Word count: 2319
Choice count: 70
Section count: 46
Image count: 45
Error count: 20
Field Related Analysis:
Nursing : 31 matches (accident, addiction, professional, cells, body, brain, cancer, cream, death, depression, drug, ecology, genetics, hospital, sign, medicine, medium, pain, patent, population, psychopath, responsibility, SAD, sensible, severe, species, stress, suicide, surgeon, version, patients)
Psychology : 27 matches (addiction, bioinformatics, biotechnology, brain, class, depression, drug, drug addiction, ecology, family, field, focus, genetics, harassment, intelligence, love, need, pain, patient, population, sexual harassment, sign, species, statistics, stress, suicide, trip)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 26 matches (accident, animals, brain, claim, damages, death, discovery, fact, family, fine, General, government, harassment, hire, House, interest, living, office, patent, remedy, sentence, Sexual, Special, street, suicide, young)
Target Structure:
retirement (2 matches)
sexual harassment (3 matches)
I'm studying in Natural Science at Montmorency College. How much time and dedication will I give to school works? Will I work really hard to have to best grades in every class? Or will I focus more on partying and having fun?
Choice 1 : Partying a lot and skipping classes.
Choice 2 : Working really hard for the best grades possible.
Choice 3 : Being serious without giving too much effort.
I partied a lot and I fell into a severe drug addiction. I burned half of my brain cells. I failed every class and I quit school. I decided to go see a medium to guide me for my future. Which card should I pick?
Choice 1 : card number 1.
Choice 2 : card number 2.
This card is called "Death". It is not a good sign... I died in a car accident 2 weeks later... THE END.
Choice 1 : Die in a car crash
This card is called "Wheel of Fortune". It grants me a lot of luck and it convinced me to try science again. I decided to make scientific research on my own. I successfully concocted a cream that can prevent aging. Should I sell my product around the world and make a lot of money or should I make more tests with a team of scientist?
Choice 1 : Sell my product
Choice 2 : Work with a team of scientist
My cream prevents from aging but also get people addicted to gambling. I am getting sued every day, but every casino around the world got my back. My cream is still sold in pharmacies 20 years later and I make a lot of money without doing anything.
Choice 1 : Getting rich without doing anything
This is the end of my story. I hope you made the right choices for my future. :).
Choice 1 : Restart
We found out that my cream had really big downsides. Another scientist modified my recipe and got a patent on the good version of my cream. I need to find another living. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Go back to school
Choice 2 : Find a work without a degree
I don't have enough brain cells left to study, so I need to find a work without any degree.
Choice 1 : Find a job
I found a job at a supermarket and i worked there full time until my retirement.
Choice 1 : The End.
I had the best grades in every class and I went to university in medicine. I did well there too and I'm now a surgeon. I went to see a medium just for fun. Which card should I pick?
Choice 1 : Card number 3
Choice 2 : Card number 4
The card I picked is called "The world". It made me sensible to the differences in life conditions around the world. I decided to go volunteering abroad with my skills in healthcare. Where should I go?
Choice 1 : Go to Honduras
Choice 2 : Go to Zimbabwe
The card I picked is called "The Devil". I got possessed by a demon and he controls me from time to time. One day, he made me "accidentally" kill one of my patients. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Talk to my coworkers about the demon
Choice 2 : Try cannibalism and eat my patient
Everybody thinks I am a psychopath and I spent the rest of my life in a psychiatric hospital.
Choice 1 : The End.
Why would you choose that? Anyway, I ate my patient. It looks like he was a priest or something like that. Eating him chased my demon. I am now free and I can go back to work like nothing happened. I'm still in trouble because someone died under my responsibility. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Claim it was an accident
Choice 2 : Claim it was a demon's fault
Everything went well. I had to pay damages to the family. Nobody knows about my demon and it's fine like this. A few weeks later, I realized that I hate this job. The fact that I killed someone didn't help at all. Also, I found the job too stressful. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Find another job
Choice 2 : Keep my current job
I went back to university and I need to choose a good university degree program for me. Which one should I take?
Choice 1 : Ecology
Choice 2 : Statistics
After 6 months, I fell into a big depression. Nobody seemed to care about it. I committed suicide at 35 years old.
Choice 1 : The End.
I'm now an ecologist and I love this branch of science. My first project was to analyse and help the Coturnicops noveboracensis, a little bird living in swamps. This species is in danger because of the drought. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Trying to protect animals with laws.
Choice 2 : Pouring millions of liters of water in every swamps
I became a statistician for Statistics Canada. This job was a lot less stressful and I had a lot more free time. I was really happier in this field.
Choice 1 : The End.
Choice 2 : The End.
