My second life after studies

A hypertext narrative by


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The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1744

Choice count: 52

Section count: 35

Image count: 35

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 18 matches (call, choice, closed, computer, document, don't care, drawback, email, Error, message, Pick, Private, proposition, reader, restart, Second Life, sign, transaction)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 17 matches (appointment, assets, company, complaint, contract, director, error, Financial, four, House, insurance, intention, office, private company, private, theft, truth)

Tourism : 16 matches (Bus, Contract, Customer, Employee, Promotion, Restaurant, US, allowance, appointment, bus, contract, door, insurance, p.m, report, times)

Target Structure:

drawback (1 match)

HR (4 matches)

overtime (4 matches)

put aside (1 match)

trainee (2 matches)


My second life after studies

A difficult choice.

I have just finished my studies in financial services and insurance after three years of effort. Now, I have to make a difficult choice. I have to decide If I want to work In finance or in insurance.

Choice 1 : Work in insurance.

Choice 2 : Work in finance.

Work in insurance.

I found a new job in a private company. We are not a lot of employees. It is my first day and the boss was very happy to see me. My new colleagues don't seem to like me. When I ask them a question, they are ignoring me. I don't know if I like working here. Maybe I should have a discussion with the boss, quit the job or just do nothing.

Choice 1 : Discussion with the boss.

Choice 2 : Quit the job.

Choice 3 : Do nothing.

Work in finance.

I was hired in a bank. Today, I start my training with my new colleague. She shows me all I have to learn. Th director came see me to knowing what I wanted to learn tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Do a cold call.

Choice 2 : Meet customers.

Choice 3 : Advertise.

Discussion with the boss.

I discuss with the boss about the situation. He said to me that he is here for me if I want some help. I told him that I feel bad and I can't continue to work here if it doesn't have any changing. He replied that he will give advice to the other employee and for apologize, he offered me to do overtime tonight. Maybe I should go home or do overtime.

Choice 1 : Do overtime.

Choice 2 : Go home.

Quit the job.

I gave my resignation to my boss today. I know that if I stay here I won't like going to work. It is not the type of workplace that I am looking for. He tried to convince me not to quit. He said that he could give me a promotion. I don't know if it's a good idea to accept this proposition.

Choice 1 : Accept the proposition.

Choice 2 : Keep my job.

Do nothing.

I don't want to do something, maybe it will be worse. I went to my desk and started working. I opened my computer and I received a message from the boss telling me that I am well dressing today. I passed by the boss's office and he asked me to come in. He closed the door and started to flirt with me. I am not feeling good. I should take the day off tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Take a day off.

Choice 2 : Go to work.

Do overtime.

Everyone has left the office. It only stayed me and the boss. He knocked at my door and invited me to the restaurant. I accept, because I was really hungry. When we had finish eating, we returned to the office. We sat at his desk, looking at some contract that we do today. When I was about to leave, he kissed me. I tried to go away but he held me back. I have to do something.

Choice 1 : Talk with a colleague.

Choice 2 : Report him to HR.

Go home.

I thanked my boss for the proposition, but I decided to go home. When I arrived home, I received a text message from my boss. He writes me that he really like working with me and he wants to know me better. He propose me to pick me up for work tomorrow morning. I could accept or take the bus.

Choice 1 : Take the bus.

Choice 2 : Go with the boss.

Accept the proposition.

Now, I am an insurance claims adjuster. I really like my new job. For my first day, I went to a house that caught fire. The customer threatens me to give him his allowance or he will complain to my boss. I have to call my boss or give his allowance.

Choice 1 : Call my boss.

Choice 2 : Give the customer allowance.

Call my boss.

I call my boss to know what to do with that situation but he doesn't respond. The customer becomes impatient. I am so stressful. I think I am not good for this job.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Give the customer allowance.

