot of graduates in education there is no vacant position in the district you have chosen. You can either become a substitute teacher or try in another school board.

Choice 1 : Become a substitute teacher.

Choice 2 : Try another school board


You have now half your mastery done, but you feel very overwhelmed. You are tired and start to wonder if it is the right thing for yourself and your career to keep going. You feel exhausted to juggle between your mastery and your substitute job you do on the side. You need to decide if it is worth it to continue your mastery or take a stable teaching job.

Choice 1 : Keep doing your mastery.

Choice 2 : Take a permanent teaching job.

A permanent job offers?

It is now six months from the beginning of your substitute job start. You have been learning the ropes of the job and there is finally two offers in your district. There is one at a primary school and another in a high school. During your multiple internships, you loved teaching to children, but you also loved teaching to mature teenager. You now need to decide between the two options.

Choice 1 : Primary school.

Choice 2 : Secondary school.

Job offers.

You chose to apply for a job in two different foreign English countries. Your application has been retained to go teach in London, England or in Sydney, Australia.

Choice 1 : Go to London, England.

Choice 2 : Go to Sydney, Australia.

A Foot In the Door.

Now that you have your mastery, your favorite teacher tells you there is a vacant position in the administration school board and they want you in that spot.

Choice 1 : You take the job.

Choice 2 : You refuse it.

Job offers.

There are two new jobs offers for you. You love working with children, but you also love teenagers openness.

Choice 1 : Take the primary school job.

Choice 2 : Take the high school job.

A Little Accident.

Today, your class is doing a DIY Christmas ball. One of your 9 years old student have drop a huge amount of hot glue on his hand. He is in shock and can not stop crying.

Choice 1 : You call the parents yourself.

Choice 2 : You let the administration handle it.


In your third class of the day, there is always this student who is looking at you in a flirtation manner. You don't know how to react to this weird attention. Do you tell the administration or you let yourself behave badly?

Choice 1 : Tell the principal.

Choice 2 : Behave badly.


It has been a month since you arrived in England. You feel depressed of the lack of sunlight and you miss extremely your family. You decide to go back to Canada.

Choice 1 : End.


You love Australia. You love the sunlight, surfing and your job. You are starting to fall in love for your fellow-worker. You are getting sucked up in the Australian culture and you decide to stay permanently.

Choice 1 : End.

Dead-end job.

Sadly, the administration job you took is very repetitive and you start to find it boring. You are now stuck in a dead-end job.

Choice 1 : End.


You have fund a job in your local school district. Sadly, you still have a lot of depth to pay. You do a lot of overtime and it is slowly paying it back.

Choice 1 : End.

Marathon Day.

Today there is a professional marathon at school for the kids. You are stressed because you are going to be looking out for your entire class. In the middle of the event, you are counting your students and there is two missing students. You start freaking out.

Choice 1 : Breathe and start looking for them.

Choice 2 : Breathe and ask your other students about the missing one.


It has been a week that you observe one specific student at the back of your class. He is always super focused and it feels like he is on a cloud of happiness. At the end of the class, you asked him a couple of questions and he reacts very angrily. You are very worried about him.

Choice 1 : You call his parents.

Choice 2 : You tell your colleague.

Wage Raise.

The administration is really proud of the way you handle the situation. They offer you a wage raise.

Choice 1 : End.

Lack of judgment.

The mother and the administration are in an outrageous rage. The administration decides to fire you, because of your lack of judgment.

Choice 1 : End.

Wage Raise.

The administration is really proud of the way you handle the situation. They offer you a wage raise.

Choice 1 : End.

Sexual Harassment Charges.

Your little miss behavior has now cost you your job and you are pressed with sexual harassment charges on a minor.

Choice 1 : End.

A Simple Game.

You start looking for them. Your whole class is not happy, but you think about a great idea. You tell them it is a game. They are now happy and you end up finding them in the bathroom.

Choice 1 : End.


You have asked about the missing one to your class and one of them tells you that maybe they were at the bathroom. You go look for them and you find them playing in the modular. You are relief and the rest of the day pass quickly.

Choice 1 : End.

A Call Back.

You have called his parents. The next day, they call you back to thank you for your call. They have found drugs in their son's bedroom. You are sad about the situation, but you are happy you could help.

Choice 1 : End.

A Meeting.

Your colleagues are very worried about the student. You all decide to go see the administration to ask for help because one of your peers thinks he could be using drug. After a meeting with him, the administration and his parents, the suspicious your colleague have had is true. You are relieved of this big situation.

Choice 1 : End.

The End.