Romy's Story

A hypertext narrative by

Amélye Crevier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 4180

Choice count: 74

Section count: 46

Image count: 45

Error count: 46

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 31 matches (abortion, arrested, Bar, Cause, charge, Child, children, client, clients, commission, district, drugs, England, fact, family, fine, four, freedom, hearing, House, living, minutes, month, option, premium, schedule, section, Special, street, theft, witness)

Tourism : 31 matches (Client, Commission, Europe, Form, Hotel, Hotels, Human, Opportunity, Party, Plane, Program, Promotion, Take a Chance, Visa, bar, bit, bug, charge, commission, door, hearing, hotel, hotels, one class, option, pass, program, stop, through, times, trip)

Nursing : 29 matches (abortion, ADHD, adult, birth, ankle, anxiety, ARM, autism, bleeding, body, depression, disability, dissociative disorder, Doctor, hospital, nurse, oncology, pain, plane, psychologist, reaction, SAD, section, skin, sleep, social, trisomy, unconscious, sick)

Target Structure:

dead-end job (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (3 matches)

wage (1 match)


Romy's Story


High School.

It is my last year of High School, and I am really stressed out. I can't decide witch program to choose. I'm divided between Social Sciences or the technique in special education. If I choose the first one, I will have finished my Cegep in two years, but I'm not sure that I will like it. If I choose the second option, I know that I will like it, but I will stay 3 years.

Choice 1 : Go in Social Sciences

Choice 2 : Technique in special education.


Social Sciences.

I really hate this program. Since I have started the Cegep, everything is going wrong. I have no friends, my teachers are bad and all of my classes are boring. I never hate school so much. I think that I should leave this program.

Choice 1 : Go see another program

Choice 2 : University here I come.

Choice 3 : Quit school.


Go see another program.

I am not really sure witch program I should take. I think that I would like the tehcnique in special education, but the nurse technique seems really interesting.

Choice 1 : Technique in special education.

Choice 2 : Nurse technique.


University here I come.

I really like the psychoeducation program. This is really the job I want to do. I have many classes that I love. I learn new stuff about autism, dissociative disorder and many more. The classes aren't all easy and sometimes I would like to hang out with friends more often. I don't know what I should do. Focus on my grades or hang out with my friends?

Choice 1 : Focus and have good grades.

Choice 2 : Hanging out with friends


Technique in special education.

I really made I nice choose by going in this technique. I really love those classes. I've learned how to interact with kids that have some difficulties like phobias, anxiety or ADHD. I think that I would like to do this job for a living, but the program in psychoeducation at university is also really interesting.

Choice 1 : University here I come.

Choice 2 : My life.


My life.

I really love doing this job every day. Being a special educator is really nice. I've met a nice man. He is a teacher and we are really happy together. We've got married and we are now waiting for our first child. This was a really good decision.

Choice 1 : The end.


Nurse technique.

This program is really nice. I learn so many things about the human bode. I really love doing this. After three years of study I now have the opportunity to go work for the Red Cross organisation or I could do an internship. I would love to work in others country but at the same time it would be easier to stay here.

Choice 1 : Red Cross organisation

Choice 2 : Montreal Children's hospital.


Red Cross organisation.

Since I started this job, I've traveled to Syria, Kenya and India. I have met so many awesome people that made me change my way of seeing the world. I now have an open mind and I have a lot of love to share with people all around the globe.

Choice 1 : The end.


Montreal Children's hospital internship.

The hospital really like my job as an intern so they decide to give my a job in the oncology section. I like to work with children even if sometimes it is hard to see them sick. I like this job, but sometimes I think about how it would look like as if I chose to work for the Red Cross. But if I've made that choice, I wouldn't have meet this doctor that I really love. We are really happy together and we hope we will be able to adopt a child pretty soon.

Choice 1 : The end.


Focus and have good grades.

I now have finish my five years of university and I'm really happy about it. I've got straight A's during all of my years of university and I'm really proud. It wasn't always easy, but now I could do what I really wanted to do. I really want to work with kids, so I'm not sure if I should go work at the Comission scolaire de Laval or go work at the DYP.

Choice 1 : DYP.

Choice 2 : Comission scolaire de Laval.


Comission scolaire de Laval.

This job is really entertaining, it never stops. I always have something to do. I love working with kids. It is the perfect job for a mother and I'm really glad to work at the same school of my children. I have a feeling of fulfillment.

Choice 1 : The end.



