Administration and Management Hypertext Narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

Asli Katilmis

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3058

Choice count: 84

Section count: 41

Image count: 41

Error count: 9

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 37 matches (access, account, act, agent, answer, Authority, Bar, Book, Budget, client, clients, company, complaint, credit, damage, director, estate, Financial, gift, government, House, Information, insurance broker, insurance, interest, month, objects, office, order, price, products, registered, Rules, security, suicide, tax, vacations)

Business : 34 matches (file, account, administration, agenda, agent, amount, assistance, broker, budget, client, clients, company, credit, customer, customers, damage, employee, finance, financial, firm, insurance, interest, investment, management, manager, money, office, organization, price, products, profit, strategy, tax, the amount)

Tourism : 28 matches (Budget, Client, Customer, Employee, Human, Luxury, Organize, PROFiT, Package, Plane, Program, US, administration, agent, bar, bonus, field, insurance, memory, package, program, rate, registered, rules, sector, slow, stop, taxes)

Target Structure:

income (2 matches)

retirement (4 matches)

though (1 match)


Administration and Management Hypertext Narrative.

Field of study.

It all started like this.

I have been studying Administration and Management for 3 years at Montmorency College. My field of study is Insurance consulting and Financial Services. In the program, we see the two areas. So, I have not yet chosen field of study because I am interested in both fields. I have to make a choice before to finally choose the job that I want to do.

Choice 1 : The field of Financial Services.

Choice 2 : The field of Insurance.

Field of financial

Choose the field of Financial Services.

I chose the field of Financial Services because I am interested in personal finances. In the field of study of Financial Services, the main role is to analyze financial needs and develop a financial strategy adapted to clients. It would be my place in the field because I am someone who has a methodical spirit and synthesis. After graduating collegiate study, I can work in a financial institute, finance firm or bank.

Choice 1 : To become a Personal Financial Advisor.

Choice 2 : To become a Financial Security Advisor.

Choice 3 : To become a Credit Agent.

Financial built

Choose the field of Insurance.

I chose the field of Insurance because I am interested in personal finances. In the field of study of Financial Services, the main role is to analyze insurance needs and recommend products and strategies tailored to customers's circumstances. It would be my place in the field because I am someone who has the sense of organization, autonomy and communication skills. After graduating collegiate study, I can work in a financial institute, finance firm or bank.

Choice 1 : To become a Damage Insurance Broker.

Choice 2 : To become a Damage Insurance Agent.

Choice 3 : To become a Claims Expert.

Satisfaction of the customer

Choose to become a Personal Financial Advisor.

Also, to become a Personal Financial Advisor I have to take my diploma first and after I have to do the exam of the AMF. We have to do the exam of AMF even though I work in the field of Insurance or Financial Services. AFM means the authority of the financial markets. AMF is as follows: an organization mandated by the Quebec government to oversee Quebec's financial sector and provide assistance to consumers of financial products and services. A personal financial advisor is a professional who help individuals manage their finances. Personal financial advisors provide advice on a range of issues such as investments, insurance, mortgages, college savings, estate planning, and taxes and retirement, depending on what the client requests help with. The first day of work, I am late.

Choice 1 : To call work and warnings I'm late.

Choice 2 : To take my time because I'm already late.

Financial work place

Choose to become a Financial Security Advisor.

So, to become a Financial Security Advisor I have to take my diploma first and after I have to do the exam of the AMF. A Financial Security Advisor is a professional who helps individuals manage their finances. A Financial Security Advisors starts a budget, grows your savings, makes tax-smart investments. I have to take notes for a customer information.

Choice 1 : To use the program of the bank.

Choice 2 : To use a paper.


Choose to become a Credit Agent.

So, to become a Credit Agent I have to take my diploma first and after I have to do the exam of the AMF. A Credit Agent analyzes the requests for financial products, credits adapted to the situation of the customers. I need to organize my office.

Choice 1 : To buy a desk, a chair and a computer.

Choice 2 : To use an office already organizing.


Choose to call work and warnings I'm late.

I called the job and said I will be late. The cashier kindly told me that this is the first time so it's okay but next time be careful. I entered to my office and got my first client. She wants to open an account. I looked at the client's file and her credit is bad.

Choice 1 : To say that we will call her back.

Choice 2 : To say she has a bad credit.

Frustrated face

Choose to take my time because I'm already late.

I took my time to get a coffee because I am already late. When I entered to the bank, the cashier told me to go to the director's office because he is frustrated.

Choice 1 : To explain that why I'm late.

Choice 2 : To apologize to the director.


Choose to use the program of the bank.

I use the program of the bank to take notes for a customer information because she wants to open an account. She brings with her a lot of money and she doesn't know what she has to do with. So, I take the money and I leaves the office.

