5 benefits of maple syrup

We all know that maple syrup is a natural product but apart from that, what are the benefits of this product. Originally from Canada, in particular from Quebec, this product is considered a luxury product in other countries. Today we are going to present to you the 5 benefits of maple syrup for you and your health.

1. Natural

Part of the antioxidant family, its benefits are equivalent to those of red wine, tea, and berries. Plus, it's 100% natural! In other words, it has not been refined and does not contain any coloring or additives of any kind. Ditto for taffy, butter and maple sugar.

2. Sugar substitute

It is better for your health to turn to recipes made with maple syrup or honey rather than those containing refined sugars such as white granulated sugar and brown sugar.

Nutritionally, white sugar contains only sucrose and no nutrients. Maple syrup, on the other hand, is one of the lowest calorie sweeteners and has fewer calories than an equal serving of honey or table syrup.

3. Many benefits for athletes

Maple syrup contains sucrose, an amalgam of glucose and fructose: two effective fuels for intense exercise. Why not add some to your pre-workout snack.

Don't hesitate to add it to your recovery drink or snack, since maple syrup is also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is also richer in potassium than honey! These three elements play an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation.

4. Cure for a hangover

Another interesting fact, thanks to the minerals, amino acids and
phenolic compounds it contains, maple water provides a
complete re hydration at twice the rate of
normal water, which makes it an excellent cure to counter the hangover
Of wood. Indeed, when consumed before alcohol,
it allows the body to metabolize it more quickly and thus
reduce the effects of the aftermath.

5. A molecule in maple syrup promotes oral health

Natural molecules with health properties sometimes hide where you least expect them. This is the case of québécol, a poly phenol present in maple syrup, whose potential against periodontal disease has just been confirmed by a study published by researchers from UQAR and Université Laval.


Despite its nutritional properties, maple syrup remains a sugar. The latter can be responsible for many health problems, including cardiovascular disease, obesity and certain cancers, it should be consumed in moderation.

By Raphael Gilbert



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