Architecture Hypertext Narrative

A hypertext narrative by

Marie-Pier Vendette-Forget

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2182

Choice count: 68

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 27 matches (School, advanced, choice, college, course, courses, diploma, don, evaluation, exam, field, field of study, first, high school, knowledge, learn, project, school, semester, student, teach, teacher, trainee, training, university, vacation, vocational)

Tourism : 16 matches (Basic, Client, Construction, Human, Program, Resources, US, architecture, bit, contractor, course, field, program, stop, times, vacation)

Business : 14 matches (agenda, business, client, clients, company, contractor, firm, interest, meeting, money, partner, team, trainee, trust)

Target Structure:

leave of absence (1 match)

maddening (2 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (4 matches)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

vacant position (2 matches)

wage (1 match)


Architecture Hypertext Narrative


High school.

It all begins when I was at High School. I was not of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, like the others kids of my year. It was my final year and I had to decide. With all of my friends, we talked about our future on lunchtime. Either I go in Architecture or I go in orientation program.

Choice 1 : Going in architecture program.

Choice 2 : Going in orientation program.


Going in architecture program.

After 3 years of hard work, I don't know where I want to go. I don't know if I continue to study in this program or I go in a workplace.

Choice 1 : Go to a workplace.

Choice 2 : Go do a DVS (Diploma Vocational Studies).

Choice 3 : Go to university.


Go to a workplace.

I finally decided to go work. But before, I wanted to experience on the job training before staying there. After weeks of doing the job of a trainee, I was really disappointed so I didn't know if I really wanted to apply for the vacant position.

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Stay there.


Go to university.

After a lot of questioning, I wanted to continue my studies to be an Architect. But, the people in my program are so good and I feel bad. I don't get straight A's in my course and it is discouraging, I am not sure if I want to continue.

Choice 1 : Continue university.

Choice 2 : Find a work.


Stay there.

After months of working there, I start to appreciate it and I like the people who work there EXCEPT for one person. This guy that never leave me alone it is so maddening. I tell him many times subtly that I was no interest, but he keeps flirting with me. This is nothing bad but it is so annoying.

Choice 1 : Confronting the guy.

Choice 2 : Talk to the boss.

Confronting him

Confronting the guy.

I just tell him directly that I never want him to flirting with me anymore or I will never do a project with him again. All the work we have to do here is with a partner or a team, and if he doesn't have me for a project he will have trouble to get another one.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

Talking to the boss

Talk to the boss.

After taking all my courage, I am going see my boss. After explaining the situation, he told me to put aside this and focus on my work or I can always see the Human Resources department. I was a little bit pissed off.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Go do a DVS (Diploma Vocational Studies).

After hard work at college, I decided to continue in this way. I didn't want to go directly to university so I went to a school to do a DVS. After this course, I could...

Choice 1 : Go teach.

Choice 2 : Be my own boss.


Continue university.

After many years of hard work, I finally finished my school. That was not easy, but I can now work as an Architect and doing the design and the concepts that I want to do.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Find a work.

I decided to go work to do house plan because it is what I love to do. After 1 year of doing this work, I can say that really love that when a client go see me to a new project, except if the client is very demanding.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Go teach.

I liked the vibe when I was doing my course at this school so I wanted to teach how to be a designer. But, there was a conflict with a student. A theft stole my material and my exams. What do I do?

Choice 1 : Find the theft.

Choice 2 : Do overtime.


Be my own boss.

With the course I did, I can be a contractor, so I can draw my plans, see my own clients, do my estimates and be my own boss. I am very happy, but find a client or a project is very difficult when you know nothing in business. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Find a job instead.

Choice 2 : Continue.

Find it

Find the theft.

I went to the Human Resources Department to explain the situation and on the camera we see the theft! I was sure it was him. We have no choice to expel him of the course.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Do overtime.

I did overtime to do a new exam for the next morning. It is so maddening! If I find the theft, I swear he will be in trouble.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Find a job instead.

After all, that was not a super idea. I wasn't able to find projects, so I apply in a company as a contractor to be on a construction site!

Choice 1 : Back to beginning



I decided to continue and I find a client who wants to work with me, finally! But, when I was on the site, I fall on the ground and I break my feet. So unlucky! I had to take a leave of absence.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Go to university.

I want to go to university to have more knowledge in this field of study, but now I can't decide between architecture and design.

Choice 1 : Architecture.

Choice 2 : Design.



At university, we have to do a lot of design and 3D models. I love this, but to be an architect I have to be 7 years at university. Do I continue?

Choice 1 : Continue

Choice 2 : Go work



In design, we do a lot of decoration and interior 3D models. The people in this program are very haughty and they gossip about everyone. I heard there was a false rumor about me that I had a misconduct with a teacher. What do I do?

