A possible future, who really know!

A hypertext narrative by

Jeremi thibault

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3654

Choice count: 67

Section count: 44

Image count: 0

Error count: 36

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 37 matches (Down, Education, School, behavior, choice, class, college, course, courses, don, failed, failing, first, head, homework, learn, learned, lesson, market, moral, objective, plagiarism, portfolio, project, scholarship, school, score, senior, senior teacher, student, students, taught, teach, teacher, term, university, vision)

Psychology : 29 matches (action, alienation, behavior, bit, chromatic, chromatic vision, class, concept, crack, depression, deuteranomaly, gay, H, harassment, hue, love, mental illnesses, need, precursor, profile, psychologist, reason, remember, self, shock, stereotype, subject, thinking, vision)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 24 matches (action, admission, alienation, answer, apology, Budget, Cause, cheat, community, complaint, composition, declaration, director, excuse, harassment, market, month, offer, place of, restriction, shock, term, trust, truth)

Target Structure:

alienation (1 match)

retirement (3 matches)


A possible future, who really know!

The beginning.

My name is Jeremi and I’m in visuals arts at Montmorency College. I really like what I’m doing in this program and I decided that I wanted to be an artist or an art teacher. I decided to search for the university that could take me in and I found only one that offered these programs. UQAM (Quebec University in Montreal) was a good university and I found that I wanted to do both of them but my budget didn’t allow me to do that so I had to choose. Did I want to do “visual and media art: the teaching of visual and media arts profile” or did I want to do “visual and media art: artistic practice profile” or both of them?

Choice 1 : Do both of them, with a loan and scholarship.

Choice 2 : Do "visual and media art: artistic practice profile"

Choice 3 : Do “visual and media art: the teaching of visual and media arts profile”.

Doing both of them, with a loan and scholarship.

I began in the autumn 2019 and It was really easy in the first time. I made friends and I used to do my homework on time. But in the midterm, I started to feel overwhelmed by excessive homework and my part-time job and love. I started to feel sick and I decided to go see a psychologist because I wasn’t feeling great at all. My psychologist diagnosed me with depression and I ought to drop school and job to heal. My “R” cote became so bad when I quit my school and because of that, no University wanted me back. I had to go on the job market and finally found a job in Mac Donald.

Choice 1 : Working in Mac Donald

Doing "visual and media art: artistic practice profile"

I chose to go to UQAM in the Art branch because I found that this soothed me more than just being a teacher and teaching about art, I wanted to do something concrete in my starting life, I wanted to create! Entering the program was hard because the program was contingent and I needed to have fifty percent in my art portfolio to be accepted in it but, after a few weeks; I finally received the school’s answer and freaked out when I read the answer.

Choice 1 : It's a yes.

Choice 2 : It's a no!

Doing “visual and media art: the teaching of visual and media arts profile”.

I chose to go to UQAM in the teaching branch because I found that it soothed me more than just being an artist, I wanted to do something concrete in my starting life. Entering the program was hard because the program was contingent and I needed to have seventy percent in my art portfolio to be accepted in it but, after a few weeks; I finally received the school’s answer and freaked out when I read the answer.

Choice 1 : Good answer.

Choice 2 : Bad answer.

The end.

I worked in Mac Donald for the rest of my life and because I was too poor, I didn’t retire until I got sick again. I didn't have a couple life so I ended up alone in the end.

Choice 1 : Choose a different path?

It's a yes.

I opened the letter and took off the paper that was in the envelope. I read it: "20144****6 - Thibaut, Jeremi, Mrs, Sir, We are pleased to inform you that your application for admission to the University of Quebec in Montreal in the following program is accepted: Visual and Media Arts: Artistic practice Profile". I screamed, in shock… A month passed and I finally had a project to do. The theme was "the body and the mind" and my friend had a pretty good idea, so I became a little bit jealous of him.

Choice 1 : Overcame with a better idea.

Choice 2 : Steal his idea.

It's a no!

I opened the letter and took off the paper that was in the envelope. I read it: "20144****6 - Thibaut, Jeremi, Mrs, Sir, We are sorry to inform you that your application for admission to the University of Quebec in Montreal in the following program is denied: Visual and Media Arts: Artistic practice Profile". I screamed, in shock… I didn't know what to do. I told my mom about my rejection, and she told me that this was normal and to try again in another program. I chose to not complete my school path and went to directly to the work market.

