3 reasons why you should study Social Science

If ever you are in high school or college, and you have no ideas about which programs you want to get in, in college or university, this listicle is for you. Sometimes people don't know what they want to do in life, when they are in high school, college and even university. If you want to have to take an easy decision on the first admission round, you should ready this before it. This listicle will help you to know why you should choose Social Science as a program. You will be able to know the advantage of going in this field. I've been studying Social Science for 2 years now, every courses helped me to know more about sociology. This field made me want to to stay around this field for university.

1. To understand Social Science


This article is written by Pierre Noreau and Guy Rocher, two ex-students of the Social Science program in University of Montreal. At first, this article seems empty, without enough information, but it does explain really properly the concept of Social Science, the history of it and how did we turn science into something that we cannot see. Moreover, Noreau gets closer to what Social Science bring in your own life. He talks about the fact that the knowledge that you get, would help you to have your vision on human behaviour, etc. Plus specifically, they are focusing on the way Social Science is more than worth to see the evolution of the society. In short, this article will help you understand Social Science and his effect in your life

2. What Social Science will bring you

This video was made by the professors and students, from the University of St-Paul. They give use different aspect of what we're doing in Social Science, and what you need and what you will develop has a future Social Science students. One professor, Mrs. Heather Eaton was talking about people who are develops, that they have to understand what it is to be human and all of them complexities. She said that you also have to understand ethics and be critical. A women were talking about what Social Science will bring to your skills, like being able to work in teams, to get conflict resolution skills, the capacity to solve ethical issues, to make sens with social interaction. In sum, this video will make you know why Social Science may be important

3. Advantage of choosing Social Science


This website was made by the Salem States University, it's giving you a large explanation about why you should choose sociology. They are focused on the point that sociology have multifaceted discipline, which mean if you're not sure of what career you want to do, sociology have different courses, which means that can you see different facade of it. You will also get, critical thinking ability, analytical skills, reading, writing, and oral communication skills, quantitative literacy and statistical reasoning skills, research skills and social skills. You will be able to understand reasons for social differences, including differences in social behavior, reasons for the differentials in group opportunities and outcomes, the relevance of social hierarchies and social power in everyday life, how individuals and groups are shaped by larger social forces, the role of social institutions, the role of social structure. In conclusion, after reading that website, you will get to know what are the benefit of studying Social Science, and what can't it brings to your life


In brief, you should choose Social Science has a program because you will learn about yourself and the world you're living in, what it will bring to you and the advantage of choosing this field of study. You should watch those websites and get to know more about it, you will probably be interested. Next time I will get into the different courses of Social Science, so people can know more specifically about it. The question you should ask yourself about this field of study is, do you know yourself enough?



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