7 reasons why Mental health should be regarded in the Education system

Countless studies have shown that there is in fact a correlation between Mental health and Academic Achievement in students. Fostering a positive and caring learning environment can only benefit students in the long run. Although a Mental Illness is not always visible, the Mental effects can still be equally damaging. It is time for us to change the way we speak and think about Mental Illnesses. Mental health is one of the most important issues in modern day society. It is especially crucial that we treat it as a health condition, instead of a Illness. We must start removing the stigma that surrounds Mental health to effectively address the problems that the Education system may be contributing to it.

1. Creating successful students


It has been proven that Mentally healthy students are more successful in school and life. According to the National Association of school Psychologists, it has shown that students with good Mental health are more likely to succeed in school and in their careers. Improved Mental health is also proven to increase productivity at work or school. On the other hand, untreated depression can negatively impact an individual's life and cause them to experience a 35% decrease in productivity. We can see how the Mental health of an individual greatly influences their ability to succeed in life.

2. Creating a safe Environment

Students and teachers need a safe environment to be able to learn and work in. Creating a safe environment does not simply mean eliminating Mental Illness but also creating a nurturing and secure environment for students. It is essential to ensure students about their safety and to let them be a part of an environment where they are taken care of. The key to making sure students are aware of their support network is making sure they understand they are in a caring and advocating environment. In turn when students are able to advocate for themselves, we can effectively support them.

3. Addressing students need

Students' needs are best served by offering counseling and therapy services in the schools. Although many students are aware that they are struggling with Mental Illnesses, many are unsure how to deal with these Issues. Getting appropriate counseling can help. In order to provide students with adequate therapy and counseling services, schools must host therapy services. These services will enable students to advocate for themselves since they are speaking to professionals. As well as having someone they trust to talk to, since they are speaking with professionals, and their information must remain confidential.

4. Improving health

Physical health is indeed influenced by mental health. Being in a good Mental state can prevent many serious health conditions from occurring. The effects of poor Mental health can be seen in a number of ways, for example Chronic pain, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Diabetes complications, Insomnia and many more. On the other hand, good mental health can decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes. As well as reducing the incidence of chronic diseases and fatigue, a positive mindset can help people cope with stress and depression. That being said it is clear how our mental state is reflected in how we behave on a physical level.

5. Reducing stress and anxiety

Most students' stress and anxiety come from school and the individuals there. Academic success isn't the only factor at play when it comes to students mental health. The people in the school may also play a major role. This can occur due to a number of reasons, but the most common are that a student feels uncomfortable around another student in a class, or a teacher behaves unprofessionally towards a student. Leaving these issues unaddressed can result in students losing motivation to even attending class, they can feel uncomfortable in class, and this can distract the student from learning because rather than focusing in class they are overwhelmed with anxiety.

6. Breaking the stigma

Mental health has been stigmatized for too long and we need to break the silence. Breaking the stigma around Mental health creates a much safer environment because people feel more comfortable talking about their issues. How are people supposed to address their personal problems if they feel like they're being judged? Many of the social problems surrounding Mental Health can be solved by having an open minded community. A community built on open minds allows us and others to be heard more. In doing so, we offer others the chance to discuss their concerns in a safe environment.

7. Eliminating suicide

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages of 10-24. We can not begin to address these problems if we don't address the Education system, since these ages are often of people who are still in the Education system or in Graduate school. It has been very clear how much impact Schools have on students. Students are put under immense pressure starting from their Educational requirements to the pressure of the people around them. At times students who are Mentally healthy drive themselves into becoming Mentally Ill from all of these pressures around them.


In conclusion I think valuing Mental health is a moral thing to do. Just like how schools teach us how to be thoughtful of one another. They should start considering their own advice. Schools need to stop looking at just numbers and grades and actually start putting value to who their students are. Students will start performing much better in school if they are in a good Mental state. We need to start having these open conversations and actually start taking action to making them a reality. I advise Schools to start implementing some of these strategies in their Education system in order to create a safer and happier community for their students.



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