Choice 1 : Work in Mac Donald

Good answer.

I opened the letter and took off the paper that was in the envelope. I read it: "20144****6 - Thibault, Jeremi, Mrs, Sir, We are pleased to inform you that your application for admission to the University of Quebec in Montreal in the following program is accepted: Visual and Media Arts: Teaching of Visual and Media Arts Profile". I screamed with joy, I told my mom and we had a good moment together. My entry into this program was great, and I finally found myself in this program. My courses were fun and I could express myself without hesitations. For my art class, I had to do a project with a certain restriction, the theme was "The spirit, the mind". The style was your choice and the subject of the matter was also my choice. I know that I wasn't really good at drawing because drawing was never in my hobbies. The painting wasn't a good idea either because I was colorblind, more specifically, I was suffering from Deuteranomaly, which is a type of anomalous Tri-chromatic vision in which the second, green-sensitive, cones have a decreased sensitivity. I was good at sculpture because it didn't need colors, and I was good at 3-dimensional works. So, the choice was easy, I chose as follows:

Choice 1 : a sculpture.

Choice 2 : a drawing.

Choice 3 : a painting.

Bad answer.

I opened the letter and took off the paper that was in the envelope. I read it: "20144****6 - Thibault, Jeremi, Mrs, Sir, We are sorry to inform you that your application for admission to the University of Quebec in Montreal in the following program is denied: Visual and Media Arts: Teaching of Visual and Media Arts Profile". I screamed, in shock… I didn't know what to do. I told my mom about my rejection, and she told me: "this is normal. Try again in another program."

Choice 1 : Do visual and media art: artistic practice profile

Overcoming with a better idea.

I overcame with a better idea than him. I decided to make a sculpture composed of part of my body made from plaster casts of my limbs, embellished with spun pictures of myself representing various mental illnesses. The concept was representing mental illnesses that cause self-destruction and total alienation. The idea was so good that my teacher was very impressed of me.

Choice 1 : I passed.

Choice 2 : I didn't pass even if my teacher was impressed

Stealing his idea.

I decided to steal my partner's idea which was a painting of a spirit coming out of his body. My teacher saws that I was doing the same as him. She came to see me, asking which one of us had the idea the first.

Choice 1 : I said the truth.

Choice 2 : I lied to her!

Doing a painting.

I decided to do a painting, finally. As I was color-blind, it was not the sharpest choice I made, but I still managed to come out with a result that I would say pretty good.

Choice 1 : I passed.

Choice 2 : I didn't pass.

Doing a Drawing.

Finally, I decided to make a drawing. As I was not super good at drawing, it was not the sharpest choice I made and it resulted in many mistakes from me. The result was not super good.

Choice 1 : I passed.

Choice 2 : I didn't pass.

Doing a Sculpture.

Finally, I decided to make a sculpture. As I was really good at doing three-dimensional works, it was the sharpest choice I made, and it resulted in a beautiful sculpture that represented the mind and the spirit carefully. I made it with a cube of plaster and sculpted it with a wood chisel until it forms a sort of face and left the part that wasn’t sculpted intact. I love to use the non-finished technique for my sculpture because it makes it look like an emerging face from matter.

Choice 1 : I passed.

Choice 2 : I didn't pass.

I passed.

My teacher was really proud of me and she said to me that I was going to be a great artist someday. She also told me if she could buy me a drink but I declined her offer for the moral of it. She became insistent and she touches my leg. I didn’t know what to do. In the action, I don't really remember what I did. What do you think I did?

Choice 1 : I left swiftly.

Choice 2 : I told her to stop, that I wasn’t interested in her because I had a boyfriend.

I left swiftly.

I let a little surprised scream, stood up, left and shut the door behind me, shocked . I couldn’t believe what she just did! I was so traumatized that the rest of my memories are foggy. What did I choose to do after this event?

Choice 1 : I told the H.R.S about that event.

Choice 2 : I told myself to never think of that again and kept it a secret.

I told the H.R.S about that event.

