My futur life.

A hypertext narrative by

Florence Smith

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3109

Choice count: 61

Section count: 44

Image count: 44

Error count: 21

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 24 matches (Education, Jean, P, School, choice, class, classes, course, don, elementary school, feedback, field, first, grade, learn, learned, primary education, primary school, school, students, teach, teacher, teachers, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 23 matches (answer, Cause, children, close, company, contact, corruption, dismiss, drugs, fact, family, harassment, Information, judge, month, power, Rules, schedule, Sexual, transfer, truth, vocation, wait and)

Tourism : 21 matches (Environment, Event, Food, Opportunity, Restaurant, US, apartment, board, checked, course, diner, double, event, field, p.m, responsible, rules, single, stop, transfer, watch)

Target Structure:

overtime (1 match)

sexual harassment (2 matches)


My futur life.

It all started like this.

My years of hard work in Preschool and Primary Education are over. I have to find a place I'd like to work in. Fortunately, during my studies, I had some internships which helped me a lot to find out what I would like to do or not. From now on, I know that I prefer to teach children between the age of 5 to 8 years old. What I would do like, for now, is to work as an Elementary Teacher.

Choice 1 : Work as a primary substitute in first grade.

Choice 2 : Work as a primary school teacher in first grade.

Work as a primary substitute in first grade.

I love working with children thought I don't have a fixed schedule. Even if I don't have my own class, I try to be as close to the children as possible. I don't really like my colleagues, they make me feel like they're superior to me and that I know nothing. They're always double checking my work. I have the impression that if I make a mistake they'll enjoy it. I'm trying to remember that this is for the best and that it will help me be a better teacher later.

Choice 1 : Transfert to another elementary school.

Choice 2 : Stay at the same school.

Work as a primary school teacher in first grade.

I love working as an elementary teacher. I'm so grateful for my mom who gave me the opportunity to work here. She's been working at the School Board of Laval for a long time now so she helped me a lot to get a job. Of course, there's a lot to do for my students but I'm ready to work hard. Since I have been working here, there's a teacher in second grade who started talking to me a lot. I see him really often and I think I might be interested in him. His name is Xavier and I can't wait to see if things between us will begin to be serious.

Choice 1 : Ask Xavier on a date.

Choice 2 : Spy on him to see if he has a girlfriend.

Transfer to another elementary school.

Since I had change school, my schedule is fixed and my colleagues are really nice. I work minimum 40 hours per week and sometimes I do overtime. At this new school, they give me more things to do so at least I have a full-time job. Half of the time I work in different classes and the other half I help the teachers correcting exams. Yesterday, I was talking to another substitute at the school and when we were talking about our salary, we realized that we didn't had the same and that his salary is bigger than mine. I don't understand because we have the same studies and I have worked here longer than he has. I don't know what to do because this is confidential.

Choice 1 : Ask my boss why we don't have the same salary.

Choice 2 : Say nothing and continue working here.

Stay at the same school.

I decided to stay because I didn't want to be a new teacher again. I also didn't want to learn again all the rules of another school. The only disadvantage is that I only do 20 hours per week. It's not enough to pay my apartment and everything.

Choice 1 : Ask my boss if I can have more hours per week.

Choice 2 : Try to find another solution and say nothing.

Ask Xavier on a date.

I asked Xavier on a date yesterday, and he said that he would be happy to go on a date with me. I'm really excited. He's coming to get me at 7 p.m. and we're going to his favorite restaurant. I don't know this restaurant but I hope I'll like it.

Choice 1 : I didn't like the restaurant.

Choice 2 : He didn't show up.

Spy on him to see if he has a girlfriend.

I added him on Facebook and I didn't see any signs of a girlfriend. I looked at his pictures but there's only one of them where he's with a girl. I hope it's his sister or something. I don't know if I should talk to him or if I should just wait until he tells me.

Choice 1 : Continue to spy on him to get more information.

Choice 2 : Ask him if he's single.

Ask my boss why we don't have the same salary.

This morning, I went to see my boss. I explain to him the situation without telling my colleague's name. I said that I wanted to know why I didn't have the same salary as others substitute and he said to me that it was confidential. I don't understand because I should know the reason why some salary are different from others. He seemed really upset when I saw him. I'm scared that if I continue to search for answers, he's going to dismiss me.

Choice 1 : Go see the Humans Sources.

Choice 2 : Go see my boss again and try to explain my misunderstood.

Say nothing and continue working here.