At the DYP, I'm working with kids that have suffer from bad treatments by a perpetrator, who's often their parents. It is terrible how unlucky some children can be. While I was working there, some parents abandoned their kid who suffer from trisomy and had a small intellectual disability and I had the job to find him a family who could take care of him. After doing a lot of research, I thought that maybe I could take care of him in our family, even If that meant that I would have to put aside a lot of things that I used to do.

Choice 1 : Take care of the little boy.

Choice 2 : Decide to find a family who as more time to give to this little boy.


Take care of this little child.

I'm so glad that I've taken this decision, even if sometimes it is really though. I really love Ralph as if he were my son. My family is now complete and we are having a lot of beautiful moments together. This little guy brings a lot of happens in our life.

Choice 1 : The end.


Decide to find him another family.

My hearth is broken, since I left this little guys left. I haven't realized how much I've loved him. It it the first time I feel like this. I don't know what to do. I cry all the time and I found it hard to go to work. Every time I get in charge of a new project, I'm afraid of getting attached to another kid, like I did with Ralph. My boyfriend told me that I should go see a therapist. But, I'm not sure if this really going to help me, I just need to let the time past.

Choice 1 : Go see a therapist

Choice 2 : Let the time to its job


Go see a therapist.

I want to see a psychologist, and he really helped me to get out of this rough time. He suggested to me to start a new project on my own, so I decided to open a cafe. But this is a special cafe, all of the employees have trisomy and I named it Ralphy'coffee, in honor of Ralph. Since I started this project, I feel better. I also had some news of Ralph and I've learned that he was really happy, so I think that knowing that really helps me to move on.

Choice 1 : The end.


Let the time do its job.

The time past by, and it got worst. I end up seeing a psychotherapist because I couldn't get up of bed anymore. I learned that I was in depression and I had to stop working, my worst nightmare. My life is a real mess now, but I am a lucky girl, cause even throughout out all this, my boyfriend is still there for me. He really is a good person and he really helps me to get better, even if sometimes he doesn't understand everything.

Choice 1 : The end.


Hanging out with friends.

I started going out every Fridays and Saturdays and I had a lot of fun, but my grades really started to go down. I know that I should study more, but I didn't want to lose my new friends. I didn't know what to do.

Choice 1 : Continue hang it out with my friends

Choice 2 : Start getting focus on my grades


Continue hanging out with friends.

I met a knew guy and we really connect together. I love to spend some times with him. I'm really glad I continued to go out, because if I stopped, I would never meet him. Also, I only fielded one class. I'll focus next year more. Now it is summertime and it is time to party. 3 weeks later. I'm in bug trouble, I've just learn that I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do. If I keep the baby, I will need to quit school and I don't want that. At the same time, I'm not sure if I would be able to pass trough an abortion. Maybe, I should tell Anthony all about this. I could I messed up that much.

Choice 1 : Tell Anthony about the situation

Choice 2 : Get aborted and don't speak about this situation to Anthony


Tell Anthony about the situation.

I told him and it was like a movie. He took me in his arm and kissed me. He told me that this was a benediction of life and that we should keep the baby and that we should get married. So, this is what we did. I stopped school when I was about to give birth. I took a year off and after I started school again. It was a really hard time being a student, a mother and I wife, but Antony and I managed to past throughout all this. We are now waiting for our second baby seven years after this story.

Choice 1 : The end.


Get aborted and don't tell Anthony about this situation.

It is terrible, have got aborted and Anthony learned about it. He is really mad about me, he can't believe I took this decision without speaking to him before. I broke up with me and I feel devastated. I never though he would react like that. Four years later... I've finished school and I'm now a psychoeducator. Even if it were a really rough time, I managed to past trough it and I now have the choice to work for the Commission scolaire de Laval or the DYP.

Choice 1 : Comission scolaire de Laval.

Choice 2 : DYP.


Start focusing on my grades.

I stopped hanging out that much and started to focus on my grades. I explained the situation to my friends and they were really comprehensive. My grades started to get better and I've become one of the best in my class. I know have finish my five years of university and I have the choice to go work for the Commission scolaire de Laval or the DYP.

Choice 1 : Comission scolaire de Laval.

Choice 2 : DYP.


Quit school.

School is boring for me. I'm done with it. I prefer to start working in a real job. I'm not sure were to go. I've passed a lot of interviews and there are two places who called me up. I have the choice to go work in a store or in a bar. If I work in a store, I will have a regular schedule, but if I choose the bar, I will make more money with the tips. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Choose to work in a store

Choice 2 : Choose to work in a bar.


Choose to work in a store.

