My Hypertext Narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

Lissa Bartevian

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 863

Choice count: 13

Section count: 13

Image count: 13

Error count: 11

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 13 matches (bachelor's degree, behavior, campus, choice, college, degree, exam, field, first, learn, learned, research, university)

Nursing : 12 matches (accident, birth, of ideas, biology, clinic, cold, coma, dentistry, Health, hospital, pharmacist, pharmacy)

Psychology : 9 matches (behavior, biology, coma, dental, dream, family, field, focus, ice)

Target Structure:


My Hypertext Narrative.

College Montmorency

New Beginning.

After 2 years, I finally graduated from my program, Health Science, at Montmorency College. Now, it is time for me to apply at universities to continue my studies.

Choice 1 : University of Laval in Quebec.

Choice 2 : University of Montreal.

University of Laval

University of Laval in Quebec.

That's amazing! I started a University that is located miles away from my hometown. It is the start of a new experience by my own. It is a different lifestyle, but I think I could get used to it. I live on campus with a roommate because it is easier for me during the cold winters of Quebec.

Choice 1 : Pharmacy.

Choice 2 : Dentistry.

University of Montreal

University of Montreal.

This is the closest University to my home. I am very happy to be starting a program of my choice in my hometown. It feels amazing!

Choice 1 : Biology

Choice 2 : Bio pharmacy



Graduating from Pharmacy has been my dream since I was a little girl. I even worked in a Pharmacy with some Pharmacist as a technician for several years before getting in the program. Now, I can finally say that I am ready for the workplace.

Choice 1 : Pharmacy

Choice 2 : Hospital.



After passing my TAED Dentistry exam, I can finally say that I officially graduated from the university of Quebec in the field of Dentistry.

Choice 1 : Hospital

Choice 2 : Dental Clinic



After 3 years, I finally finished my Biology bachelor's degree. Fortunately for me, I had the chance to do a few internships during my program which helped me learn a lot more.

Choice 1 : Laboratory.


Bio pharmacy.

I just graduated from Bio pharmacy. During my bachelor, I did a lot of research papers which helped me discover more about this field. Now, I have to find myself a job, which is pretty hard to find in my field.

Choice 1 : Laboratory.



After graduating, I decided to work as a pharmacist in a hospital. At first, I had to apply to the hospitals I had in mind to work at and send my resume. After a few weeks, I got a call from the CHUM hospital in Montreal. After 2 months in the hospital, one of my co workers started acting strange around me and started harassing me at work. So I decided to go to my boss and explain my co worker's behavior. After a week, I find out that my co worker got fired.

Write a choice here.



After graduating, I decided to work in hospitals instead of pharmacies. So I had to apply to the hospitals I had in mind to work at and send my resume. After a few weeks, I got a call from the CHUM hospital in Montreal. After 2 months in the hospital, one of my co workers started acting strange around me and started harassing me at work. So I decided to go to my boss and explain my co worker's behavior. After a week, I find out that my co worker got fired.

Write a choice here.



After graduating, I decided to work as a dentist in a hospital. At first, I had to apply to the hospitals I had in mind to work at and then send my resume. After a few weeks, I got a call from Sacré-Coeur hospital in Montreal. After working 11 months in that hospital, I got pregnant and got divorced. Furthermore, I had to stop working so health reasons. After giving birth, I came back to work and started to get back on track.

Write a choice here.

Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic.

After graduating, I decided to open up my own dental clinic. After 3 months, during the winter, I slipped on ice and fell. I went to the hospital and they told me I had broken my hand, which means that I had to spot working. Since I couldn't work, I couldn't pay my debts either. Furthermore, I went broke and lost my job including my dental clinic.

Write a choice here.



After getting my bachelor's degree, I decided to work in a laboratory to work on some research with other biologists. This was the best decision of my life because I learned new things every day. After my mother passed away, I had to leave my job and focus on my family. Furthermore, I decided to be a housewife.

Choice 1 : Write a choice here.



After getting my bachelor's degree, I decided to work in a laboratory to work on some research to find new medications with other bio pharmacists. This was a great opportunity for me because I have a lot of ideas I wanted to share with people. One day, I was at work like I would normally be, then I get a call from the hospital saying that my husband was in a car accident and that he was in a coma. I immediately took a break from work. After 10 months, my husband passed away. I also quit my job to take care of my children.

Write a choice here.

The End.