I give the allowance to the customer, sign the contract and return to the office. When I give the document to my boss, he was really angry because I didn't do the right thing and he fired me. I have to find a new job.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Talk with a colleague.

I talked about what happen yesterday to a colleague. She responded me that I'm not the only want that it had happened to but there is nothing to do.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Report him to HR.

I report him to the HR because I won't be able to work with him. The HR knows that he already do something like that. It's not the first complaint. They had fired him.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Keep my job.

I will stay another week to see if it has changes. Today I feel stress. Everyone knows that I wanted to quit. A colleague set an appointment to help me with the thing that I have difficulty with. It is a good intention or not?

Choice 1 : Go to the appointment.

Choice 2 : Work by myself.

Go to the appointment.

I rejoin my colleague to his desk and she explained to me a lot of things. We had good times. I think we will be good coworker together.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Work by myself.

I decide to not go to the appointment and work alone. I think is the best thing to do for me.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Take a day off.

I took a day off. I didn't advise my boss. He called me in the morning and I didn't respond. He sent me an email saying that if I am not coming to work he will come see me at home.

Choice 1 : Go to work.

Choice 2 : Stay home.

Take the bus.

I took the bus like each day. I think it a better idea. I am not feeling good when I'm alone with the boss.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Go with the boss.

My boss picked me up at home this morning. We talk a lot about each other and he confessed me that he had feeling for me. I didn't know how to react. I want to disappear right now.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Stay home.

I decided to stay home and to lied to my boss. I know it's a drawback to do it but I don't care. I don't like this job anyway.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Go to work.

Finally, I decided to go work and I put aside all the thing that happen with anyone at work and ask my boss to had real job trainee.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Go to work and ignore what happened.

I decided to go working and ignoring what happened. For lunch, I sat with my colleague Jimmy. The boss saw us and told Jimmy to go somewhere else because he had to talk to me. I preferfed staying with Jimmy.

Choice 1 : Talk with the boss.

Choice 2 : Go with Jimmy.

Talk with the boss.

I said to the boss that I don't want to be alone with him anymore and if he wanted to talk with me Jimmy had to stay, and we left.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Go with Jimmy.

I said to the boss that I don't want to be alone with him anymore, and if he wanted to talk to me Jimmy had to stay, and we left.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Do a cold call.

Today I learn how to do cold call. I have to call customer to try seeing services. I had to have minimum four appointment for next week. Everyone said no or hang up before I had finish.

Choice 1 : Invent appointments.

Choice 2 : Explain to the boss.

Meet the customer.

A customer complaint about meet the director because he thinks that I didn't do the right transaction. He said to my boss that I theft money to customer.

Choice 1 : Revise my work.

Write a choice here.


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Invent appointments.

I invented some appointment because I had nobody who wanted to meet me. If I had no appointment, the director will be mad. I don't know what I will do next week.

Choice 1 : Continue cold call at home.

Choice 2 : Talk with a colleague.

Continue cold call at home.

After work, I continue to do cold call. Three people said yes. The director called me because a customer complaint because I had call him at 8 p.m. I had to say the truth.

Choice 1 : Say the truth.

Choice 2 : Lie.

Say the truth.

I told the truth to my boss and he responded me that he appreciate my honesty and he will find me appointment.

Choice 1 : Restart.


I said to the director that is an error and I didn't call anyone. He said to me that I lied and that he had the call history. He fired me.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Explain to the boss.

I explain the situation to my boss and he was really mad. He said that I don't do my work. He gave me two choices meet customers with him or changed job.

Choice 1 : Meet customers.

Choice 2 : Change jobs.

Meet customers.

I really liked to have a little trainee with my boss. I think communication is the best way to success in everything.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Change jobs.

I changed department. I am less stressful and I really like my work.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Revise my work.

I revised my work and I find no error. I look at it with a colleague and he told me that this customer had assets to steel money to the bank. My colleague suggests talking with the boss.

Choice 1 : Talk with the boss.

The End.