Life Choices

A hypertext narrative by

Celia Seddaoui

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1863

Choice count: 56

Section count: 36

Image count: 35

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 16 matches (Jean, School, behaviour, choice, college, don, failed, first, grades, high school, learn, motivation, report, school, social, university)

Psychology : 14 matches (behaviour, depression, family, focus, harassment, language, love, motivation, patient, psychologist, run, sex, sleep, thinking)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (arrested, Child, clients, crime, criminal, family, guilty, harassment, improvement, murder, trust, truth)

Target Structure:

put aside (1 match)

though (1 match)


Life Choices

The end of high school

The end of high school.

This is my last year of high school. I know I want to be a psychologist. It's time for me to think about a college I want to go. French is my first language but I wonder if studying in English could be interesting for me to learn more about this language. I hesitate between an Anglophone college or a French college.

Choice 1 : I decided to go to Montmorency College.

Choice 2 : I decided to go to Dawson College.

I decided to go to Montmorency College.

I am studying Social Science. My grades are good, and I am thinking about getting a job to gain some money in the side.

Choice 1 : I applied for a job.

Choice 2 : I did not apply for a job.

I decided to go to Dawson College.

Studying in English is more difficult than I thought. My school grades are really bad. I am sure my grades would be better grades if I studied in French. I know I clearly don't have what it takes to become a psychologist.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue my studies in english.

Choice 2 : I decided to quit school.

Choice 3 : I decided to go to Montmorency College.

I applied for a job.

I am a cashier at Jean Coutu and I really like this job but it's starting to take a lot of place in my life. My manager wants me to work 13 hours a week and it gives me less time to focus on my studies. My grades begin to drop.

Choice 1 : I decided to leave my job.

Choice 2 : I decided to continue working.

I did not apply for a job.

I don't have a lot of money but I have a lot of time to focus on my studies. My grades are very high. I finish College successfully. Now I have to decide which University to go to pursue my studies.

Choice 1 : I decided to go to University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : I decided to go to UQAM University.

I decided to leave my job.

I don't have a lot of money but I have a lot of time to focus on my studies. My grades are very high. I finish College successfully. Now I have to decide which University to go to pursue my studies.

Choice 1 : I decided to go to University of Montreal.

I decided to continue working.

I am making a lot of money but my grades are bad. I am loosing motivation in school. I am in a depression and my behaviour at work has changed. I am rude to customers, and less enthusiastic to come to work. Customers made complaints about me and my manager wants to fire me.

Choice 1 : I beg my manager to keep me and give me another chance.

Choice 2 : I accept that she wants to fire me and I leave this job.

I decided to quit school.

I realized that I failed my life and I could never be a psychologist without finishing my studies.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to continue my studies in English.

My grades are so bad that it is impossible for me to become a psychologist. I should have studied in French at Montmorency College. I am regretting the choices I made in my life.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I beg my manager to keep me and give me another chance.

My manager accepts to keep me but it's my last chance. I try to be nicer with the clients and the complaints about me stopped. There is a new guy at work that flirts a lot with me. He makes a lot of inappropriate jokes about sex. I am feeling very uncomfortable and I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I tell my manager about the inappropriate behaviour of my coworker.

Choice 2 : I quit this job.

I am no longer working.

I now have no job and no money. I ask money to strangers in the streets and I sleep outside. I regret the bad choices I made in my life. If only I stayed at school or I acted right at work.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to go to University of Montreal.

I am studying hard and my grades are very good. I finally became a psychologist.

Choice 1 : I decided to become a psychologist for kids.

Choice 2 : I decided to become a psychologist for adults.

Choice 3 : I decided to become a psychologist for teenagers.

I tell my manager about the inappropriate behaviour of my coworker.

My manager does not believe me and the coworker continues to annoy me every time I am coming to work. I am really tired of this and I cannot endure this man anymore.

Choice 1 : I decided to quit this job.

Choice 2 : I decided to attack him.

I decided to attack him.