I decided to tell the H.R.S of the university that my teacher harassed me after class. The woman was kind when I made my declaration. Until the director came back to say to me that he...

Choice 1 : believe me!

Choice 2 : didn't believe me.

I told myself to never think of that again and kept it a secret.

Even if I was traumatized I kept it for myself. I finished by dropping this course because it kept me confused and I didn’t want to be with her even more. I finally failed this course and had to re-do that one, but in the end, somebody found that I was a pretty good artist and they found me a gallery to represented me and my art. I became a successful artist for the rest of my life! All of the history with my harassment is far behind me and I lived happily with my companion.

Choice 1 : Choose a different path?

I told her to stop, that I wasn’t interested in her because I had a boyfriend.

I told her that I wasn’t interested but it seems like she didn’t listen to me and kept doing it. I quickly stood up and told her that it was harassment! I left and shut the door and the rest of my memories are foggy what did I choose to do?

Choice 1 : I left swiftly.

Choice 2 : I told the H.R.S about that event.

I didn't pass.

I made a terrible mistake by making this art piece. Maybe is it because I didn't use a great aesthetic for my project. The composition of it wasn't too good either. Maybe I had to do another subject matter than this one because that wasn't a good idea! A portrait, a landscape or even a non-objective work would have done better! After that, I kept saying to me that I should...

Choice 1 : Drop School.

Choice 2 : Changing program.

Changing program.

I decided that I didn't really want to do that and I changed program for the other one that I wanted to do.

Choice 1 : I decided to do visual and media art: artistic practice profile

Drop School.

I decided to drop school and when directly to the work market, I finally found a work in Mac Donald where I ended working there for a long time.

Choice 1 : retire

Studying harder.

I decided to study harder because failing isn't an excuse to slack off. I have, over time, managed to get my B.A.C in arts education and the traumatic history with my teacher is now from past, far behind me!

Choice 1 : Post your C.V to Concordia University.

I didn't pass so I changed program.

I didn't pass even if my teacher was really impressed by my project. She told me that even if it were a good project, it didn't respect her criteria. I decided that I didn't really want to do this program anymore because I wasn't expecting this to be difficult so I changed program for the other one that I wanted to do in the first place.

Choice 1 : Changing for “visual and media art: the teaching of visual and media arts profile”.

I said the truth.

I said the truth to her because I wanted the greatest score that I could obtain. I also wanted her to respect me and trust me even after this incident. I told her that I cheated and that I have stolen his idea. I also explain to her that will never do that again! That I was a fool of doing this!

Choice 1 : My teacher didn't forgive me.

Choice 2 : My teacher was indulgent to me.

I lied to her!

I lied to her because I wanted the greatest score and I didn't want to lose my face in front of her. I didn't have remorse. I did what I had to do! I said that my work was inspired by him but that the idea was my alone! Nothing to do with him!

Choice 1 : My teacher didn't forgive me.

My teacher didn't forgive me.

My teacher was not indulgent to me, she got angry and gave me a zero for this mid-term project, and I was excluded from the class. I also win a nice meeting with the director because of plagiarism.

Choice 1 : Drop School.

My teacher was indulgent to me.

My teacher was indulgent to me, she did not get angry and did not give me a zero for this mid-term project and I was not excluded from the class. But she warned me to never again do this because otherwise, she was going to crack down and punish me.

Choice 1 : Apology.

Choice 2 : Cheat again with another projet and don't learn my lesson.


I decided to apology and I never done this again. A few years later, I obtained my mastery in Art and I decided that I wanted to be ...

Choice 1 : I decided that I wanted to be a Secondary school teacher in the art course.

Choice 2 : I decided that I wanted to be an art teacher in a college.

Cheat again with another project and don't learn my lesson.

I didn't get punished so I cheated again on my final project. My teacher found out and I got kicked out of the University for plagiarism. I learned my lesson and restarted the University a few years later and obtained my mastery in Art. I decided that I wanted to be an art teacher in a college and I taught my students about the hue, color palette, pigments, subject matter and else... I retired when I was around 70 years old and had a good retirement because I saved a lot of money in my R.E.E.R.

Choice 1 : Choose another path?

I decided that I wanted to be a Secondary school teacher at the art course.

