Alex Mercure.

A hypertext narrative by

Alex Mercure

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1537

Choice count: 42

Section count: 40

Image count: 32

Error count: 23

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 26 matches (School, apprenticeship, choice, class, college, diploma, don, exam, field, field of study, first, grade, graduate, homework, learn, library, project, scholarship, school, student, students, teacher, technology, training, university, vocational)

Computer Science : 25 matches (application, call, check, choice, Class, close, computer, system, electronic, engine, environment, field, Function, Library, Microsoft, News, noise, Process, Programming, resource, robotics, sector, sleep, traffic, transport)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 19 matches (assets, close, company, condition, construction, driving, electricity, family, guilty, minutes, misconduct, noise, offer, possibility, premium, process, rent, repairs, road)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

dead-end job (2 matches)

internship (2 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (2 matches)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Alex Mercure.


I just finish college and graduate with an Industrial Technic.Now I have to choose what I want to do with my life.

Choice 1 : Follow my dreams and go study in Robotics Engineering.

Choice 2 : Quit school and start an apprenticeship training

Go study in Robotics Engineering.

I have to choose between to university. One Is far but easier (University of Sherbrooke), the second one Is a lot closer but a lot harder to (University of Montreal).

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

First day at the University of Sherbrooke.

My first day at school is great.I learn a lot about system who operate by themselves and I learn the function of some new electronic devices.The only things Is...I find it really difficult to make new friends here.

Choice 1 : Go party and try to make some friends.

Choice 2 : Focus on homework and try to have the best grade.

First day at the University of Montreal.

The trip to go to school was really long.It took me about a hour and an half because I was stuck in traffic.All this transport to finally be late and not be able to enter.

Choice 1 : Next time take the car.

Choice 2 : Next time take the metro.

Take my car to go at the University of Montreal.

I left home a little earlier this morning so I wasn't late for school this morning. I realize in my car this morning how invaluable my time is. Next time I want to take the metro so I can't study while going to school.

Choice 1 : Take the metro to go at the University of Montreal.

Take the metro to go at the University of Montreal.

I got here in time. My class is about Designing a robotic system interacting with its environment.We all ready have an exam coming in two weeks.

Choice 1 : Study with a Partner.

Choice 2 : Study alone.

Choice 3 : Don't study.

Study with a Partner for the first exam.

Me and my new study partner have to adapt herself to the context of application, study in assistance to people, assisted surgery, space exploration, intelligent vehicles, drones, entertainment industry, process automation and use for domestic tasks.

Choice 1 : Fist exam.

Study alone.

I have lot of concepts to analyse. I have to learn about, assistance to people, assisted surgery, space exploration, intelligent vehicles, drones, entertainment industry, process automation and uses for domestic tasks.But I did it.

Choice 1 : First exam.

Don't study.

At least I got a lot of sleep last night. I am fool of energy! Let's do the exam.

Choice 1 : First exam.

First exam.

The exam went well.

Choice 1 : Keep studying in team for the rest of the year and see what I will look like in the future.

Choice 2 : Start study alone for the rest of the years and see what I will look like in the future.

First exam.

The exam went extremely well. There only the concept of Theverin who Is about voltage and current that I forget.

Choice 1 : Continue till the end of the year.

First exam.

The exam went very bad.The University kicks me out of the program.I am done with University.

Choice 1 : The end.

The end.

Game over your homeless.

Write a choice here.

Result at the end of the years.

I was misconduct but I finish my year with some really good result.

Choice 1 : Start my business life.

My business life after the University of Montreal.

My friend keep deterring me for the last couple of years.But I did it. I start my own company, have assets in every sector who include robots.

Write a choice here.

My business life after all the teamwork I have done at the University of Montreal.

My study partner and I became business partners. We started a company called Robotic Inc but one day without telling me anything he accepted a bribe and we both finished in jail.

Write a choice here.

First party of the year.

The party is really nice, everybody is friendly. I find it difficult to make friend while I am sober but if I drink I will have difficulty study tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Drink and make friends

Choice 2 : Stay sober and study tomorrow

Next morning after drinking.

Yesterday was incredible I learn so much about Sherbrooke and the student.I talk about my purpose with other students. I also talk with a girl who works at Microsoft who was complaining about is dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Appli at the dead-end job

Next morning after being sober all night.

Yesterday was wonderful I meet a girl from the human resource who work at MakeItWork.She's offering me a premium wage if I start tomorrow an on-the-job-training at is company.

Choice 1 : Take the chance at MakeItWork.

Choice 2 : Take the chance at MakeItWork.

Choice 3 : explore others interns possibility.

Go work for Microsoft.

I already ad a class in College about C++ programming. I already learn the ropes when I was working on my project at school.

Choice 1 : Apply to work at Microsoft


I quit school yesterday and I apply at MakeItWork. It's been two weeks I just call them to know what happen with my demand and they said, they are already fool. I have to wait till next years to apply again.

Write a choice here.


I got hired at Microsoft I maybe never gone make it to my dream but at least I am not gone finish on welfare or homeless.

Write a choice here.

Start a intership.

I got chosen after a background check for an internship at Laurin.Inc.It's a company specializing in construction of robot used for medical support.

Choice 1 : See seven months later.

Were should I study?

I have the choice study at home without a computer or I can take my car and go to the library.

Choice 1 : Go to the library.

Choice 2 : Stay home.

Go to the library.

I was going to the library and my cars started making weird noise. It sounds like the engine is going to explode or something.

Choice 1 : Don't stop driving.

Choice 2 : Stop on the side of the road and call CAA.

Stay home.

I study at home all night.Without a computer I was less distracted than usual.My study night was nice.

Choice 1 : Result of my study night.



Write a choice here.

Stop on the side of the road and call CAA.

The CAA employee told me I was very lucky a few more minutes and my car could have blow up.I rent another car the time he repairs mine.

Choice 1 : Go study

The car explodes.

The engine took on fires and with the gas create an explosion.I am dead.

Write a choice here.

Result of my study night.

I just got the results of my exam and for now I only have straight A's.I even got a scholarship to finish my studies in Robotic engineering.

Choice 1 : See 5 years later.

5 years later.

I am now a teacher at Sherbrooke in Robotic engineering. My class is about electromagnetic fields and how they influence the news technology.

Write a choice here.

Start an apprenticeship training in the field of electricity.

I have only been here for two weeks and I already had a job offer. Should I take it?

Choice 1 : Stay and finish my vocational diploma.

Choice 2 : Take the job!

Start an apprenticeship training in the field of mechanic.

I have my diploma I can now start my career in mechanic.

Choice 1 : What my life ended up looking like.

In which field?

I hesitate between becoming an electrician or start working in mechanic.

Choice 1 : Start an apprenticeship training in the field of electricity.

Choice 2 : Start an apprenticeship training in the field of mechanic.

My life in mechanic.

It's been one year since I finished my vocational diploma and I hate my life.This job is fool of stupid people. I lost my job because I was found guilty of professional misconduct.

Write a choice here.

Stay in my new field of study.

I now have my diploma.Lets start working.

Choice 1 : See 1 years later.

My new perfect job.

I work as an electrician's helper, I really love my college and my job is perfect!

Choice 1 : See 2 years later

My new job.

My job is great, I have a very good salary and good condition.The only thing is, I work in Alberta away from my friends and my family.I am single and depressed.

Write a choice here.

Bad luck happen.

I had a perfect life.The company who hired me close.I don't have any vocational diploma and I don't have any job.

Write a choice here.

My new job.

After, my internship at Laurin.Inc they offer me a permanent job! I love it.

Write a choice here.

The End.