Choice 1 : Change the program

Choice 2 : Get revenge



I am glad that I did continue this program. During my studies I met my boyfriend, I am so happy.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Go work.

I wanted to learn directly on a workplace instead of school. I love working in a firm, I work very hard and I do a lot of overtime. Because of my hard work, I receive a prenium wage! Could I be happier?

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Change the program.

I don't like this vibe and I didn't like that program that much, so I go with my first idea; architecture. I will not regret this.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Get revenge.

I know the student who told this, so I had a great idea. I know that she have an affair with a student, so I told everyone. If she wants to play at this, I will too.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

Orientation program

Going in orientation program.

I went to an orientation program because I wanted to advance my basic courses at college. It's very boring, should I continue?

Choice 1 : I quit.

Choice 2 : I continue.

Choice 3 : I change the program.

Change program

I quit.

That wasn't for me, I didn't want to continue. I prefer to be in a program that interest me.

Choice 1 : Change College

Choice 2 : Go work


I continue.

I continue, but I am excited to be in the program I want. During my semester, something bad happen...

Choice 1 : I miss my final exam.

Choice 2 : I got called by the director.


I change the program.

Now that I advanced my basic courses, I decided to be in architecture program, so my next semester will be a little softer. After 3 years of architecture, what do I do next?

Choice 1 : I go in building evaluation

Choice 2 : I go work

Change college

Change College.

When I changed college, I met a guy in my program and we liked each other. The only problem is that he have a girlfriend. He told me that it didn't go well in his relationship. Should I trust him?

Choice 1 : I continue see him.

Choice 2 : I stop seeing him.


Go work.

My uncle has a company and he is an engineer. He proposes me to come with him to see if I like this field. An old engineer who works there started making fun of me because I am a young woman, so he thinks that I am not able to work in this industry.

Choice 1 : I say nothing.

Choice 2 : I confronting him.


I continue see him.

I continue talking to him, but his girlfriend came talk to me. She said to me that their relationship was correct. Her and I are mad because he did lie to both of us.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


I stop seeing him.

I just suddenly stop talking to him because I felt that it wasn't right. If he wants to talk to me again, he should have no girlfriend.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


I miss my final exam.

My last exam of philosophy, I missed it! I wrote in my agenda it was the next day so I passed it! When my friend gets out of the exam, he called me to ask me why I didn't show and I thought he was kidding, but no! In a panic, I show to the exam. What my teacher will say?

Choice 1 : He let me do it.

Choice 2 : He gives me 0.


I got called by the director.

My friend took a funny video of my teacher and put it on YouTube. The direction finds it and called us to a meeting. I was getting sucked up because we hear my voice in the video. What they will do?

Choice 1 : They expel us.

Choice 2 : They force us to go volunteering.


He let me do it.

I was panicked when I arrive so he understands me. I did my exam, but I was so stressed that I am not sure if it is good. At least, I did it.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


He gives me 0.

The teacher says that it is the politics and he can't do anything. That is so stupid. I have to do this course again!

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

With my friend

They expel us.

They expel us of the school because it is forbidden to do that, but not me that filmed this. We have to wait until the next semester to go to another college.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


They force us to go volunteering.

My friend and I have to do some cleaning at the school as volunteering to forgive us.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

Do nothing

I say nothing.

I was just choked of what he said to me that I did nothing. I don't know if I should tell my uncle or not because it is his friend.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

Confronting him

I confronting him.

I was just so mad that I started yell at him. Everyone was looking. I don't think my uncle will bring me again.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

Building evaluation

I go in building evaluation.

I wanted to see this field who is related to architecture. Finally, I hate it so much. It is much more technical, more of mathematics and less of drawing. I decided to drop out. What I should so?

Choice 1 : Going on vacation.

Choice 2 : Going work.


I go work.

I am so happy! Not long after college, a small firm take me for a vacant position! But with time, I see that there is something wrong with this company. I heard the boss talking about the company's money. After their talk, they saw me. I little stressed, the boss proposes me a bribe to not talk about this with anyone. Do I take it?

Choice 1 : I take the bribe.

Choice 2 : I quit the place.


Going on vacation.

I am saying to myself that we only have one life, so I went to Florida with my friends. Why not?

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


Going work.

It is maybe better for me to getting money for university. It's boring, but I have no choice.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


I take the bribe.

I took it because I still want my job, but if I see something like this again, I will quit for sure. I don't want to be a part of it.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning


I quit the place.

I can't stay in a place like this, I will find another job.

Choice 1 : Back to beginning

The End.