I didn't go see my boss because I'm scared of the reaction he might have. I'm new here and I don't want to have a bad start. I think it's better to wait and maybe later I'm going to tell him.

Choice 1 : Be angry at my colleague.

Choice 2 : Talk to my mother who work in Education.

Ask my boss if I can have more hours per week.

In the afternoon, I went to see my boss. I started to explain to him that I needed more hours and that I could be very helpful. Surprisingly, he understood me and told me that he's going to check if he can find me anything to do at the school.

Choice 1 : Wait for him to give me a feedback.

Choice 2 : Remind him the next day to see if e found something yet.

Try to find another solution and say nothing.

It's been a month now and I'm already having problems paying for everything. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Choice 1 : Tell my parents that I'm having problems with money.

Choice 2 : Contact someone I know who sells drugs and ask him if I can work for him.

I didn't like the restaurant.

The night was a catastrophe! We went to a sushi's restaurant and I really don't like it. I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want him to feel bad. I pretend that I liked it.

Choice 1 : Tell him that I didn't like the food.

Choice 2 : Don't tell him anything.

He didn't show up.

I've wait for him all night, thinking that maybe he was late and thinking of many reasons why he didn't show up. I don't want to go to work tomorrow and have the chance of seeing him.

Choice 1 : Go to work and show him that it didn't affect you.

Choice 2 : Don't go to work and watch sad movies with ice cream.

Continue to spy on him to get more information.

I spied on him and I found nothing else so I guess I'm going to have to talk to him.

Choice 1 : I talked to him and he's single.

Ask him if he's single.

After the diner, I asked Xavier if he was single. He told me that he was and ask me if I wanted to go on another date with him. I said yes. Later, a friend of mine told me that she had seeing him with another woman last week at a restaurant.

Choice 1 : Go ask him who's that girl.

Choice 2 : Be angry at him and go tell him what you think.

Go see the Humans Sources.

I went to see the Humans Sources to tell them that I didn't have the same salary as my colleagues. They checked, and I was right, there was a mistake. They said that they will repay me the money I didn't get and they were very understanding.

Choice 1 : Finally, I'm having a great job with the right salary.

Go see my boss again and try to explain my misunderstood.

The next morning, I went to see my boss again. This time, he seemed understanding and listened to me. The way he looked at me was different from usually. I had the impression he was flirting with me. When he said he could maybe give me more hours, he said that he would explain the work I would do tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Go see him tomorrow.

Be angry at my colleague.

Today, when my colleague talked to me, I didn't answer, or I was just answering shortly. When he asked me what was going on, I told him that I was mad because he didn't deserve the better salary.

Choice 1 : Go apologize to him because it's not his fault.

Talk to my mother who work in Education.

I explain everything to my mother. She told me that she knew my boss and that it wasn't acceptable to give different salary to my colleague and me. She said she would do something and that it would change.

Choice 1 : Wait for my mom to find out a solution.

Wait for him to give me a feedback.

It's been a week already and I didn't have any news from my boss. I don't know if he forgot me or if he's just to busy.

Choice 1 : Quit this job and take a break.

Choice 2 : Tell my boss that if he doesn't give me more hours I quit.

Remind him the next day to see if e found something yet.

My boss told me that I was harassing him. He told me that asking him every day wasn't going to help me have more hours.

Choice 1 : Quit my job.

Tell my parents that I'm having problems with money.

When I told my parents, I was having problems with money. They said they were happy that I felt comfortable enough to go talk to them. They said it would be a pleasure to help me if I'm ready to help me too.

Choice 1 : Accept the money my parents gave me.

Contact someone I know who sells drugs and ask him if I can work for him.

I'm now selling drugs. I'm risking going to prison for corruption. I really need the money so Ì decided that when I'm going to have enough money I would stop.

Choice 1 : Stop teaching and sell drugs.

Tell him that I didn't like the food.

I told Xavier that I didn't like the food and we both laughed. I was happy he took it well. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

Choice 1 : We're a happy couple and we couldn't be happier.

Don't tell him anything.

I didn't tell him that I didn't like the sushis. The next week, we went to the same restaurant and I couldn't help it so I left him. I can't be with someone who doesn't love the same things that I love.

Choice 1 : I guess he wasn't the right one for me. Anyway, I love my job and I still have time to meet the love of my life.

Go to work and show him that it didn't affect you.

I went to work this morning, when I saw him, I pretend that nothing happened and I smiled. He saw me and started laughing. I've never been so embarrassed.

Choice 1 : I decided to ask my boss if it was possible to be transfered to another school because I'm feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

Don't go to work and watch sad movies with ice cream.

