Where it all began!

A hypertext narrative by

Clara Charpentier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1938

Choice count: 48

Section count: 31

Image count: 25

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 47 matches (professional, amputation, analysis, buttock, pressure, syndrome, chronic, clinic, clinical, dislocation, Doctor, EMG, environment, gut, hospital, HR, lead, licence, ligament, medical, muscle, muscular, nerve, pain, phantom limb, phantom, physical, physiotherapy, play, position, practice, presentation, reaction, rehabilitation, relaxation, sciatic nerve, shoulder, supervisor, systematic, tapping, trauma, trust, treatment, injured, pediatrics, patient care, patients)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 40 matches (act, action, answer, apology, assured, case, Child, children, clients, Clinical, close, Court of, court, error, examination, fine, grant, guilty, harassment, Information, intervention, judges, justice, lawyer, licence, Measure, of Justice, office, opinion, order, private, profession, rehabilitation, Sexual, statement, sue, Syndrome, trial, trust, young)

Computer Science : 29 matches (application, call, check, child, choice, close, Comment, definition, email, environment, Error, file, gateway, group, huge, Library, measure, name, phase, physical, Private, Push, score, search, Statement, supervisor, syndrome, True, workload)

Target Structure:

drudgery (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

HR (2 matches)

intern (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

withholding (1 match)


Where it all began!


It started there.

I can't believe it. After years of hard work and time management to get straight A's in physical rehabilitation, I will finally have the answer. Am I accepted to physiotherapy program at university? I always knew that the R score to get admitted was high, but that was my goal and I worked hard to get it. Now, it is right there, I just have to check my email and I will know.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal in physiotherapy.

Choice 2 : Don’t be accepted in physiotherapy.

université de montré

Go to the University of Montreal in physiotherapy.

I had not overrated the program. I already learn the ropes of the profession at Montmorency College. My time as an intern in physical rehabilitation is really what creates the gap between me and student from Natural Science. I feel like I have a step ahead on the others. Also, I need to choose for next year. A professor asked me to be his assistant in his clinical trial next year. I have always been interested in research, but I was thrilled to finally start practicing after all those years of training.

Choice 1 : Accept the clinical trial on phantoms limb syndrome.

Choice 2 : Start practicing.

rx pied

Don't be accepted in physiotherapy.

It's been a hard blow but I'm happy to start practicing. I find a job in a private clinic, but I don't like it so much. Office politics is on the way of patient care. By the way, they call them "clients" instead of patients. That exasperates me badly. There is a systematic withholding of information to keep their patient and earn more money.

Choice 1 : Find another job.

Choice 2 : Make an application in physiotherapy for this year.


Work at the head of a clinical trial.

I didn't measure the workload of being at the head of a clinical trial. I have been overwhelmed since the last few weeks. Plus, the pressure of being young and inexperienced is difficult to handles. I feel like everyone waits for me to fail.

Choice 1 : Hired more people to work on the trial.

Choice 2 : Quit the administrative position.


Accept the clinical trial on phantoms limb syndrome.

This man is a genius! I'm so proud to put my name on his thesis. It's a gateway to a world of solutions for patients disturb by the phantom limb syndrome. He asked me to take the lead next year when he retires. I never thought that he will retire soon. His job is the opposite of drudgery, but I am flattered.

Choice 1 : Accept his proposal.

Choice 2 : Decline his proposal and start practicing.


Start practicing.

I choose to trust my gut. I always said that it's better to start practicing before work in research. I am closer to the patient and it's what I love. When I arrived at the hospital this morning, one of my yesterday patients was waiting for me in the lobby. She seemed very mad. She told me that the treatment injured her more and that she will report me to my boss. Crap! What did I do?

Choice 1 : Try to hide the incident.

Choice 2 : Make her admit to find the problem.


Try to hide the incident.

I explained to her that it's being normal to have muscular stiffening. I recommend going back home and take some rest. I can't believe it, I am getting sucked up in that unworthy manner when your benefits pasted before the patient. I should have done it differently.

Choice 1 : Let see.


Make her admit to find the problem.

I made her admit and start revised her medical file to go through the treatment that I did yesterday. I did flexibly mobilization and strap his shoulder with proprioceptive tapping. I was confident about my course of action, but could I go too hard on her? Maybe, I am still a trainee.

Choice 1 : Talk to my boss about the situation.

Choice 2 : Try to find out by myself.


Try to find out by myself.

That a nonsense! I did a clinical examination and signs and symptoms are incompatible. Wait! That could be Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome! Of course, an excessive pain reaction after a minimal trauma is the definition of this syndrome. It's for that kind of diagnostic that I love my job. Can I be happy in another job?

Choice 1 : Let see!


Talk to my boss about the situation.

I came in my supervisor's office and explained to her the situation. She kicked me out this case and assigned me easier patients in the future. That’s not right, I didn't do anything wrong. That is not how I expected my first job. Could I have done something differently?