Choice 1 : To put the money in the bank cashier.

Choice 2 : To put the money in my bag.


Choose to use a paper.

I use a paper to take notes for a customer information because she wants to open an account. After, I transcribed all the information on my computer to open an account. She brings with her a lot of money and she doesn't know what she has to do with. So, I said to her to do an investment.

Choice 1 : To open a free savings account.

Choice 2 : To open a registered retirement savings plan.

Talking bad

Choose to use an office already organizing.

The director gives me an already organized office. I thank him and I sit on my chair. Another employer that she is jealous of me comes to see me and talks about the director. She said bad things about him.

Choice 1 : To listen to her and make a comment.

Choice 2 : To say that it is not correct what she does.

My car

Choose to buy a desk, a chair and a computer.

To organize my office, I will buy a desk, a chair and computer from the shop BureauEnGros. So, when I left my house to go to my car I noticed that someone had hit my car! Also, I panic a lot and my face becomes all red.

Choice 1 : To call the police.

Choice 2 : To start the car and go from there.

Call her

Choose to say that we will call her back.

She has a bad credit and I doesn't know how to say to her because I doesn't know how she will take. So, I said to her that I will call her back if the credit is approved. She accepted and quite the office. I wiped my forehead and I continued to work.

Choice 1 : Call her back.

Choice 2 : Do not call her back.


Choose to say she has a bad credit.

I said to her that she has a bad credit. She became angry and she throws objects at my desk. So, I insult her and the director hears everything. I got in trouble and asked the human resource to help me.

Choice 1 : Layoff by the director.

Choice 2 : Quit the office.

My car

Choose to explain that why I'm late.

I explained to the director that I had problems with my car and that was not going to happen again. This was the first time I was late, so he gives me a chance. Also, he explains to me how is it important to follow the rules at work.

Choice 1 : Follow the rules.

Choice 2 : Do not follow the rules.


Choose to apologize to the director.

I explained to the director that I had problems with my car and that was not going to happen again. I apologized for him and he didn't understand. He told me to bring my things and leave the work. I was really sad and I picked up my things and left.

Choice 1 : Go for a drink in a bar.

Choice 2 : Go crying at home.


Choose to put the money in the bank cashier.

After she gave me her money, I put the money in the bank cashier. The director was very happy because he made a big profit for the day. He gives me a big bonus and two tickets to go to the theater with my husband.

Choice 1 : Go to see a play.

Choice 2 : Go to see a play.


Choose to put the money in my bag.

After she gave me her money, I put the money in my bag and I leaves the work. I take two tickets to go to Cuba with my husband, but I am really not lucky because the plane crashed. We are not dead but we live on an island.

Choice 1 : We make holidays with what we have.

Choice 2 : We call for help.


Choose to open a free savings account.

I explain to her that the free savings account help you grow your savings and reach your goals faster like vacations and renovations, or for emergency expenses. An Account that can meet your saving needs and you have access anytime to your money. So, depending on the package, you can have an interest rate per month. She is interested but she wants to think before.

Choice 1 : I leave time for her to think.

Choice 2 : I hack her.


Choose to open a registered retirement savings plan.

I explain to her that the registered retirement savings plan is an account designed to help Canadians invest for retirement. You have access to your money after such an age. She said she will think and call me back.

Choice 1 : Call her back every day.

Choice 2 : Leave her a few days for her to think.


Choose to listen to her and make a comment.

She said bad thing about the director. I laughed and made comments such as he is fat and not handsome. She laughed too and she leaves the office.

Choice 1 : I keep laughing.

Choice 2 : I stop her to continue talking.

Bad thing

Choose to say that it is not correct what she does.

She said bad things about the director. I said that it was not correct what she does. She felt bad, and she noticed that what she was doing was incorrect. She was sorry about that and she will not try this act again.

Choice 1 : I slap her.

Choice 2 : I will talk with director.


Choose to call the police.

I call the police and try to explain what happened. I am very scared because it will be only 2 weeks that I buy the car. So, my car is new and the person don't leave her or him number.

Choice 1 : I'm going away.

Choice 2 : I'm having panic attacks.


Choose to start the car and go from there.

I don't care about because I have a lot of money. So, I can buy another car. I can buy sometime better or another luxury car.

Choice 1 : Buy a Mercedes.

Choice 2 : Buy a BMW.


Choose to become a Damage Insurance Broker.

A Damage Insurance Broker analyzes insurance needs and recommends products and strategies adapted to the client's situation in a bank or in an institute. I can be a Damage Insurance Broker because I am someone who can advise customers.

Choice 1 : Advise according to the criteria.

Choice 2 : Just advise to have customers.