I've been sad all day, and couldn't stop wondering what happened. I decided to text him and he didn't answer so I guess all this was just a joke.

Choice 1 : Quit my job.

Go ask him who's that girl.

I went to ask Xavier who was the girl from last week. He laughed and told me that she was juste one of his friends. He told me that I didn't have to worry and also told me that he couldn't wait until our date.

Choice 1 : Go on a date with him.

Be angry at him and go tell him what you think.

I went to see Xavier and told him that I'm too old for a relationship that's not serious. He told me that the girl from last week was a friend and that I was too jealous for him.

Choice 1 : We broke up.

Go see him tomorrow.

When I went to see my boss, he tried to kiss me. When I told him to stop. He threatened me and said that if I told anyone he would fire me.

Choice 1 : Go to the Humans Sources to tell that my boss is responsible for Sexual Harassment.

Go apologize to him because it's not his fault.

I went to see my colleague and explain to him why I was mad. We're erconciled and I'm happy that I didn't loose a friend.

Choice 1 : I'm happy as an elementary teacher and having a friend is even more fun.

Wait for my mom to find out a solution.

My mom alarmed all the president at Education Board of Laval. Everybody knows my situation and I'm not really happy with it. I didn't want to cause a scene. Now, we will recognize myself as the teacher who went to complain to her mother.

Choice 1 : Talk to my mom and explain to her why I didn't like what she did.

Quit this job and take a break.

Since I quit my job, I'm late on my monthly payment for my apartment. I don't have any money for food and I'm broke.

Choice 1 : I'm broke and I have nothing left.

Tell my boss that if he doesn't give me more hours I quit.

I went to see my boss and things didn't work as much as I would like to. He said that he didn't have more hours to give me. He also said that he really liked my work and that he's wishing for me to stay.

Choice 1 : Stay at the same school and try to find another job.

Accept the money my parents gave me.

When I accepted the money my parents gave me, I didn't think it would come with conditions. My parents are asking me some help every weekend and I don't have enough time to work on my projects for school. I don't want to disappoint my parents.

Choice 1 : I told my parents about the situation because I've learned that they prefer when I tell them the truth.

Stop teaching and sell drugs.

Since I'm selling drugs, people around me like my family and my friends are wondering where all this money is coming from. I'm scared that the police is going to put me in prison.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue selling drugs because I need the money.

Go on a date with him.

We went on a date, it was perfect. I can imagine a futur with him.

Choice 1 : I can't wait until our next date, I think I might fall in love with him.

Go to the Humans Sources to tell that my boss is responsible for Sexual Harassment.

I went to the Humans Sources and told them everything. They decided to fire my boss. Now I have a new boss. He knows what happened and he gives me everything I want because of that. I'm really happier in my work environment.

Choice 1 : Stay at the same school and enjoy the fact that he gives me everything I want.

Talk to my mom and explain to her why I didn't like what she did.

After explaining to my mother what I didn't like, we found some solutions to help me at work and I can't wait to try them.

Choice 1 : Stay at my job and talk with my boss to ameliorate my work environment.

I decided to continue selling drugs because I need the money.

Yesterday, when I was selling drugs, the police saw me. I'm now waiting for the judge to decide if I go to prison or not. I'm so scared. I'm even more scare to see what my family is going to think of me.

Choice 1 : The judge decided that I would go to prison.

Choice 2 : The judge decided that I wouldn't go to prison but I can't work at school for the rest of my life.

The judge decided that I wouldn't go to prison but I can't work at school for the rest of my life.

I'm really happy that I don't have to go to prison but I'm really sad that now I can't work as an elementary teacher. I'm going to have to return to school and restart my studies to do something else.

Choice 1 : Return to school and find another vocation.

Choice 2 : Work at a job that I don't need any studies.

Return to school and find another vocation.

I decided to go in the field of Communications at university so that I could be an event organizer.

Choice 1 : I'm going to loose another 4 years of mu life but at least I've learn from my mistakes.

Work at a job that I don't need any studies.

I've been hired at Jean Coutu to be a cashier. I think I will be bored quickly but I need the money.

Choice 1 : Try to learn quickly to have the chance of going up to a higher position in the company.

Try to learn quickly to have the chance of going up to a higher position in the company.

My hard work has worked. I'm now a superior at Jean Coutu and I have more power in the company which means that I can have many hours as I want and I've got a better salary than before.

Choice 1 : Continue to work at Jean Coutu and wait to see what happen next.

The End.