Pharmacy hypertext

A hypertext narrative by

soumia mahidjiba

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 380

Choice count: 7

Section count: 4

Image count: 4

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 9 matches (apology, case, drugs, fact, family, General, hearing, House, working hours)

Computer Science : 4 matches (choice, counter, Function, hypertext)

Nursing : 3 matches (hospital, pharmacy, stress)

Target Structure:


Pharmacy hypertext


How it started.

Finally! After all these years of pharmacy studies, I can now start working. During all these years, I was extremely impatient to finally get my degree in pharmacy and now that it is the case, I stress over the choice of career that I will choose. I am very hesitant to start working in a small pharmacy that just opened next to my home, or to venture into Alberta, away from my family and friends and find a job there.

Choice 1 : Work in the pharmacy next to my house

Choice 2 : Go to Alberta and find a job

Work in the pharmacy next to my house.

I like working in this pharmacy, but the only thing that bothers me is the fact that there are almost no customers. I'm bored during my working hours and I find that it lacks a lot of challenge. I do not work at the counter because I am back shop so I spend my days counting drugs. My boss therefore offered me to occupy a place at the counter to referrer customers. I do not know if I should change positions.

Choice 1 : Stay where I am

Choice 2 : Change position

Choice 3 : Work in a hospital

Stay where I am.

I knew it! I should never have stayed behind. I was so bored to count the medicines that I was wrong compared to the quantities!My boss quickly realized and tomorrow I will know if I am dismissed from my post. I do not know what to do in the meantime.

Choice 1 : Go talk to my boss to fix things

Choice 2 : Quit before hearing his decision

Go talk to my boss.

I finally went to talk with my boss about the stupidity I made. I asked him for an apology and I promised him that if he does not send me back, I will make sure to be very involved in the pharmacy in general. He explained to me that I had the choice between choosing a function other than working in the back shop or he would be obliged to send me back. I really do not know what choice I will make!

Write a choice here.

The End.