Choice 1 : Let's see.


Find another job.

I am very happy in my new environment. The only thing is bothering is what happens yesterday. My boss asked me to examine him for a sciatic nerve pain. Of course, I had to palpate his piriformis muscle who is located on his buttock. We are physiotherapists I never think that will bother him, but since this morning he flirts with me and has sexual comment. I never though that sexual harassment will happen to me.

Choice 1 : Pretend nothing happened.

Choice 2 : Report him to HR.

Speak up.

I explained to HR what was going on. He was caring and tried to make me comfortable. After he took my statement, he saluted my courage and assured me that disciplinary actions will be taken.

Choice 1 : Come back at the beginning.

Pretend nothing happened.

I made my best to avoid seeing him. After a while, he was less insistent, but I felt guilty about it. It's as if I accepted his behavior.

Choice 1 : Quit my job.

Choice 2 : Be transferred in another department.


Make another application in physiotherapy.

I am confident that my R score is good enough to get in the program. I was probably close to be accepted last year. I will do another application and I will see.

Choice 1 : Be accepted in physiotherapy.

Choice 2 : Go in the program of physical therapy instead.


Go in physical therapy.

I will do one year here to boost my results and I will try again next year. I am a curious person I will probably like what I will learn anyway.

Choice 1 : Falling in love with physical therapy

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal in physiotherapy.


Be transferred in another department.

I made a demand to be transferred in the pediatrics department. It starts tomorrow, I am revising my course notes to be ready. Pediatrics practice comes often with difficult neuro case. For instance, the first patient I will have tomorrow I don't know how to deal with.

Choice 1 : Ask a colleague.

Choice 2 : Go to the library to search on similar case.

Ask a colleague.

I asked a colleague, but I was not sure about his course of treatment. We argued about it. I chose to do it my way. I started my treatment and understand at the moment that I made the wrong decision. The patient is a child it changes everything you thought you knew.

Choice 1 : Give apology to my colleague.

Choice 2 : Adapt my practice.


Go to the library to search on similar case.

I find a very interesting case about my patient's syndrome. I think that working with children will push me to be effective with difficult cases. I could finish my career here and never be bored.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.

moelle épinière

Hired more people to work on the trial.

I am happy to prove them wrong. A young woman can lead a scientific breakthrough. With our new team, we find an experimental way to create relaxation of neuromuscular tangles severed by the amputation. What a great sens of pride!

Choice 1 : Present the project to the university board of rehabilitation

Choice 2 : Make phase 2 before jumped to conclusion.

moelle épinière

Quit the administrative position.

That was too much pressure. I will continue on the trial but not at the head of it. That OK to respect our limit. I guess I am better on thinking than administration. I was afraid to take the wrong decision, but at this post I am really working on something.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Phase 2.

In phase 2, we needed to choose a group of guinea pigs to past some EMG. The result is very conclusive. We are ready to present our project to the board.

Choice 1 : Present our project.


Presentation to the board.

The presentation went badly, we made a huge error during the analysis. We need to fix it to be accepted. And in order to fix it we need to get founding.

Choice 1 : Find founding.

Choice 2 : Turn off the clinical trial.


Falling in love with the physical therapy.

I can't believe it. Physical therapies fill the gap lefts by physiotherapy. I always thought that I was at my place in physiotherapy and know that my place is here.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Find founding.

After so many presentations, we finally got a grant to continue our work. Eventually, we fix our mistake and are ready to be accepted by a group of judges.

Choice 1 : Present our project.

Give apology to my colleague.

I went to see my colleague right after the treatment. I needed to give her apology. She forgave me instantly. She said that was always hard in the beginning, but when you started you never want to change of specialties. I think that's true.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Adapt my practice.

I just need to adapt my practice. My patient, Leo is 11 years old, he affects by Marfan syndrome. He plays basketball and his dad wanted to know if it is dangerous with his ligament laxity of joints. I chose to go saw him on the court to have an opinion. During his game, he got hit and his shoulder dislocated.

Choice 1 : Reduce his dislocation.

Choice 2 : Bring him to the hospital.


Bring him to the hospital.

I guess the answer is a no. He can't play basketball. I would like that end in different circumstances. We will have a lot of work after the medical intervention.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Reduce his dislocation.

Without thought, I jumped on the court. I took Leo's shoulder and I put it back on its position. The next instant I realized what did I do. I can't reduce a trauma, it's an act reserved to doctor.

Choice 1 : Find a lawyer.

Choice 2 : Try to give an explanation to the father.

Make apology to the father.

I gave my apologies to the father and explained myself. I didn't think before acting. He was so understanding. He promised to not sue me. Ouf, I need to learn how to deal impulsiveness.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Find a lawyer.

I had to be heard by the court of justice and I had to pay a fine. I have been lucky, I could have lost my professional licence.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.


Our project got the board approval. We are so happy.

Choice 1 : Start from the beginning.

The End.