The tough ride to the publishing house.

A hypertext narrative by

Marjolaine Massé-Patterson

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1330

Choice count: 22

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 19 matches (European, School, choice, class, college, don, first, graduate, high school, learn, primary school, principal, reading, school, second language, teach, teacher, teachers, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 18 matches (Book, charge, children, close, company, escape, European, family, fine, four, House, law, master, minutes, office, Principal, public, reputation)

Tourism : 14 matches (City, Concordia, Program, Public transportation, Ride, bit, board, charge, language, master, principal, program, single, transportation)

Target Structure:


The tough ride to the publishing house.


Choosing my college program.

I'm still in high school and can't choose between two programs that I truly like… Many foreign languages have been around me since I was born and I love foreign cultures and languages, but every book is a different world I can escape to every single time I open it. Both programs can lead to publishing houses, so I know that, whatever my decision is, I'm not wasting my time.

Choice 1 : I will study linguistics.

Choice 2 : I will study literature.


I finally chose to study linguistics.

My passion for foreign languages took over and I decided that I wanted to learn how to be fluent in two European languages for the next two years! But I have to choose which college I want to go to. Ahuntsic surely has a better reputation but Montmorency is fifteen minutes away from my house by public transportation!

Choice 1 : Study in the city of Montreal at Ahuntsic College.

Choice 2 : Study in my hometown, Laval and go to Montmorency College.


I finally chose to study literature.

Books were always an escape and I chose them one more time. But before I apply to college, I have to choose which one I want to go to. Ahuntsic surely has a better reputation, but Montmorency is closer to my house.

Choice 1 : Study in the city of Montreal and go to Ahuntsic College.

Choice 2 : Study in my hometown, Laval and go to Montmorency.


Now, I have to choose the right language.

I was accepted in college and I'm happy about all the decisions I've made. It was the best thing to do. But I now have to choose which language I want to master the most from now on.

Choice 1 : Master the tough German language.

Choice 2 : Master the not-so-easy Spanish language.

It's time to choose the right University program.

Before I graduate from college, I have to decide which one is the best according to my career. The University of Montreal is a dream I've had since forever, the University of Laval and the University of Sherbrooke may be far, but are well rated. I've had Concordia and McGill in my mind, but they don't have the program I'm exactly looking for. Which one should I apply to?

Choice 1 : Live at my cousin's house near the Canadian Forces Base and go to the University of Laval in Quebec City.

Choice 2 : Stay home and go to the University of Montreal.

Choice 3 : Live in the dorms and go to the University of Sherbrooke.

I don't know which program I should apply for!

Once again, I made the best decision after listing all the pros and cons of each school. But after college, my tastes have changed and I'm not sure if I still want to work in a publishing house. I could teach French Second Language in primary schools. Luckily, the teaching program has no required path.

Choice 1 : Keep up with my dream career and work at a publishing house.

Choice 2 : Go to a different but interesting avenue and become a French teacher.

Book publishing

I'm going to work with books, books and many more books.

Publishing houses it will be! I'm glad I've made this decision and after university, I'll be able to make people fall deeper in love with reading. I know that it won't be easy. Nothing is and I've made tough choices to be where I am today. I'll have to engrave the ladder and it'll take time, but I'll make it to the top. One day I'll be the one who translates books and after that, I'll be the one in charge of making a book happen. I made it!

Choice 1 : Years later.

Primary school

I'm now twenty-five years old and going back to primary school!

French second language it is! I'm happy of every single decision I've made that have led my to this day. It was everything but easy, that's for sure. From now on, I will be teaching kids aged from four to ten, how to speak French. Wherever they come from, and whatever their native language is, I'll make sure they can speak French properly. Montreal's school board needs teachers and I'm there for it. But I've lived in Ontario and kind of miss it. Which territory should I teach in?

Choice 1 : Teach French Second Language on Quebec's territory.

Choice 2 : Teach French Second Language on Ontario's territory.


I was born in Montreal and have always loved this city. I'll be able to work close to my family and friends! I'm proud of myself, I made it!

Choice 1 : A few months later.


By moving here, not only will I be able to discover Canada a bit more, but moving to Ontario will also allow me to speak English even more and become fluent. I'm going to be out of my comfort zone, but that's totally fine! I can visit my family in Quebec whenever I want because it's not that far away. I'm proud because I made it!

Choice 1 : A few months later.

I ended up hating the back-to-school time, AGAIN.

Freshly out of university, I've got to teach a class of eight-year-old children. They wanted their teacher back and made sure I knew it. It was horrible. I went to the principal's office and got everything back in place. A few years later, I got my own class. I wouldn't that teaching is easy as my idealistic mind thought, but once the children get used to you and you get used to teaching, it's satisfying and easier.

Write a choice here.

It is not what I expected.

When I think about it, I probably was too idealistic. Working for a publishing house is absolutely not what I expected it to be like. A little change is always fun, but once you get used to it, it's pretty boring. The first years or so were fine. I followed a publisher around to see what it's really like but I've felt like an assistant more than anything. After five years, I've translated a few chapters of two or three books, but that's it. Should I talk to my boss? I don't want to get fired.

Choice 1 : Go talk to my boss.

Choice 2 : Stay quiet

A glimmer of hope.

I've decided to talk to her. And I was right. We talked for about twenty minutes and she said she would give me more translation to do. At first, I was happy about it. But my smile fell when she gave me school, historical and scientific books. I was hoping for law, romance and drama. After about two months, we talked again and I've got to translate things I'm passionate about.

Choice 1 : Years later

I thanked them.

I talked to my coworkers about my situation and they secretly decided to take things in hands for me. My boss asked me to go in her office and we talked for about twenty minutes. She said she would give me more translation to do. At first, I was happy about it. But my smile fell when she gave me school, historical and scientific books. I was hoping for law, romance and drama. After about two months, we talked again and I've got to translate things I'm passionate about.

Choice 1 : Years later.

I became a publisher myself!

After years of fighting, I finally made it up to the top. I once was an unofficial translator, then I was an official one. And now, I'm a publisher. It's not easy. Writers career and mine are always being played and in my hands. I represent the company I'm working for. But I'm doing my dream job and made it to the top!

Write a choice here.

The End.