I decided that I wanted to be a Secondary school teacher at the art course. I taught my student about the fun that we can have with art. I also give them cool projects to do for making them love arts. I had a good life and I only retired when I couldn't stand up in front of the class. I retired at the age of 70 and I had plenty of money so I had a good retirement.

Choice 1 : Choose another path?

I decided that I wanted to be an art teacher at a college.

I decided that I wanted to be a College teacher at the visual art department and I taught my students about the hue, color palette, pigments, subject matter and else... I retired when I was around 70 years old and had a good retirement because I saved a lot of money in my R.E.E.R.

Choice 1 : Choose another path?

Believe me!

The director said that he believed me because many other students complained about her abusive behaviors with them. They summon her at the director bureau and kick her off the university. The director said to me that he would keep this post open for me when I'll have finish my program. I didn't know what to say...

Choice 1 : I agreed to be the next visual art teacher in U.Q.A.M.

Choice 2 : I refused their offer.

Didn't believe me.

The director said that I was the first to make this complaint. He said that this teacher was very kind and had a lot of love to give to her student. He also said that this kind of complaining was harsh and told him that the boys don't usually complain when a girl makes a move so why do I? I was very angry and I yelled at him! I said that it was because I was gay and also because I said to her earlier and she didn't mind and didn't make her stop! That was harassment! He didn't listen to me and because I yelled at him I got a suspension.

Choice 1 : I told myself to never think of that again and kept it a secret.

Choice 2 : I kept complaining to H.R.S.

I kept complaining to H.R.S.

I kept complaining to the H.R.S because the behavior of my director wasn't great either. What was that sexist stereotype? And my teacher, what was her problem?

Choice 1 : The director got fired.

Choice 2 : My teacher got fired.

The director got fired.

The director got fired and has been replaced by another one that was very more understanding than his precursor. I could finally finish my program with a calmed mind. I finished my mastery at the age of 28 and became a successful teacher in the art community. I retired at the age of 65 with many epic memories.

Choice 1 : choose another path?

My teacher got fired.

My teacher got fired. They summon her at the H.R.S bureau and kick her off the university. The H.R.S offered me her post when I'll have finished my program. I agreed. A few decades past and I finally retired as a senior teacher. I lived happily with my companion and die at the age of 90 years old.

Choice 1 : Choose a different path

I agreed to be the next visual art teacher in U.Q.A.M.

I agreed to take the place of my teacher when I finished my studies. Five years past and I finally had finished my school path. Did I really wanted to be the next art teacher in U.Q.A.M? Or wanted-I to go to another university?

Write a choice here.

I refused their offer.

Their offer was denied by me, and they were very surprised that I did not want to take the place of my teacher. My reason was simple, I didn't want to take my attacker's place and I absolutely wanted to get that out of my head. I wanted to take a new path in my journey.

Choice 1 : Post your C.V to Concordia University.

Post your C.V to Concordia University.

I posted my C.V. to the Concordia University and I waited for the result. I received an answer one week later. Was it a good or a bad answer?

Choice 1 : A good answer!

Choice 2 : A bad answer!

A good answer!

The answer was a good one. I had been chosen to be the next art teacher in the sculpture class at Concordia University! I taught there for a few decade and I finally retire at the age of 75. I lived a good life like a sucessful artist.

Choice 1 : Take another path?

A bad answer!

The answer wasn't a good one. I haven't been chosen to be the next art teacher at Concordia University. I kept trying, and I found a college that wanted me. I retired at the age of 80.

Choice 1 : Choose another path?

I wanted to take her place!

I passed the rest of my working life as a teacher in U.Q.A.M. And found myself happy with this choice of career. I was thinking of retiring when I died of a heart attack but I had a good life so it doesn't matter.

Choice 1 : Take another path?

I didn't want to take her place!

I didn't want to take her place. The H.R.S agreed that it wasn't a good idea either because I would always think of my harasment. They took my C.V. And posted it to another University. Even after that, I kept thinking about what happen, but it didn't hurt. A few years passed and I finally found a place to teach. I taught there for a few decade and retire at the age of 65. I was very sick at the moment and my companion had to help me until I died at the age of 70.

Choice 1 : Take another path?

The End.