When I arrived at the airport, someone stabbed me to steal my wallet. I'm dead. I didn't even had the chance to leave the airport.
Choice 1 : The End.
Everything went really well. I met really nice people and I helped a lot. I'm proud of what I have done. I met a Zimbabwean during my long trip and I think I'm in love with her. I spent all my free time with her. Now I need to leave this country. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Invite her to Canada with me
Choice 2 : Say goodbye and leave the country
We got married and she left me a few weeks later. She only wanted a free pass to Montreal. I'm now very sad and I fell into a big depression. I ran away from my hometown. I left my family and friends behind and I died alone.
Choice 1 : The End.
I think I made the right decision. I went back to work in Montreal and everything was fine. A couple years later, two trainees wanted to work with me. Which one should I work with?
Choice 1 : Rob
Choice 2 : Katrina
I put almost every species living in swamps in danger. Every ecologist around the world think I'm stupid. Also, I wasted a lot of potable water. It wasn't very smart. I lost my job and I'm getting sued.
Choice 1 : The End.
I did my best to make the government and the population aware of the endangered species. I did not change a lot as a result, but with time and effort, mentalities will change. I worked as an ecologist for the rest of my life and I was a happy man.
Choice 1 : The End.
He was very good and very professional. He inspired me to work with young people passionate about science. I ended up being a professor at the University of Montreal.
Choice 1 : The End.
She was very good and she was very hardworking. One day, I left early and I let her finish her work in my office. The next day, my office was empty. She stole everything and I've never seen her again.
Choice 1 : The End.
I went in bioinformatics. I specialized in genetics and I started working at a biotechnology industry. I went to see a medium. Which card should I pick?
Choice 1 : Card number 5.
Choice 2 : Card number 6.
This card is called : The Fool. I gradually lost my intelligence. I am now a fool. I can't do my job correctly because I need a minimum of intelligence to complete my tasks. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Hide my stupidity
Choice 2 : Take smart pills everyday
This card is called : The Magician. A few weeks later I magically found a cure for cancer. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Make sure it is a cure for cancer
Choice 2 : Go forward with my discovery.
The next day, I started working on my discovery, but I realized I did not write anywhere what was my remedy. Now I can't cure cancer and it will haunt me every day of my life. A few years later, we had a new boss. She was called Pamela. I found her really attractive and she was single. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Go forward and flirt
Choice 2 : Do nothing special
It was in fact a really efficient cure for cancer. It helped a lot of people from their pain. Not only I saved lives but I made a lot of money. Now, I don't need to work. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Making conferences
Choice 2 : Go volunteering abroad
Choice 3 : Staying home
I made conferences to inspire young students. I started locally and then around the world. It was stressful at first but I became good at dealing with stress.
Choice 1 : The End.
It was a very smart choice. I helped a lot of people in need of it. I don't need to work anymore, so it was the best way to use my free time.
Choice 1 : The End.
I bought a nice big house and I started playing video games. Only one year later, I became really good and I started participating at some tournaments around the world. It was not a bad choice after all.
Choice 1 : The End.
She was clearly not interested in me. I was trying hard to change her mind. The Human Resources Department fired me for sexual harassment. Now I don't have any job. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Find another place to get hire
Choice 2 : Change job
Finally, she was not really my type. The problem is that I think I was hers. She was clearly flirting with me. It was uncomfortable. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Try to get help from the Human Resources Department
Choice 2 : Deal with it
There was nothing they could do. I was frustrated about it. Over time, the flirting started to be more like sexual harassment. My career in this field was painful because of her.
Choice 1 : The End.
She understood that I had no interest and she stopped flirting with me. We stayed in good terms all my career long.
Choice 1 : The End.
I like this job, so I want to do the same thing, but somewhere else. I applied everywhere, but no one would engage me. It is probably because of my sexual harassment allegations. I won't find another job until my death.
Choice 1 : The End.
I decided to go back to the university in another program. I went in engineering. I became an engineer in a fabric factory. It was a really nice job and it was a great decision.
Choice 1 : The End.
I became the funny guy of my workplace. This way, nobody knew I became stupid. It took a lot of time for my boss to realize I was not working well. I got fired. At least I saved some time. I was a bio computer scientist all my career because I changed workplace every 3 years until my retirement. All of this without really doing my job, just being the funny guy.
Choice 1 : The End.
I increased my focus to appear more intelligent. I became addict to these pills. At least I can do my job correctly. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Go on a rehab
Choice 2 : Keep consuming these pills
It worked perfectly! I will not consume these pills again. Unfortunately I lost my job. I'm now living in the street.
Choice 1 : The End.
I died young, but I accomplished a lot of great things at my job. I helped the world of bioinformatics and science in general a lot.
Choice 1 : The End.
The End.