I started working there and at first it was fun, but it is getting a bit repetitive and I'm starting to get bored. I though about going back to school now that I'm 21 years old, I could go to university without having to do my College. When I was about to give my resignation, they offended my a promotion, I would be the manager of the place. Should I choose to go back to University or to accept the promotion?

Choice 1 : Go back to university.

Choice 2 : Accept this promotion


Go back to university.

I started school again and it isn't always easy, but I get used to it. I'm really glad that I made this decision. I really love the psychoeducation program. Knowing that I will do a job I love really make me feel good. I have a lot of new friends and sometimes I'm teared between hanging out with friends or focus on my grades.

Choice 1 : Focus and have good grades.

Choice 2 : Hanging out with friends


Accept the promotion.

I accepted the promotion and now I'm in a dead-end job. I never should have accepted this, I miss school and I don't really have a lot of money right now. I have to pay for a lot of stuff and last month was pretty crazy. I really need some money. Should I steal from the cashier or ask an advance on my paycheck?

Choice 1 : Steal money form the cashier

Choice 2 : Ask for an advance on paycheck.


Steal money from the cashier.

I'm a thief. How could I do this? I'm such a bad person. I'm in big trouble, someone notices that the theft and they are now searching who did this. Should I tell my boss about it or keep the secret?

Choice 1 : Tell my boss about it

Choice 2 : Keep the secret.


Tell my boss about the theft.

I did it. I told him. He was so mad about me. He fired me immediately and ask me to give him the money back. He didn't let me the time to explain. I'm so sad, I feel terrible. I have no job and plenty of debts. What can I do to get out of this situation? Maybe, I could go back to my parents house or I could go back to the bar who offered me a job a couple years ago.

Choice 1 : Go back to my parents house

Choice 2 : Go to the bar.


Go back to my parents house.

I came back home. I was humiliated. I was really scared of my parents reaction. Luckily, my parents weren't mad. They took me back and they helped me to get back on my feet. I found myself a new job and I'm getting better. Everything is going back at its place. I'm about to leave my parents house for the second time, and I hope for the last time. I feel like I'm ready to get in this adult world.

Choice 1 : The end.


Go to the bar.

I got the job. I haven't told them about the little incident, but they don't need to know. Right? I was making a lot of money. I refunded my debts and everything is going right. I meet a new man at the bar and he is really sweet. He always flirts with me and he is trying to get closer to me every time we meet. I told him to stop harassing me, but he continued. He told me that if I sleep with him, he will stop and he could even pay me to do it. Maybe if I say yes he will really stop and I would make a bit of money out of it. Should I do it?

Choice 1 : Accept is proposition

Choice 2 : Refuse his proposition and tell the boss about him.


Choose to work in a bar.

I like this job. I make a lot of money and it is really fun. I party all night and I meet a lot of new people. I meet a new man at the bar and he is really sweet. He always flirts with me and he is trying to get closer to me every time we meet. I told him to stop harassing me, but he continued. He told me that if I sleep with him, he will stop and he could even pay me to do it. Maybe if I say yes he will really stop and I would make a bit of money out of it. Should I do it?

Choice 1 : Accept his proposition

Choice 2 : Refuse his proposition and tell the boss about him.


Accept his porposition.

A night after my shift, I fallowed him. He brought me to a huge hotel. It was handsome. We want to a room and I did what he asked. He paid me $200 for the night. That was a lot. He told me that he knew a lot of people who would pay for a night with me. He gave me is number and told me that if I wanted to do it again I just had to call him. That was an easy way to do some money and it wasn't that terrible. Should I call him back?

Choice 1 : Call him back.

Choice 2 : Don't call him back


Don't call him back.

Like he promised, he stopped annoying me. Sometimes, he comes back to the bar and we pass the night together, but it always stops there. We just have fun. I continue working there and I it was really nice.

Choice 1 : The end.


Call him back.

I called him back and he proposed me new clients. It was always in some beautiful hotel and the clients were really rich. I was making a lot of money. Lucas told me that I could do way more money if I quit my job as a barmaid. I think that it is what I'm going to do, he always keeps his promises.

Choice 1 : Quit my job as a barmaid.

Choice 2 : Continue to work as a barmaid.


Continue to work as a barmaid.

I told him I wouldn't give up on my job because I really like it. At first, he was mad, but he got used to this idea. He told me that if he continued to found me some clients, I would have to give him 50% of the money I made. I think it was fine. I continued doing this on the side, while I was working at the bar. With all the money I raised, I will soon be able to pay myself a trip to Europe, I'm really excited.