I waited for him to finish work so I could attack him. I want to scare him so he's never going back to work and he's finally going to leave me alone. Once he finished working, I tried to attack him with a knife but a lady saw me and called the police.

Choice 1 : I decided to run away from the police.

Choice 2 : I decided to tell the truth to the police.

I decided to run away from the police.

This was a bad decision because the police caught me and arrested me.

Choice 1 : Go to jail.

I decided to tell the truth to the police.

Even if I chose to be honest, the police still arrested me.

Choice 1 : Go to jail.

Go to jail.

I ended up behind bars because of what I did. I regret all the decisions I made in my life.

Choice 1 : Start my life again.

I decided to become a psychologist for teenagers.

I had a patient that could not stop lying to everyone. He was a fantasist. Should I tell his parents about his lies or should I keep it to myself and try to help him?

Choice 1 : I decided to tell his parents about his lying problem.

Choice 2 : I decided to keep it to myself.

I decided to become a psychologist for kids.

I really love my job but working with kids makes me sad because I don't have kids. I'm thinking about having my own baby.

Choice 1 : I decided to have a baby.

Choice 2 : I decided to continue working and have a baby later.

I decided to become a psychologist for adults.

One day, I had a patient that confessed me that he did a murder. He really trusts me and wants me not to tell the police.

Choice 1 : I decided to tell the police.

Choice 2 : I decided to keep the secret.

I decided to tell the police.

I did the right thing even if I'm feeling guilty about breaking the trust of my patient.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue working as a psychologist.

I decided to keep the secret.

I did the wrong thing because the police found that I knew about it, and I'm considered to be his partner in crime.

Choice 1 : Go to jail.

I decided to tell his parents about his lying problem.

I met his parents to explain to them their son's situation. They are grateful that I told them but the son is mad and he doesn't want to meet me again. I lost a patient.

Choice 1 : I decided to apologize to him.

Choice 2 : I decided not to apologize to him because I feel like I did the right thing.

I decided to keep it to myself and try to help him.

After a lot of sessions with him I see some improvement and I know I did the right choice not to tell his parents.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue working as a psychologist.

I decided to have a baby.

I love my baby but this was a bad choice because I didn't work enough to have enough money to provide the needs of my child.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to continue working and have a baby later.

I made a lot of money and I'm financially stable to make a child.

Choice 1 : I decided to have a baby.

Choice 2 : I decided to continue working.

Go to jail.

I ended up behind bars as a partner in crime to the murder because I didn't report the criminal to the police. This is a big mistake that makes me regret everything.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to have a baby.

I finally had my baby and I have enough money to meet his needs. I have a job and a family. I'm happy about the decisions I made in my life.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided not to apologize to him because I feel like I did the right thing.

He's very mad at me and he made a complain against me because I broke the professional secrecy. I lost my job.

Choice 1 : I lost my job.

I decided to apologize to him.

He accepted my apologies and he wants to meet me again.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue working as a psychologist.

I decided to go to UQAM University.

I am studying hard and my grades are very good. I finally became a psychologist.

Choice 1 : I decided to become a psychologist for teenagers.

Choice 2 : I decided to become a psychologist for kids.

Choice 3 : I decided to become a psychologist for adults.

I lost my job.

I lost my job because I didn't keep the professional secrecy. I'm mad against the guy who reported me.

Choice 1 : I decided to get revenge.

Choice 2 : Start my life over.

I decided to continue working as a psychologist.

I do my job well and I love to help my patients. I'm happy about the choices I made in my life.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to continue working.

I continued to work and I got so busy that I put aside the desire to have a baby. Even though I prioritized my career instead of my family, I'm still happy with the decisions I made in my life.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

I decided to get revenge.

I harassed psychologically the guy who reported me by calling him and telling him that he's going to regret what he did. The guy reported me again for harassment.

Choice 1 : Go to jail.

Go to jail.

I ended up in jail because I harassed this teenager. I was wrong for doing this and I regret.

Choice 1 : Start my life over.

The End.