Choose to become a Damage Insurance Agent.

A Damage Insurance Agent analyzes requests for financial products, credit or insurance from clients. I can be a Damage Insurance Agent because I am someone who is good at doing research to advise clients.

Choice 1 : Search for the cheapest prices.

Choice 2 : Search for the most expensive prices.

Car crash

Choose to become a Claims Expert.

A Claims Expert rules of claims following disasters. It is who approves the amount for the claims and sends the checks. They do some research to see if the client is right or wrong. They have a program like TarifExpert to see what's in the folder. They take a lot of call during the day. I am really busy and my phone is ringing.

Choice 1 : Take the call.

Choice 2 : Do not take the call.


Choose to advise according to the criteria.

To advise to accord to the criteria of the customer because it has depended on her income and the money she has. I have to give her the best insurance with the best price. I can research some insurance about house or car.

Choice 1 : Insure the car.

Choice 2 : Insure the house.

Best price

Choose to just advise to have customers.

I try to advise to have customers because I am new in the field. So, to have a lot of customers I give a really cheap insurance even if it is not these criteria. Also, all customers accept the assurances that I have advised because they are naive. They don't ask a lot of question about the price. Therefore, I do the work very quickly so that he does not doubt anything.

Choice 1 : I feel bad about that I did.

Choice 2 : I do not feel bad about what I did.

Information research

Choose to search for the cheapest prices.

I did a lot of research to give the cheapest prices with the right criteria because I give a lot of importance to the requests of my clients. They give me the information about their income and I research the best price.

Choice 1 : Take a beer.

Choice 2 : Talk to the customer to refer me.

Talk about me

Choose to search for the most expensive prices.

I didn't do a lot of research because my friend have a company of insurance. So, to have a lot of customers, I assure all customers with him. Most people do not realize that it's expensive and even they refer me to people. Recently, a new client just realized that I'm not doing my job well.

Choice 1 : Apologize to the client.

Choice 2 : Take him out of the office.


Choose to take the call.

During the day, I have to take the calls from the customers. It's me who makes my agenda. Most of the time, I am on the call to settle claims following disasters or if there are some questions about insurance. one of my customers asks me for a quote for insurance.

Choice 1 : I know the answer.

Choice 2 : I do not know the answer.


Choose to do not take the call.

I have a lot of works, so I don't want to answer the calls from the customers. I take my time when I'm going on a break. I am not a model employee. I am always on lunch because I am very slow.

Choice 1 : Take a lot of break.

Choice 2 : Take a long time of lunch.


Choose to take a beer.

I will take a beer with my customers when I finish finding a good insurance for them. I become friends with them. They like spending time with me because I am a good friend.

Choice 1 : Wonder if I want to go home.

Choice 2 : Wonder if we can go to my house.

Someone talk

Choose to talk to the customer to refer me.

I always talk about me because I want more customers. So, I say good comments about my work. I want that they talk to her or him friends about me to refer me.

Choice 1 : Give money to refer me.

Choice 2 : Buy gift to refer me.


Choose to apologize to the client.

I explain to the customer that it was accidental. He doesn't believe me. He said that he will do a complaint to the AMF because I do not do my job well.

Choice 1 : Give money so he does not speak.

Choice 2 : Give gift so he does not speak.


Choose to take him out of the office.

I screamed at him and said get out of my office because I was afraid of being bored. Now I'm scared for my career and I do not know what to do. I call the human resource to explain and to have some information about the situation.

Choice 1 : I'm going to commit suicide.

Choice 2 : I will let go of the work.

Answer the question

Choose that I know the answer.

So, if I know the answer about the question I will answer the customer! I will advise and I will help them. I can do research to answer the question but most of the time I know the answer to every question because I have a good memory. It's always the same questions that come back.

Choice 1 : Nasty customer with hard question.

Choice 2 : Nasty customer with easy question.


Choose that I do not know the answer.

So, if I know the answer about the question I will call the manager to help me! At work, they give us an information book, if we need help because sometimes there is question that we are not trained to.

Choice 1 : Read the book to inform me.

Choice 2 : Go to the website of AMF to learn.

Break time analyse

Choose to take a lot of break.

I always take long time of break because I don't like my work. It's hard for me to talk with customers and research some information. So, I am always slow at work and I don't work a lot.

Choice 1 : Find me another post.

Choice 2 : Quit the work.

Lunch time

Choose to take a long time of lunch.

I like to eat because I am very big stomach. So, I take a long time of lunch to eat what I want. I can not eat in the office. Also, I take a long time to have a lot of time to eat. It is very difficult for me to not eat.

Choice 1 : Order ice cream in the office.

Choice 2 : Speak with the manager to eat in the office.

The End.