Choice 1 : The end.


Quit my job as a barmaid.

I'm full time in this job. Lucas is taking 50% of the money I make, because he says that without him I wouldn't be able to do my job. I think that he is right, so a let him half of the money I make. The time past by and I started to see some clients in some really disgusting hotels more and more often. Should I tell Lucas about it or shut my mouth and continue doing it, hoping that it will get better with time.?

Choice 1 : Tell Lucas.

Choice 2 : Don't tell Lucas


Tell Lucas.

I told him about the fact that I wasn't really happy about my situation and he got really mad about me. He started screaming really loud, and I was really scared. He start hitting me so hard that I was bleeding a lot. I ended up in a small room where I could barely see the sun. Lucas was giving me drugs so I couldn't think clearly. One day, Lucas leaved and forgot to lock the door. It was my chance. My vision was blurry and had some difficulties walking, but should I take a chance to run away and get cut and make my situation even worst or stay were I was?

Choice 1 : Runaway.

Choice 2 : Stay were I am


Stay were I am.

I haven't moved. Lucas came back a couple of minutes or hours after. It is starting to get hard to know how many times as past between each client. My body is full of bruises. I stopped eating the pills Lucas was giving me and started to hide them. After, a couple of time I had a lot. I lay down on the bed and took them all at the same time. I hope this would make my pain stop. I waited for a couple of minutes and everything was getting blurry. I stopped hearing Lucas on the other side of the door and I the last thing I tough about before closing my eyes is, how did I get so deep in this crap?

Choice 1 : The end.



I get up with some difficulties and started to walk towards mt freedom. Everything was turning around me. It was really hard to focus on what I was doing. I took a step in the stairs and I felt. My ankle was hurting and I I could barely walk. I opened the door and I felt the sunshine on my skin. This feeling was wonderful. It as been a long time since I've felt that way. I turned around and I saw a man. I was terrified, I thought it was Lucas, but luckily it wasn't him. I was walking down the streets and every step I was making was harder than the one before. I felt unconscious in the middle of the street and when I opened my eyes, I was here, in a hospital. At first, I was really scared, but the staff was really nice to me and I told them my story and Lucas got arrested. When I feel better, I will have to witness so he won't get out off jail. I learned that he have done this to a lot of other girls and I felt terrible. I started to see a therapist a while a go and since then, I'm starting to get better. My life will never be the same, but now I have a purpose, I want to help other girls like me and this really helping to past through it.

Choice 1 : The end.


Don't tell Lucas.

I waited for a couple of time, hopping it would get better, but it hasn't. Now I'm not happy at all, I really need to do something. Maybe, I should take a chance and tell Lucas, but I'm really scared of his reaction. My other option is to disappear. I've collected a lot of money in the past five months. I could take all of this and go in another country or another district. If I choose this option, I will need to be quick, so Lucas won't realize my absences before I'm far away.

Choice 1 : Tell Lucas.

Choice 2 : Disappear



I took my decision, this situation unlivable. I can't continue that way. I packed all my stuff, and I was trying to decide were to go. Maybe Vancouver or England?

Choice 1 : Vancouver

Choice 2 : England



I took the first plane to Vancouver and started a new life. I found myself a new job that is safe. At first, I was scared that Lucas would find me, but the time past and now it's been three years since I have heard of him, I should be fine. Sometimes, I miss the Quebec, but at least here no one knows me.

Choice 1 : The end.



I started a new life in London. I love it there, it is so beautiful. Everyone is nice to me and I made a lot of new friends. I've got my visa, so now I can work and live there. Lucas will never find me over here, I'm finally safe. I learned a lot from this story and I won't make the same mistakes again.

Choice 1 : The end.


Refuse his proposition and tell the boss about him.

My boss was really mad when he learned what Lucas was trying to do. It wasn't the first time he did that and my boss decided that he was banished of his bar. Since this day, I never seen Lucas again and I'm really glad about it. My life continues to go on and I end up being the boss' assistant. I'm really happy about this promotion that came with a premium wage.

Choice 1 : The end.

The end.

The end.

Choice 1 : The end


Ask for an advance on paycheck.

I asked him and he did give me an advance. He said that for this time it was fine, but that I shouldn't get used to it. I learned how to manage my money and now I'm fine with it. I continue working there and I've got used to it.

Choice 1 : The end.


Keep the secret.

I haven't told my boss about it. I decided to put the money back. Nobody learned what I did and everything got back to normal.

Choice 1 : The end.

The End.